28 research outputs found

    2 h area under curve after oral glucose tolerance test on rats fed with different rice interventions.

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    <p>Bars with asterisk denotes values that are significantly different (p<0.05) in Dunettā€™s multiple comparison test from the control (SC and HFD groups). AC: acarbose; GBR: germinated brown rice; HAGBR: high amylose germinated brown rice; HAWR: high amylose white rice; HFD: high fat diet; LAGBR: low amylose germinated brown rice; LAWR: low amylose white rice; SC: standard chow.</p

    Lipid profile and adipocytokine levels of dams and pups in the various standard-chow and high-fat diet groups.

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    <p>Lipid profile and adipocytokine levels of dams and pups in the various standard-chow and high-fat diet groups.</p

    Regression and interaction coefficients of amylose content and germination status of rice on various markers of insulin resistance and obesity in rats.

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    <p>Regression and interaction coefficients of amylose content and germination status of rice on various markers of insulin resistance and obesity in rats.</p

    Molecular docking using crystal structures of human UAP56 (PDB: 1XTI) and H5N1 nucleoprotein (PDB: 2Q06).

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    <p><a href="http://www.plosone.org/article/info:doi/10.1371/journal.pone.0072429#pone-0072429-g008" target="_blank">Figure 8A</a> shows ribbon representation of docking between H5N1 NP and human UAP56. Both the molecules shows favorable and tight binding with binding energy of 35.42 kcal/mol, which interestingly seems stronger than the previous one (3ULH and 2Q06). There are several residues of 1XTI that interact with 2Q06; they are marked red: Arg123, Gly150, Gly151, Glu298, Glu366, Ser382, andAsp393. Residues of 2Q06 that interact with 1XTI are marked blue: Ile41, Thr45, Lys48, Ser50, Asp51, Lys87, Asp101, Leu108, Leu110, Tyr111, Ala286, Ser287, and Gly288. Magnified version of the interacting residues are shown in <a href="http://www.plosone.org/article/info:doi/10.1371/journal.pone.0072429#pone-0072429-g008" target="_blank">Figure 8C</a>.</p

    High-quality double-stranded cDNA generated using SMARTā„¢ cDNA synthesis and library complexity check <i>via</i> colony PCR amplification on randomly picked yeast colonies.

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    <p><a href="http://www.plosone.org/article/info:doi/10.1371/journal.pone.0072429#pone-0072429-g001" target="_blank">Figure 1A</a> illustrates the agarose gel of total cDNA generated from whole lung of 4 weeks old specific pathogen free (SPF) white leghorn chicken using the Make Your Own ā€œMate & Plateā€ Library System. Lane M: 1kb ladder molecular weight standard. Lane 1: Purified total chicken lung cDNA before size selection with CHROMA SPIN + TE-400 columns. Lane 2: Reduced abundance of purified cDNA below 400 bp compared to lane 1 after selection with CHROMA SPIN + TE-400 columns. <a href="http://www.plosone.org/article/info:doi/10.1371/journal.pone.0072429#pone-0072429-g001" target="_blank">Figure 1B</a> shows the agarose gel of yeast colony PCR screenings of 10 colonies revived from a 1-ml stock of cDNA library cultured on SD/-Leu plates. Inserts of different sizes indicate the complexity of the library created. Lane M: 1 kb ladder molecular weight standard. Lane 1: positive control using pGADT7 vector as template, Lane 2: negative control. Lane 3 to 12: 10 randomly picked yeast recombinant clones from the constructed chicken lung cDNA library.</p

    Knockdown of UAP56 impairs A/chicken/Malaysia/5858/2004 H5N1 virus growth.

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    <p>A549 cells were transfected with siRNA targeting UAP56 or with a non-targeting siRNA control as indicated. Fourty-eight hours later, depleted cells were infected with A/chicken/Malaysia/5858/2004 H5N1 at MOI of 5. Cells were harvested 48 hours after infection and viral titers were determined by plaque assays on Vero cells. Overall, knockdown of UAP56 decreased viral replication by nearly 10 fold when compared to non-treated. The mean Ā± SD of three independent experiments is shown.</p