66 research outputs found

    Caregivers’ Compliance and Perception of Daycare Centers:A Community-Based Childhood Drowning Prevention Intervention Implemented in Rural Bangladesh

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    Drowning was one of the most prevalent causes of death worldwide for children under five in 2020. Drowning was the second leading cause of death for children under five in Bangladesh, while 58% of all deaths in the 1–5 years old age group resulted from drowning. Adult supervision helps prevent child drowning in rural areas where water bodies are easily accessible and located very close to homes. This paper aims to assess caregivers’ compliance and perception of community daycare centers in rural Bangladesh, piloted as a child drowning prevention intervention. In this longitudinal study, each child enrolled in the daycare intervention was visited and data on compliance and satisfaction with the daycare were collected. Descriptive statistics on daycare attendance, patterns of supervision, and caregivers’ perceptions about daycare were reported. When inquired about daycare attendance (n = 226,552), a total of 77.4% of children (n = 175,321) were found to attend daycare. The distance from homes and an adult’s unavailability to take the child to daycare were the most common reasons for not attending or discontinuing enrollment. The majority of children (76.4%) were supervised by their mothers during daycare closures. A total of 67.7% of respondents perceived daycare to be a safe place, where children also developed cognitive (51.7%) and social skills (50.6%). There were no incidences of drowning among children while attending daycare. Rural families were found to be compliant with the daycare and professed it to be a safe place protecting children from drowning and other injuries, while allowing them to focus on household chores or income-generating activities. These findings indicate a potential for the expansion of this intervention in rural Bangladesh and similar settings

    Provision of rehabilitation for congenital conditions.

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    Considerable progress has been made in saving the lives of children younger than 5 years. Nevertheless, these advances have failed to help all children thrive, particularly children with disabilities. We describe the increasing prevalence of disability among children and adolescents. We evaluate the current situation regarding children with disabilities and rehabilitation in the context of health systems, particularly those in low- and middle-income countries. Within the newborn health agenda, congenital anomalies often require early intervention and rehabilitation. We provide Argentina as an example of a country where rehabilitation for congenital anomalies is integrated into the health system. We argue that congenital anomalies that require rehabilitation have the potential to strengthen rehabilitation systems and policies by: strengthening coordination between primary care and rehabilitation; identifying and understanding pathways that allow families to engage with services; providing human resources for rehabilitation; and building systems and resources that support assistive technology and rehabilitation. We propose ways for countries to prioritize and integrate early identification, referral and care for children with congenital anomalies to strengthen health systems for all. We identify opportunities to expand policy and planning and to design service delivery and workforce strategies through World Health Organization guidelines and frameworks for rehabilitation. We argue that the global health community must act to ensure that rehabilitation services to support functioning from birth are well established, accepted and integrated within health systems, and that disability is prioritized within child health. These steps would strengthen health systems, ensure functioning from birth and make rehabilitation accessible to all

    Assessing the effectiveness of intervention strategies to address home injuries among children in Malaysia: a cluster randomized trial evaluation of evidence

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    Background Malaysia is facing an increasing burden of childhood injuries, not unlike many other low- and middle-income countries (LMICs). Across the globe, more than 95 percent of total child injury mortality occurs in LMICs. A considerable proportion of these injuries occur in and around the home. Effective approaches to prevention include home safety education, parenting education and home modification. Through this study, we aim to evaluate the effectiveness of two intervention strategies in reducing in-home hazards for unintentional injuries among children. Methods We conducted a prospective cluster randomized controlled trial (cRCT) to compare the effectiveness of an in-home safety tutorial program and an educational pamphlet intervention in reducing safety hazards to child injuries. The study randomized 39 clusters to two study arms (home safety tutorial vs educational pamphlet), with around 30 households per cluster. Our exposure and outcome were assessed using a household survey instrument with self-reported and observer-reported components. Results Our initial analysis is a comparison of overall safety scores across the baseline arm that found a mean safety score of 30 of a maximum possible 45 (translating to a mean percentage of 66.7%), with improvement on average in both intervention arms. The overall safety score mean for educational pamphlets was 32.3 with a mean percentage of 71.7%, and the corresponding numbers for the in-home tutorial were 31.8 and 71%. Discussion This study compares a labor-intensive and ‘active’ intervention, the in-home safety tutorial, with a more passive intervention through handing out educational pamphlets. In our preliminary findings from the cRCT, we see an improvement in the mean safety scores between baseline and follow-up measurement in both intervention arms; between the two intervention arms, the safety scores are comparable. We believe that educational pamphlets can be an effective intervention to reduce child injuries, with particular relevance to resource constrained settings

    Adolescent and Young Adult Injuries in Developing Economies: A Comparative Analysis from Oman and Kenya

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    Background: Adolescence is a distinct period of rapid and dramatic biological, cognitive, psychological, and social development. The burden of injuries among young people (aged 10-24) is both substantial and maldistributed across regions and levels of economic development. Objectives: Our objective was to compare sociodemographic correlates of injury cause, intentionality, and mortality between Kenya and Oman, 2 countries with different levels of economic development and position in the demographic and epidemiologic transitions. Methods: Data on 566 patients in Oman and 5859 in Kenya between 10 and 24 years old were extracted from 2 separate multicenter trauma registries. Multivariable log binomial and Poisson regressions were used to evaluate social and demographic factors associated with injury cause, intentionality, and mortality. Literature on adolescent development was used to parameterize variables, and Akaike information criteria were used in the final model selections. Findings: The trauma registry data indicated a substantial burden of adolescent and young adult injury in both Oman and Kenya, particularly among males. The data indicated significant differences between countries ('P' interpersonal violence also resulting in severe injury across contexts. Both road traffic injuries and interpersonal violence were more common among older adolescents and young adults. Education and being in school were protective against injury, after controlling for gender, age category, occupation, and country. ConclusionsA rising burden of injuries among young people has been documented in every region of the world, irrespective on income status or level of development. Cost-effective injury control measures targeting this age group exist, including involvement in educational, vocational, and other prosocial activities; environmental alterations; and road safety measures

    A Scoping Study on the Ethics of Health Systems Research

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    © 2016 John Wiley & Sons Ltd Currently, health systems research (HSR) is reviewed by the same ethical standards as clinical research, which has recently been argued in the literature to be an inappropriate standard of evaluation. The issues unique to HSR warrant a different review by research ethics committees (RECs), as it does not impose the same risks to study participants as other types of clinical or public health research. However, there are limited tools and supporting documents that clarify the ethical considerations. Therefore, there is a need for additional reflection around ethical review of HSR and their consideration by RECs. The purpose of this paper is to review, understand, and synthesize the current state of literature and practice to inform these deliberations and the larger discourse on ethics review guidelines for HSR. This paper presents a review of the literature on ethics of HSR in the biomedical, public health, and implementation research to identify ethical considerations specific to HSR; and to identify examples of commonly available guidance and/or tools for the ethical review of HSR studies. Fifteen articles were identified on HSR ethics issues, and forty-two international academic institutions were contacted (of the responses (n=29), no institution had special ethical guidelines for reviewing HSR) about their HSR ethics review guidelines. There appears to be a clear gap in the current health research ethics discourse around health systems research ethics. This review serves as a first step (to better understand the current status) towards a larger dialogue on the topic

    MENTOR-VIP: Piloting a global mentoring program for injury and violence prevention

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    Injuries occur as the result of a confluence of factors: environmental, social, biological, economic, and behavioral. To effectively address the burden of injuries, especially in low- and middle-income countries, a focus is needed on developing the human resource capacity for injury prevention. MENTOR-VIP is a global mentoring program that the authors developed with this need in mind. MENTOR-VIP approaches developing human resources in injury prevention by providing mentoring opportunities for junior professionals involved in its practice, research, and/or programs. MENTOR-VIP entails a 12-month working relationship between junior injury prevention practitioners (mentees) and more experienced individuals in the field (mentors). Its general objective is to improve global human resource capacity to effectively prevent and control injury and violence through the enhanced development of relevant skills. The program is currently in its pilot phase and is nearing the end of its second formal mentoring cycle, which began on September 1, 2008. This article discusses mentoring professionals as a key strategy to developing the human resource component of capacity, and one which complements existing approaches to capacity development. The authors also provide an overview of the rationale, modalities, objectives, and evaluation of MENTOR-VIP. This article highlights the importance of capacity building in the injury prevention field and situates MENTOR-VIP within the larger context of capacity building for global public health. © 2009 Association of American Medical Colleges

    A Scoping Study on the Ethics of Health Systems Research

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    © 2016 John Wiley & Sons Ltd Currently, health systems research (HSR) is reviewed by the same ethical standards as clinical research, which has recently been argued in the literature to be an inappropriate standard of evaluation. The issues unique to HSR warrant a different review by research ethics committees (RECs), as it does not impose the same risks to study participants as other types of clinical or public health research. However, there are limited tools and supporting documents that clarify the ethical considerations. Therefore, there is a need for additional reflection around ethical review of HSR and their consideration by RECs. The purpose of this paper is to review, understand, and synthesize the current state of literature and practice to inform these deliberations and the larger discourse on ethics review guidelines for HSR. This paper presents a review of the literature on ethics of HSR in the biomedical, public health, and implementation research to identify ethical considerations specific to HSR; and to identify examples of commonly available guidance and/or tools for the ethical review of HSR studies. Fifteen articles were identified on HSR ethics issues, and forty-two international academic institutions were contacted (of the responses (n=29), no institution had special ethical guidelines for reviewing HSR) about their HSR ethics review guidelines. There appears to be a clear gap in the current health research ethics discourse around health systems research ethics. This review serves as a first step (to better understand the current status) towards a larger dialogue on the topic

    Scoping ‘sex’ and ‘gender’ in rehabilitation: (mis)representations and effects

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    Abstract Background Researchers have highlighted a large-scale global unmet need for rehabilitation. While sex and gender have been shown to interact with each other and with other social and structural factors to influence health and wellbeing, less is known about how sex and gender shape rehabilitation participation and outcomes within health systems. Methods Using an intersectional approach, we examine literature that explores the relationship between sex and/or gender and rehabilitation access, use, adherence, outcomes, and caregiving. Following a comprehensive search, 65 documents met the inclusion criteria for this scoping review of published literature. Articles were coded for rehabilitation-related themes and categorized by type of rehabilitation, setting, and age of participants, to explore how existing literature aligned with documented global rehabilitation needs. Responding to a common conflation of sex and gender in the existing literature and a frequent misrepresentation of sex and gender as binary, the researchers also developed a schema to determine whether existing literature accurately represented sex and gender. Results The literature generally described worse rehabilitation access, use, adherence, and outcomes and a higher caregiving burden for conditions with rehabilitation needs among women than men. It also highlighted the interacting effects of social and structural factors like socioeconomic status, racial or ethnic identity, lack of referral, and inadequate insurance on rehabilitation participation and outcomes. However, existing literature on gender and rehabilitation has focused disproportionately on a few types of rehabilitation among adults in high-income country contexts and does not correspond with global geographic or condition-based rehabilitation needs. Furthermore, no articles were determined to have provided an apt depiction of sex and gender. Conclusion This review highlights a gap in global knowledge about the relationship between sex and/or gender and rehabilitation participation and outcomes within health systems. Future research should rely on social science and intersectional approaches to elucidate how gender and other social norms, roles, and structures influence a gender disparity in rehabilitation participation and outcomes. Health systems should prioritize person-centered, gender-responsive care, which involves delivering services that are responsive to the complex social norms, roles, and structures that intersect to shape gender inequitable rehabilitation participation and outcomes in diverse contexts

    Drink, but don't drive? The alcohol industry's involvement in global road safety.

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    Drink-driving is a major cause of global road traffic fatalities, yet few countries have laws that meet international best practices. One possible reason is the alcohol industry's opposition to meaningful policies that are perceived to directly threaten sales. Our primary objectives are to document alcohol industry involvement in global road safety policies and programmes and to critically evaluate the responses of public health and road safety communities to this involvement. Under the guidance of the Policy Dystopia Model, we used a mixed methods approach in which data were gathered from expert interviews and a mapping review of 11 databases, 5 watchdog websites and 7 alcohol industry-sponsored initiatives. Triangulation was used to identify points of convergence among data sources. A total of 20 expert interviews and 94 documents were analysed. Our study showed that the alcohol industry acknowledges that drink-driving is an issue but argues for solutions that would limit impact on sales, akin to the message 'drink-but do not drive'. Industry actors have been involved in road safety through: (1) coalition coupling and decoupling, (2) information production and management, (3) direct involvement in policymaking and (4) implementation of interventions. Our study also shed light on the lack of cohesion within and among the public health and road safety communities, particularly with regard to the topics of receiving funding from and partnering with the alcohol industry. These results were subsequently used to adapt the Policy Dystopia Model as a conceptual framework that illustrates the ways in which the alcohol industry has been involved in global road safety. Several implications can be drawn from this study, including the urgent need to increase awareness about the involvement of the alcohol industry in road safety and to build a cohesive transnational alcohol control advocacy alliance to curb injuries and deaths related to drink-driving