20 research outputs found

    التعايش السلمي في ضوء مقاصد الشريعة الإسلامية:”سريلانكا” أنموذجا = Peaceful co-existence in the light of objectives of Sharia’h

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    The study focuses on clarifying the concept of peaceful coexistence, and its principles in the perspective of the “Maqasid Al-Shariah, (objectives of Islamic “Shariah”) because, the most important purposes of “Maqasid AlShariah” are protection of soul, family, dignity and money. And also the establishment ofsecurity and peaceful life through the peaceful coexistence by following the basic foundations which are considered as important pillars of peaceful co-existence, these are nature, justice, freedom, and equality under the multiplicity of religions, different races and colors. Therefore, according to the interdependence between the objectives of “Shariah” and co-existence which is considered an important pillar of the social system, and the development of communities,the study focuses on highlighting some of the important problems that hinder the achievement of peaceful coexistence between Muslims and non-Muslims in the “Sri Lanka” due to the lack of knowledge about the reality of “Maqasid Al-Shariah” and its relationship to peaceful co-existence

    Introduction to the sciences of hadith

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    The accurate understanding of hadith and its related Sciences is indispensable as to comprehend the true understanding of the Qur'an and the Islamic teachings respectively

    الوقف الإسلامي: دراسة في الأركان وطرق التعامل معه = Islamic endowment: study of its pillars and methods of dealing

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    Anybody who studies on the conditions of waqf (endowment) in the Islamic world will discover various views in dealing with it. In order to fulfil the ultimate purposes behind waqf and to meet the needs of people, some restrict its function solely on real estate; neglecting many other aspects of waqf, which eventually leads to deprivation of its benefits. On the other hand, some expand its function through several means; yet those means are merely based on experiment and not immune from risks. Another view shows hesitation to maintain any of these views. The aim of this study is to highlight the pillars of waqf and ways of dealing with it as to enable real growth, development and investment of waqf in accordance with the Shari'ah. Thus, the civilizational advancement of the ummah would be achieved by fulfilling the needs of the people and helping them through waqf. The two researchers will rely on the analytical descriptive approach in their work. They will use the descriptive approach in determining the meaning of waqf and its legitimacy, and the analytical method in defining its structure and methods of dealing. It is understood that there are four pillars of waqf; namely, the one who endows, the endowment, the one who is entitled for endowment, and statements related to endowment. It is incumbent to note that conditions for each pillar should be fulfilled to achieve the purposes of endowment. Besides, it is possible to deduce the types of waqf based on the pillars through multiple considerations. With regards to the precise understanding of waqf, it could be inferred as familial endowment (al-waqf al-ahlī), and public endowment. While with regards to the property of endowment (al-mal al-mawqūf), it is understood as real estate, transferable endowment, and currency endowment. At the same time, the most effective way in dealing with waqf could be managed in three aspects; al-tasyīr, al-istismār, and al-istibdāl

    منهج الشيخ طنطاوي جوهري في تفسيره "الجوهر في تفسير القرآن الكريم" (Manhaj al-Shaykh Tantawi Jawhari fi tafsirihi " al-Jawhar fi tafsir al-Qur'an al-karim)

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    يعد تفسير "الجواهر في تفسير القرآن الكريم" للشيخ طنطاوي جوهري من أهم وأشمل التفاسير التي تناولت قضية الإعجاز العلمي في كامل القرآن الكريم، وقد تناولته الأقلام بالنقد منذ ظهوره وإلى اليوم، فكشفت الأخطاء المنهجية في تفسيره، والتجاوزات التي وقع فيها الشيخ عن حسن نية وغيرة على الإسلام، كما وضعت الأسس التي تضبط هذا النوع من التفسير بعد أن فرض نفسه على الساحة العلمية، فحاولت هذه الدراسة بيان منهج الشيخ طنطاوي في تفسيره، والمآخذ التي أخذت عليه من قبل العلماء، والجوانب الإيجابية التي حفظت لهذا التفسير مكانته كذلك، ويعرض البحث كذلك الجوانب الخطرة من مناهج التفسير العلمي للقرآن الكريم بصورة عامة ومن تفسير الجواهر بصورة خاصة، لما تميز به مؤلفه من ميول صوفية سلبية جعلته يقبل بعض النظريات الحديثة التي لا صلة لها بالعلم ولا بالدين