60 research outputs found

    Pola Psikolog dalam Penanganan Pasien Gangguan Jiwa Psikotik di Rumah Sakit Jiwa Aceh

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    Skripsi ini berjudul “Pola Psikolog Dalam Penanganan Pasien Gangguan Jiwa Psikotik di Rumah Sakit Jiwa Aceh”. Gangguan jiwa psikotik merupakan permasalahan kesehatan yang ada di seluruh dunia. Dapat dilihat bahwa gejala pasien psikotik diliputi macam-macam delusi dan halusinasi yang terus menerus berganti coraknya dan tidak teratur sifatnya misalnya merasa iri hati, dendam dan curiga. Pasien gangguan jiwa psikotik juga merasa dirinya penting dan ada yang sangat fanatik religious malah berlebih lebihan. Melihat permasalahan tersebut, maka pentingnya psikolog dalam menangani pasien gangguan jiwa psikotik agar dapat menghindari frustasi-frustasi dan macammacam kesulitan psikis dengan menciptakan kontak sosial yang sehat dan baik. Penelitian ini difokuskan untuk menjawab masalah pokok : (1) bagaimana gejala pasien gangguan jiwa psikotik, (2) bagaimana tingkat keparahan pasien gangguan jiwa psikotik yang dapat ditangani psikolog, (3) bagaimana pola psikolog dalam menangani pasien gangguan jiwa psikotik di Rumah Sakit Jiwa Aceh. Dengan demikian tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui gejala pasien gangguan jiwa psikotik, mengetahui tingkat keparahan pasien gangguan jiwa psikotik yang dapat ditangani psikolog dan untuk mengetahui pola yang digunakan psikolog dalam menangani pasien gangguan jiwa psikotik. Penulis telah menggunakan penelitian lapangan (field research) yaitu suatu penyelidikan yang dilakukan di lapangan atau lokasi penelitian. Selain itu, di dalam penelitian ini penulis juga menggunakan metode deskriptif analisis yaitu penulis telah melakukan pengumpulan data dengan mewawancara psikolog RSJ yang terdiri dari tiga orang psikolog dan 2 orang staf lainnya beserta memahami tentang mereka dari sisi studi dokumentasinya. Hasil penelitian yang telah dilakukan dapat menunjukkan bahwa psikolog dapat melakukan penanganan gangguan jiwa psikotik di Rumah Sakit Jiwa Aceh dengan 7 penanganan yaitu:(1) resources mapping (2) communication, eye contact and making coordination (3) daily aktivity (4) future planning (5) ekspresi emosi (6) aku dan keluargaku dan (7) ekspresiku yang dipersempitkan menjadi 4 model pembahasan. Selain itu mereka akan mendapat penanganan secara benar dan terjadwal dengan baik. Oleh itu, keberkesanan mereka di dalam menangani pasien gangguan psikotik ini telah memberi makna yang baik bahwa pentingnya penanganan dari psikolog agar mereka dapat memberi kesembuhan yang menyeluruh terhadap pasien gangguan jiwa psikotik

    Kesan spiritual sebagai moderator ke atas kepintaran emosi dan tingkah laku kewargaan organisasi

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    This study focuses on emotional intelligence, organizational citizenship behavior and spiritual. To be specified, this research identify the relationship between emotional intelligence and organizational citizenship behavior. Futhermore, this research also aim to identify the effect of spiritual as a moderator in relationship between emotional intelligence and organizational citizenship behavior. A total of 102 Muslim teachers from Sekolah Menengah Kebangsaan Bandar Baru Uda were responded to the questionnaires. Statistic Pearson correlation was used to identify the relationship between emotional intelligence and organizational citizenship behavior and it is significant. Meanwhile, using hierarchical regression is found that organizations need to increase the level of employee's spiritual level as it gives the impression of a positive moderator on the relationship of emotional intelligence and organizational citizenship behavior. This study implies the development of a teaching institute to be more competitive through the development of human capital that is prosperous internally and externally

    Budaya penyayang dalam kehidupan masyarakat Islam: Antara teori dan praktis

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    Islam amat menekankan usaha mewujudkan masyarakat penyayang. Dalam menjamin keharmonian masyarakat, beberapa ciri asas yang menjadi dasar pembentukan masyarakat perlu ditekankan. Islam mengaitkan pembentukan masyarakat penyayang dengan tiga hubungan dasar iaitu hubungan manusia dengan Allah, hubungan manusia sesama manusia dan hubungan manusia dengan alam. Hasrat untuk mewujudkan masyarakat penyayang dan sebuah negara yang aman tidak akan tercapai melainkan dengan membentuk individu yang berteraskan Islam terlebih dahulu. Keperibadian yang mulia dan pegangan agama yang mantap adalah faktor penting dalam mewujudkan masyarakat penyayang. Walau bagaimanapun tahap kesedaran masyarakat terhadap konsep masyarakat penyayang masih rendah. Masalah penganiayaan kanak-kanak dan penderaan isteri masih menjadi isu serius yang diperkatakan oleh mediamassa dan masyarakat. Begitu juga dengan kes pengabaian terhadap orang-orang tua. Keadaan ini memerlukan perhatian serius dari setiap anggota masyarakat. Kerta

    The Mediating Role of Web 2.0 Usage in the Effect of Psychological Empowerment on Innovative Work Behavior among Academia in Malaysian Research Universities

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    Innovative work behavior is crucial to fulfill the demands for a lecturer’s research activities especially at research universities. Prior literature indicated that psychological empowerment is an important predictor for innovative work behavior. Meanwhile, Web 2.0 is an indispensable tool for innovation among lecturers to facilitate their research activities. Thus, social cognitive theory was used to support the conceptual framework in identifying the mediating role of Web 2.0 usage in the effect of psychological empowerment on innovative work behavior. This study utilized quantitative approach using questionnaire as a tool to gather data from 393 lecturers of five research universities in Malaysia. Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) was used to analyze the direct and mediation effects of the variables in the conceptual framework. Web 2.0 usage was identified as the mediator for the effect of psychological empowerment on the realization of new ideas in innovative work behavior, specifically for the dimensions of meaning, competence and self-determination. Based on the results of the study, use of Web 2.0 is important among lecturers to enhance innovative work behavior

    The effect of web 2.0 on innovative work behaviour among academia in Malaysian Research Universities

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    Previous study indicates the user’s degree of Web 2.0-ness is positively associated with his or her behavior. However, there is a paucity in examine the effect of Web 2.0 especially on innovative work behavior among academia in research universities even though it is imperative to be identified due to it demanding research nature. Web 2.0 are technologically driven and designed to allow people to communicate, share information and create online communities. Meanwhile, innovative work behavior refers to the creativity and involvement in bringing changes and new ideas in duties or in solving problems especially among academia in research universities which become the focus in this study. Innovative work behavior consists of generation, promotion, and realization of new ideas. Therefore, this study aims to identify the effect of Web 2.0 on innovative work behavior among academia in research universities. In our endeavor to this matter, we view the issue in a positivist paradigm with quantitative approach. This approach used surveys as research strategy by adapting questionnaires technique. The data collection has been conducted among 393 lecturers in five research universities and emphasize on the lecturer’s research and development. Accordingly, data collected were analyzed using SPSS and SEM AMOS by looking at the exploratory factor analysis (EFA), confirmatory factor analysis (CFA), model fit, and path analysis. The result of this study indicates that the Web 2.0 has positive and significant relationship with the idea generation, idea promotion and idea realization of innovative work behavior

    The role of perceived organizational support and emotional intelligence towards workplace deviance among teachers

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    Workplace deviant behaviour has been a challenging issue for the organization today. It is widely recognized as it leads to major loss in organization’s productivity. Thus, this research aims to investigate the relationship between perceived organizational support and emotional intelligence towards workplace deviant behaviour among secondary school teachers. The study was carried out at nine secondary schools in Pasir Gudang district by using cross-sectional survey design. A total of 359 respondents were participated in this study. The data were analyzed using correlation and simple regression. The findings indicated that both perceived organizational support (r=-0.38, p<0.01) and emotional intelligence (r=-0.23, p<0.01) have a weak negative but significant relationship with the workplace deviant behaviour. In addition, the regression result indicated both perceived organizational support and emotional intelligence have significant impact on workplace deviance. The findings may help the school organization to understand the impact of organizational support and emotional intelligence of individual teacher to develop suitable course in handling workplace deviance

    Psychological strain as the mediator in the relationships between work design and work attitudes among Malaysian technical workers

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    Work design has long been found to affect employee well-being, but scholars have begun to question whether the established theoretical relations regarding work design continue to hold given the enormous changes in the nature of work during the past two decades. This study examined the mediation effect of psychological strain on the relationships between work design variables and work attitude outcomes (i.e. job satisfaction, affective commitment, and turnover intentions). This research involved a survey design. Self-reports on the study variables were obtained from 429 technical workers in a large telecommunication company in Malaysia. This study used structural equation modeling (SEM) to assess the mediation effects hypotheses. The findings confirmed the direct effects of job demands and job control on psychological strain. Psychological strain (especially anxiety/depression) functioned as a mediator between work design variables and work attitudes. The findings may help human resource practitioners understand how work design influences employees’ well-being

    Linear and Non-Linear Predictive Models in Predicting Motor Assessment Scale of Stroke Patients Using Non-Motorized Rehabilitation Device

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    Various predictive models, both linear and non-linear, such as Multiple Linear Regression (MLR), Partial Least Squares (PLS), and Artificial Neural Network (ANN), were frequently employed for predicting the clinical scores of stroke patients. Nonetheless, the effectiveness of these predictive models is somewhat impacted by how features are selected from the data to serve as inputs for the model. Hence, it's crucial to explore an ideal feature selection method to attain the most accurate prediction performance. This study primarily aims to evaluate the performance of two non-motorized three-degree-of-freedom devices, namely iRest and ReHAD using MLR, PLS and ANN predictive models and to examine the usefulness of including a hand grip function with the assessment device. The results reveal that ReHAD coupled with non-linear model (i.e. ANN) has a better prediction performance compared to iRest and at once proving that by including the hand grip function into the assessment device may increase the prediction accuracy in predicting Motor Assessment Scale (MAS) score of stroke subjects. Furthermore, these findings imply that there is a substantial association between kinematic variables and MAS scores, and as such the ANN model with a feature selection of twelve kinematic variables can predict stroke patients' MAS scores

    The Effect Project Based Learning Model Based E-Learning on Students' Critical Thinking Skills: A – Meta-analysis

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    This study aims to determine the effect of project-based learning model based on e-learning on students' critical thinking skills.&nbsp; This research is a type of meta-analysis research. The data sources in this study came from 12 articles obtained from the journal database published from 2016-2023. Of these. The process of searching data through Google Scholar, Wiley, ScienceDirect and ERIC. The data filtering process was carried out using the PRISMA method. Data analysis is quantitative analysis by calculating the effect size value of the article with the help of the Comprehensive Meta-analysis (CMA) version 3.0 application. The results of the analysis of 12 articles showed that the overall effect size of the e-learning-based project-based learning model was statistically significant (0.857; P &lt; 0.001; 95 % CI (0.834; 1.416). This finding shows that the implementation of project-based learning model based on E-Learning provides a high influence on students' critical thinking skills. The findings of this meta-analysis contribute greatly to the development of critical thinking skills

    Linear and Non-Linear Predictive Models in Predicting Motor Assessment Scale of Stroke Patients Using Non-Motorized Rehabilitation Device

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    Various predictive models, both linear and non-linear, such as Multiple Linear Regression (MLR), Partial Least Squares (PLS), and Artificial Neural Network (ANN), were frequently employed for predicting the clinical scores of stroke patients. Nonetheless, the effectiveness of these predictive models is somewhat impacted by how features are selected from the data to serve as inputs for the model. Hence, it's crucial to explore an ideal feature selection method to attain the most accurate prediction performance. This study primarily aims to evaluate the performance of two non-motorized three-degree-of-freedom devices, namely iRest and ReHAD using MLR, PLS and ANN predictive models and to examine the usefulness of including a hand grip function with the assessment device. The results reveal that ReHAD coupled with non-linear model (i.e. ANN) has a better prediction performance compared to iRest and at once proving that by including the hand grip function into the assessment device may increase the prediction accuracy in predicting Motor Assessment Scale (MAS) score of stroke subjects. Furthermore, these findings imply that there is a substantial association between kinematic variables and MAS scores, and as such the ANN model with a feature selection of twelve kinematic variables can predict stroke patients' MAS scores