23 research outputs found

    Kajian tahap profesionalisme guru agama di sekolah agama, Jabatan agama Islam Selangor

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    Keberkesanan pendidikan sangat bergantung kepada peranan yang dimainkan oleh guru di sekolah dalam membentuk pelajar yang berpengetahuan dan berakhlak mulia. Program yang dianjurkan oleh guru dan pihak sekolah secara professional juga memberi kesan positif terhadap perubahan pelajar. Kajian ini adalah satu kajian tinjauan (survey) yang bertujuan mengkaji tahap profesionalisme guru Sekolah Rendah Agama, Jabatan Agama Islam Selangor (SRA-JAIS) berdasarkan borang kaji selidik yang mengandungi Domain Diri, Sosial, Profesion dan Agama. Secara umum, dapatan kajian menunjukkan guru SRA-JAIS adalah bertanggungjawab, jujur dan mengutamakan kesempurnaan dalam menjalankan tugas serta mencerminkan sikap sebagai seorang pendidik yang tulen (genuine). Guru SRA-JAIS juga bersedia untuk terlibat secara positif terhadap semua lapisan masyarakat dalam aktiviti-aktiviti sosial. Walau bagaimanapun, amalan beragama di kalangan guru memerlukan perhatian khusus dari guru sendiri, pihak sekolaj dan juga pihak JAIS kerana sekiranya kelemahan ketara berlaku dalam amalan beragama di kalangan guru maka ini akan memberi kesan negatif terhadapt pelajar. Justeru, professioalisme keguruan amat penting di dalam memartabatkan pendidikan negara. Ia juga meruakan tuntutan agama Isla

    Parental knowledge and awareness and towards allergy prevalence in Selangor

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    The allergy epidemiology is another worldwide problem as its prevalence trigger troublesome amongst society. Malaysia as a developing country has no exception towards it. Family as a fundamental institution as well as the simplest unit of the society have significant roles to put a bridle on the issues. Allergies are known to cause social and economic burden of the sufferer and to the close family member. Parental knowledge, attitude and practice plays a crucial role in allergy prevalence, prevention and treatment strategy. In Malaysia, the misconception of certain allergy symptom and prevention becomes another real challenge. Poorly self-perceives as the early diagnosis approach could lead to improper clinical diagnosis thus affects the treatment accuracy. It then brings about the delay of appropriate treatment and upturn the treatment cost. In certain urgent allergy conditions, such as anaphylaxis, a delay is lethal to the sufferer. This paper highlights the paternal and maternal knowledge, awareness and practice towards allergy disease. This study also presents the important of having adequate knowledge to self-perceive of allergy disease. As this approach is useful to give surface overview on allergy prevalence, adequate knowledge compromises of precise manifestation. This cross-sectional study involves 117 pair of parents in Selangor with the age ranged from 28-61 years old. A self-administered questionnaire has been used to indicate respondent’s allergy status, their knowledge, awareness and practice towards allergy disease. As overall, the common symptom of allergy among parents were allergy rhinitis, eczema and dry and itchy rashes at skin with the percentage of prevalence ranged between 6.8% to 28.4%. The data also indicated the effect on insufficient of knowledge and awareness among parents towards their decision on treatment and prevention plan. Most parents do not have adequate understanding on the relatedness of immune system abnormality reaction of allergy as well as the roles of immune system component such as Immunoglobulin E (IgE) in allergy reaction. They also have insufficient knowledge about the crucial allergy mechanism such as the cross-reaction activity and the difference between food allergy and food intolerances. Pearson correlation between knowledge of allergy term, cause and symptom with allergy prevention and treatment shows positive significant correlation with (r = 0.244, P=0.008) for maternal and (r = 0.262, P=0.004) for paternal respectively. Parents with inadequate knowledge about allergies symptom have limited ability to choose the treatment and prevention for allergy disease. As the shortcoming, they tend to do unnecessary dietary elimination and extreme food avoidance as well as disregards the important to consult with the healthcare professional regarding their allergy symptom. Overall, parental knowledge in society represent their involvement in prevention and treatment strategy for allergy sufferer especially their children. Adequate knowledge and awareness of this unit of society conceded a better future to control allergy prevalence among children

    Self-reported on food allergy among university students in Dengkil, Selangor

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    Prevalence of allergy is a worldwide issue. The outbreak contributes to social and economic burden of the sufferer as well as the society. In Malaysia, the condition has continued to worsen due to the misconception of certain allergy symptom. It also leads to improper clinical diagnosis which affects the accuracy of treatment and upturns the cost further. This circumstances are corresponded to the level of public awareness and knowledge about the terms, symptoms and allergy prevention. This study highlighted the allergy prevalence among young adults based on self–reported approach. This cross-sectional study involved 138 students between the age of 18 to 19 years old from the Centre of Foundation Studies, UiTM Cawangan Selangor, Kampus Dengkil. Overall, the allergy prevalence reported in this study showed higher occurrence compared to previous study of self-reported and clinical data within the same population. The data indicated that n=80 (58%) of respondents indicating seafood such as shrimp as the most common implicated food allergen at n=43 (31.25%) followed by house dust mite at n=40 (29%) and peanuts at n=14 (10.1%). Pearson correlation between respondents’ knowledge of allergy terms, causes and symptoms with allergy prevention and treatment practice shows high significant correlation with (r = 0.387, P<0.001). Chi Square Test among students with allergies who were getting consultation from health personnel showed significant association (P<0.001) in which 41 (59.4%) of students with allergies do not consult any health personnel. As a conclusion, self-reported is only useful to give surface overview on allergy prevalence, but detailed clinical diagnosis is compulsory to ensure the effectiveness of allergy prevention and treatment in the future

    Socio-demographic factors of allergy awareness among pre-university Student in Selangor

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    Allergic disease is a worldwide public health issues and substantially growing over the past 20 years. Due to drastically changes of environmental and dietary culture within the population, Malaysia as one of the developing country is no exception to face the same problem. This study aimed to assess the awareness of allergy diseases and its prevalence using cross-sectional survey method. This study that has been conducted to 138 students from University Teknologi Mara Cawangan Dengkil, Selangor, Malaysia. A self-administered questionnaire was used as an instrument for data collection. Based on sociodemographic data, the mean of knowledge between science and non-science students showed the significant difference. Respondents from Science course score significantly higher for part B (4.54 ± 1.654) compare with other courses. The outcome of the study also showed that, among 138 respondents, n=80 (58%) of them perceived themselves to suffer allergy diseases and it symptoms. Common food to cause food allergy in this study were identified as seafood with n=43 (31.25%) followed with dust with n=40 (29%), peanuts with n=14 (10.1%). The study also indicated the intricate situation of cross reactivity as n=21(15.2%), n=6 (4.3%) and n=1(0.7) of respondents suffered with two, three and four multi allergy reaction respectively. The factor such as family history which subjected to predisposition of genetic factor was strongly associated with occurrence of allergic among respondents. It determined from Chi Square Test (X²) that showed that, there is high significant association (P<0.001) between parental allergies with respondents allergies. As overall, it can be conclude that the knowledge of allergy term, cause and prevention were relatively low among population under study as compared to the previous study

    Innovative technology in construction management: a case study on Almatab Sdn Bhd

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    Almatab Sdn. Bhd is one of the construction companies available in Malaysia. Located in SS15 Subang Jaya, Selangor, Almatab is a Class A (Bumiputra) company that has 31 years of experience in building construction and an ISO certified company. This is important for a company like Almatab to stay competitive and maintaining their good track in this industry since the competition in getting jobs in this area are stiff. Almatab is also a registered member of the body of authority such as CIDB, Pusat Khidmat Kontraktor(PKK), Pertubuhan Arkitek Malaysia (PAM), SIRIM and Construction Labour Exchange Centre Berhad (CLAB). Registration with some of the authorize body like CIDB is part of the requirement needed for a Class A contractor like Almatab to abide when operating in this industry and in gaining customers trust on their credibility in safety matters especially at the construction site. However with the changing trend in technology and demand is the evident that's happening in both the private and government sectors right now. In the past, the latter has been criticized for their lack of initiative in testing new products but has taken the lead role to be pro-active. This is manifested in some of the government projects seen around Malaysia, where we see state-of-the-art designs epitomizing the hi-tech look of the millennium. Therefore in this paper will discuss all the possible actions might be taken to improve the construction industry in Malaysia to a new higher level along with the possible innovative technology in the construction management

    Understanding Strategic Reactiveness Influences on Entrepreneurial Management Tendencies

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    This study explores the relationship between strategic reactiveness (SR) and Entrepreneurial Management (EM) tendencies of SMEs sector within the states of Melaka and Johor in Malaysia. This research considers that strategy-related variables are competitively aggressive and adaptive. Strategic planning allows organizations to anticipate changes and create strategic options for those changes. It is commonly perceived that SR will have a positive relationship with EM. Respondents for this research include CEOs, owner-managers and entrepreneurs. Data was collected by distributing questionnaire to 200 small and medium-sized enterprises selected randomly from both the services and manufacturing sectors. This paper will explore and explain the concept and variables related to the research as well as brief demographic descriptions of the respondents

    Measuring the Organizational Innovation Impact towards the Performance of SME’s in Malaysia

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    Under the The National Innovation Agenda there will be more SME development programmes that will focus on developing SME‟s to be more innovative, competitive and resilient. This research basically set out to examine the roles of organizational innovativess in predicting a small and medium firm‟s business performance. The objectives of this paper are to measure the impacts of organizational innovation towards the performance of Malaysian SME‟s and to identify the barriers holding back innovation. There are many results from previous studies supported the significance of organizational innovativeness with firm performance. The results of this research suggest that organizational innovativeness in an organization has a statistically significant positive impact on firm performance. The organizational innovativeness contributes and plays an important role in enhancing firm performance with both direct and indirect effects

    Parental knowledge, attitude and practice of allergy disease in Selangor

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    Allergy prevalence becoming a worrisome issues amongst society. It’s not just discussed as worldwide issue but also effect sufferer even in a small institution such as the family. Corresponded to the family as the simplest unit of society, parental knowledge, attitude and practice play a crucial roles in allergy prevalence, prevention and treatment strategy. Allergy known to cause social and economic burden of the sufferer as well as to the closer family member. In Malaysia, the misconception of certain allergy symptom and misused of self- perceive method for allergy diagnosis becoming another real challenges. This scenario could lead to improper clinical diagnosis thus effect the treatment accuracy and upturn the cost of the treatment. This paper highlighted the differences between paternal and maternal knowledge, attitude and practice towards allergy reaction. This study also summarized the important of having adequate knowledge self-perceiving the allergy disease as this method is useful to give surface overview on allergy prevalence. This cross-sectional study involved 117 pair of parents in Selangor with the age ranged from 18-50 years old. A self-administered questionnaire has been used to by self-perceive method to indicate respondent’s allergy status and their knowledge and practice towards allergy disease. As overall, the common symptoms of allergy among parents were allergy rhinitis, eczema and dry ant itchy rashes at skin with percentage ranged from 6.8% to 28.4% of occurrence. The data also indicated that n=17 (14.4%) of mothers and n=8 (6.8%) of fathers allergy to seafood while n=11 (9.3%) of mothers and n=15(12.7%) of fathers also allergy to house dust mites. Pearson correlation between knowledge of allergy term, cause and symptom with allergy prevention and treatment shows significant correlation with (r = 0.244, P<0.001) for maternal and (r = 0.262, P<0.001) for paternal respectively. This outcome indicated that, the decision on treatment strategy among parents strictly depends on their level of knowledge about allergy. Other test such as Chi Square Test among parents also determined the treatment strategy based on consultation of allergy symptom with an expert of health personnel. It shows that n=14 (42.5%) of mothers with allergy and n=23 (65.7%) of fathers with allergies do not consult to an expert regarding their allergy prevalence and symptom. It also shows significant association for both with (P<0.001). Parental knowledge in society represent their involvement in prevention and treatment strategy for allergy sufferer especially the offspring. Adequate knowledge and awareness at this unit of society compromised a better future to control its prevalence

    Effects on maternal macronutrient intake towards human milk’s fatty acids composition

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    While fatty acids found in human milk account for half of the energy consumed by exclusively breastfed infants, fatty acids such as monounsaturated fatty acids (MUFA) and long chain polyunsaturated fatty acids (LC-PUFA) plays critical roles in infant growth. Fatty acids components in human milk are vary widely accordance to the maternal diet during lactation but has not been sufficiently studied. The objective of this paper was to determine the correlation between maternal macronutrient intake with human milk’s fatty acids composition among exclusively breastfeeding mothers. A total of N=36 lactating mothers were recruited based on convenience sampling basis from Dengkil, Selangor and Kuantan, Pahang. A 24-hour dietary recall (24HR) was used to capture mother’s dietary intake in the past 24 hours. The human milk sample was collected in the next day morning after the diet recall and stored before proceeded to another fatty acids extraction and transesterification process namely Blight and Dyer method. The composition of fatty acids methyl esters was analyzed and quantified by a gas chromatography (Agilent 7890A), equipped with a flame ionization detector (FID) and Agilent Chromatography Workstation software. As overall, the most abundance fatty acids found was SFA ranged (81.90 to 97.7 %) followed with MUFA (2.3 to 18.1%), but PUFA was below detection limit (BDL). Result also indicated that palmitic, stearic, and oleic acids were the three major types of fatty acids determined from human milk. Correlational study also determined that, there was no significant correlation between the human milk’s SFA and MUFA with the same dietary intake and another macronutrient like carbohydrate and protein. Even though there was no significant correlation determined for the most composition, various pattern of correlation was found in the study. Human milk’s SFA only had a positive correlation with dietary carbohydrate but negative with the rest. Different pattern also showed for human milk’s MUFA which only negatively correlate with carbohydrate and fats while positive for the rest. Thus, overall, this fat composition is known to have higher variation in terms of concentration of its components compared to another macronutrient even within the same population. Aside from geographical considerations, maternal nationality and age have a substantial impact on the fatty acid composition of human milk

    Distribution of lipid-soluble vitamin intake among exclusively breastfeeding mothers and its correlation with human milk’s fatty acids

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    The lipid composition such as fatty acids and fat-soluble vitamins is the second-most abundant composition of human milk providing dietary energy to infants. Micronutrient dietary intake such as vitamin A, D, E, K and C by breastfeeding mothers plays an important role in regulating the quality of human milk for optimum infant health and growth. The objective of this paper is to determine the distribution and correlation of maternal micronutrient intake of lipid-soluble vitamin and vitamin C towards fatty acids composition in human milk of exclusively breastfeeding mothers. A total of N=36 nursing women were recruited from Dengkil, Selangor, and Kuantan, Pahang, using a convenience sample method. A 24-hour dietary recall (24HR) was performed to collect thorough information on all foods and beverages ingested in the previous 24 hours by the respondent. The data on micronutrients intake per mother was tabulated using Nutritionist Pro. (NP) software. Following the diet recall, the human sample was collected in the next morning and subjected to fatty acid extraction and transesterification using the Blight and Dyer method. The composition of fatty acids methyl esters was analyzed and quantified by a gas chromatography (Agilent 7890A), equipped with a flame ionization detector (FID) and Agilent Chromatography Workstation software. The highest mean of intake occurred during the fifth to sixth months with, 1067.37±629.66 μg RE/day for vitamin A, during the first two months with, 0.89±0.84 μg RE/day of vitamin D, 5.85±2.49 mg/day while during the fifth to sixth months with, 17.28±11.74 μg /day of Vitamin E and at the first two months of lactation period with, 91.60±55.26 mg per day for vitamin C. Despite the fact that there was no significant correlation between vitamin intake and the fatty acid content of human milk, the study discovered a variety of patterns of correlation. Saturated fatty acids (SFA) in human milk were only positively correlated with vitamin D and C, while monounsaturated fatty acids (MUFA) were positively correlated with vitamin A, E, and K and negatively correlated with the rest. As a result, the fatty acid composition of human milk is less dependent on micronutrient dietary intake and more dependent on De-Novo synthesis in the mammary gland