18 research outputs found

    Can We Become Walking Qurans? Improving Our Capacity to Follow the Prophetic Sunnah

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    Mi muslimani smo naučili slijediti Sunnet Poslanika, njegov život i njegovu praksu. Prvi koraci u tome su obavljanje namāza kao što je on obavljao, davanja zekāta jednako velikodušno i na vrijeme kao što je on to radio, obavljanje hadždža i ʿumre kao i on. Na taj način mi izvršavamo obrede naše vjere. Jasno je da slijediti Sunnet Poslanika znači više od samog fizičkog izvršavanja naših obreda. Postizanje izvrsnosti u slijeđenju Sunneta Poslanika je nešto što su rani muslimani nastojali postići. To je zabilježeno u predaji tabi'ina (ḥadīth tābiʿīn) - osoba iz generacije nakon Poslanikove generacije, koja je bila ili premlada kada je Poslanik preselio ili je rođena tek nakon njegove smrti- koji je, želeći da sazna više o tome kakav je bio Poslanik, otišao do njegove udovice Aiše da je o tome pita. Njezin odgovor je bio da je Poslanik zapravo bio 'hodajući Kur’an'.As Muslims, we are taught that we are to follow the Prophet’s Sunnah, his precedent and praxis. The first steps we learn on how to do this is to pray as he did, give the zakāh as generously as he did, fast as he did, perform ḥajj and ʿumrah as he did; that is, by performing the rituals of the faith. Clearly, following the Prophetic Sunnah involves more than just the physical performance of our rituals. Achieving excellence in following the Prophetic Sunnah was something that the early Muslims sought to achieve. It is revealed in the ḥadīth of a tābiʿī (a person of the generation after the Prophet’s generation who was either too young when the Prophet died or born just after his death) who, wanting to know more about how the Prophet was like, went to his widow Aisha and asked her. Her response was that the Prophet was effectively a ‘Walking Quran.

    What is Islamic Law?

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    The Fifth Annual John E. James Distinguished Lecture September 20, 200

    Moving the mountain: beyond ground zero to a new vision of Islam in America

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    Buku ini berisi tentang muslim amerika yang menolak gerakan ekstrimis dan fundamentalisme islam. Golongan ini memandang perlu adanya pemimpin yang dapat mewakili mereka untuk mengimbangi berita dan debat isu tentang islam, Pemimpin tersebut adalah Imam Feisal Abdul Rauf yang merupakan Imam Masjid Ground Zero. Dia menjelaskan keyakinan, kepercayaan, aspirasi dan ambisi muslim amerika pasca serangan 9/11. Sebagai contoh, Imam Feisal memandang kematian Osama bin Laden sebagai titik balik untuk kaum muslim, memperkuat suara-suara moderat yang lebih dekat dengan ajaran islam sebenarnya. Hampir semua isu besar yang menjadi salah penafsiran seperti islam dan demokrasi, fundamentalisme, peran perempuan dibahas dalam buku ini dengan persepektif yang lebih segar. Buku ini bisa dibaca oleh muslim dan non muslim sebagai petunjuk untuk mengetahui Islam dan Amerika saat ini

    Islam: a sacred law, what every muslim should know about shariah

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    The aim of this book is to introduce the English reader to usual al-fiqh, the general principles of Islamic jurisprudence. Written in non-specialist, easily comprehensible language, it summarizes thephilosophy of Islamic law underlying and common to the Islamic schools of jurisprudenc

    Seruan Azan dari Puing WTC : Dakwah Islam di Jantung Amereika Pasca 9 / 11

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    Bandungxcii, 388 p, 24 cm

    Seruan azan dari puing WTC : dakwah Islam di jantung Amerika pasca 9/11

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    Moving the mountain : beyond ground zero to a new vision of islam in America/ Rauf

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    xiv, 225 hal.; 21 cm

    Seruan Azan Dari Puing WTC: dakwah Islam di jantung Amerika Pasca 9/11

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