3 research outputs found

    The Behavior of Non-Destructive Test for Different Grade of Concrete

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    Rebound hammer are prefer as non-destructive testing methods; where compression test as destructive test. A general series of tests for rebound hammer and destructive test was carried out at heavy concrete laboratory to obtain the desire result. A set of concrete cubes of sizes 100 x 100 x 100 mm  had been casted and subjected to water curing which was held for 7, 14, 21 and 28 days  to get the exact result of cube strength and rebound number. Rebound hammer testing were initially done before the compression test. The data obtained from each test has been evaluated and tabulated in  this report. From this research, the variation between predicted strength and experimental strength for rebound hammer testing was 1.6%. This indicated rebound hammer testing managed to predict  the strength more accurately. However, non-destructive test shown a margin of less than 10% error compare to destructive test

    Mechanical properties of concrete containing untreated palm oil fuel ash and egg shell powder

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    This study aims to use two (2) waste products, namely Palm Oil Fuel Ash (POFA) and Egg Shell Powder (ESP) as cement replacement in concrete. This is because the properties of POFA and ESP are similar to the properties of cement. The objective of this study is to determine the mechanical properties (compressive strength and tensile strength) of concrete containing POFA and ESP as cement replacement. With both properties known, the optimum percentage of POFA and ESP as cement replacement can then be determined. The percentage of replacement of POFA was fixed at 20%, however the percentages of ESP varied from 0 to 20%. Six 100 � 100 � 100 mm cubes and six 100 � 200 mm cylinders were prepared for each variation of percentages. The cubes and cylinders were tested for compressive and tensile strength after 7 and 28 days of water curing. Generally, as the percentages of ESP increased, the workability, compressive strength and tensile strength of the concrete sample decreased. In conclusion, the combination of POFA and ESP as cement replacement in concrete is only able to achieved 76% of targeted strength

    Kemahiran insaniah dalam kursus kokurikulum

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    Kemahiran insaniah merupakan elemen yang perlu dikuasai oleh semua pelajar sebelum melangkah ke alam pekerjaan. Kemahiran ini sangat penting kerana memberi nilai tambah kepada pelajar dalam kontek pembinaan sahsiah, karektor dan jati diri seorang pelajar. Kemahiran ini boleh diperoleh secara langsung atau tidak langsung melalui aktivit-aktiviti akademik dan juga kokurikulum sama ada di dalam kelas mahu pun di luar kelas. Secara umumnya tidak terdapat definisi yang khusus atau tepat bagi terma kemahiran insaniah (soft skill). Walau bagaimanapun, kemahiran insaniah ini boleh definisikan sebagai kemahiran generik yang merentasi domain pembelajaran termasuk aspek-aspek kemahiran generik yang merangkumi penguasaan kemahiran keperibadian dan kerja berkumpulan seperti kepimpinan, keusahawanan, kerjasama berpasukan, komunikasi dan pembelajaran berterusan. Persoalannya di sini, adakah pelajar memahaminya, mengapa kemahiran ini diperlukan dan bagaimana kemahiran ini boleh diperoleh oleh semua pelajar