156 research outputs found

    Training effectiveness's in continuing professional development program for general insurance agents

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    Attaining training effectiveness for Continuing Professional Development (CPD) program will be beneficial for General Insurance Agents in performing their daily activities.The CPD Program for General Insurance Agents applies to all the practitioners in the general insurance agency force with effect from 1st January 2005 where the training hours and related requirements stipulated in the guidelines must be complied with. The Financial Mediation Bureau (FMB), now known as Ombudsman for Financial Services (OFS), a unit under the Central Bank of Malaysia had recorded 609 in 2015, 660 in 2014 and 742 in 2013 for General Insurance products. This report shows that the person who introduces to the public insurance products are not well versed with the product thus the knowledge imparted were different from what is it all about.In the insurance industry, the person is widely known as agent who plays the role as link between insurance companies and customers. This research has been conducted in two training session to find the best way to improve agent basic understanding on Negotiation thus connection to the higher-level knowledge is possible. Collaborative learning, which was introduced as a sharing session, through small group discussion has been chosen for the purpose of developing effective in undergoing the program.The Study concludes that agents are more comfortable to be open-minded and less stressful while learning with their peers compares to instructors. Based on interviews and observations, results found that collaborative learning do improve understanding and built critical thinking. The approach developed had resulted a more relax and conducive learning environment and the training effectiveness achieved served as evidence in agents’ performanc

    Collaborative learning via sharing session towards achieving training effectiveness in negotiation education

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    Attaining training effectiveness for Negotiation as an elective subject in obtaining Bachelor of Human Resource Management in University Utara Malaysia will be beneficial for students when they start to work.The subject requires strong fundamental knowledge in human resource management and other management related subjects, as it demands students to be able to relate issues and needs in business venture strategic decision. However, the drawback in achieving this is difficult because students are weak in the basics due to low clasp of fundamental understanding. This action research has been conducted in two consecutive semesters in order to find the best way to improve student basic understanding thus connection to the higher-level knowledge is possible.The objective of this study is to evaluate collaborative learning as stipulated in the Theory of Planned Behaviour where we focus on the relationship between the intention to transfer training and training effectiveness.The method used is by introducing a sharing session, through small group discussion has been chosen for the purpose of developing effective negotiation education.As a result, students are more comfortable to be open-minded and less stressful while learning with their peers compared to instructors. Based on interviews and observations, results found that collaborative learning does improve understanding and built critical thinking.The approach developed has resulted in a more relaxed conducive learning environment and the training effectiveness achieved served as evidence in students’ performance

    Challenges in managing change toward total quality management

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    The link and interface between Total Quality Management (TQM) and managing change lay on the ground that TQM is one of the mechanisms for organisational change. Many organisations in both private and public sectors have plunged into implementing TQM that was expected to llead to improved overall performance, but for most, results have been mixed at best. Therefore, this paper discusses the organisational changes that will take place in adopting TQM, how the changes are to be managed and the complexities faced by the organisation in accepting the changes, in terms of organisational structure, system, concepts, behaviour, politics and culture. The structure in which organisational issues are classified into three dimensions or levels-conceptual, system and procedural-derived from the work of Date and Cooper (1993) will be applied throughout this paper as the main basis of discussion

    Peranan program latihan sumber manusia dalam meningkatkan prestasi kerja

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    Peningkatan prestasi kerja merupakan satu daripada hasrat kritikal dalam pengurusan sumber manusia. Perbincangan mengenainya telah sekian lama dibincang dan akan terus dibahas di samping ianya membuka ruang demi ruang untuk kajian dari semasa ke semasa. Kepentingan peranan dan perancangan dan keberkesanan program-program latihan dilihat sebagai antara pemangkin bagi merealisasikan hasrat ini. Oleh itu, artikel ini memberi gambaran pengenalan dan membincangkan kepentingan peranan serta perancangan program latihan dengan meletakkan pengaruhnya terhadap prestasi kerja sebagai fokus utama

    Challenges in Attracting Local Workforce in Family Business

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    5Ds Enterprise, a family business, was established in 2002.The case focuses on the challenges faced by Mr Jack, the owner of 5Ds Enterprise in his effort to attract and retain the local workforce in his firm. Having a patriotic heart, Mr Jack was always inspired and felt motivated in supporting and contributing towards national well-being and development.Although his firm offered good employment with good pay, 5Ds failed to get hold of workers from the local people of his own nation.As a result, he had to rely on the foreign workforce.This case highlights various challenges in recruiting and retaining the local workforce.The case stimulates students or participants to critically analyse the types of workforce management strategies and exercises that would help Mr Jack to engage the local workforce into his firm.Moreover, the case provides a good opportunity for students to understand the potentials and challenges in managing a family business

    The Role of Training System Expectancies in Ensuring Training Effectiveness: A Conceptual Analysis

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    Many organizations have invested billions of dollars in training their human resources. Yet, the effectiveness of the trainings has not been satisfactory.One of the solutions to the problem of unsatisfactory training outcomes could be training system expectancies.The link between training system expectancies and training effectiveness has not been adequately addressed in previous studies.Hence this study undertakes a conceptual analysis of training system expectancies and highlights its role in ensuring training effectiveness.At the end of the study, suggestions were made for further investigations of the relationship between training system expectancies and training effectiveness. In the increasingly competitive business environment of the 21st century, this study is significant as it contributes to the literature on training effectiveness which is required to increase employee productivity

    Does in-role performance mediate the relationships between performance appraisal, internal communication and customer satisfaction

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    Palestinian insurance customers are not satisfied. 55% of them changed their companies in 3 years or less.44% of customers are willing to switch and 30% of customers think that the perceived insurance services are below their expectations. Further, prior literature paid less attention to internal organizational factors contributing to customer satisfaction.This study is aiming to examine the impact of performance appraisal and internal communication on CS. and then test the mediating role of in-role performance between these variables.The findings revealed performance appraisal and internal communication have a direct effect on CS. furthermore, in-role performance plays a partial mediating role performance appraisal and internal communication respectively and CS. based on current study findings, insurance companies in Palestine have to give more attention to develop performance appraisal and internal communication to solve the current problems of CS

    Self-efficacy in attaining training effectiveness for general insurance agents

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    Attaining training effectiveness will be beneficial for General Insurance Agents in performing their daily activities.The training expenditure for General Insurance Agent, which is accounted in the company’s book under the Agency Related Expenses (ARE), applies to all the practitioners in the general insurance agency force with effect from 1st January 2005 where the training hours and related requirements stipulated in the guidelines set by the Central Bank of Malaysia (BNM) must be complied with.The Financial Mediation Bureau (FMB),now known as Ombudsman for Financial Services (OFS), a unit under the Central Bank of Malaysia had recorded 609 customers complaints in 2015, 660 in 2014 and 742 in 2013 for General Insurance products.This report shows that the person who introduces to the public insurance products are not well versed with the product thus the knowledge imparted were different from what is it all about. In the insurance industry, the person is widely known as agent who plays the role as link between insurance companies and customers. This research has been conducted in two training session where agents was evaluated to find the best way to improve agent basic understanding on product knowledge thus connection to the higher-level knowledge is possible.As a result, agents are more comfortable to be open-minded and less stressful while learning with their peers compares to instructors.The approach using self-efficacy was developed and had resulted a more relax and conducive learning environment and the training effectiveness achieved served as evidence in agents’ performanc

    Coworker support as moderator on the relationship between HRM practices and organizational commitment: A proposed framework

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    Several factors have been proposed to have influence over organizational commitment; among some of those prominent factors are human resource management practices.However, among the prominent studies on the said relationship; the reported findings are inconsistent.Therefore, it is proposed to incorporate a moderating variable to further explain this relationship.The current study proposed coworker support as moderator on the relationship between HRM practices and organizational commitment

    The measurement of the effectiveness of leadership styles for organizational commitment in Pakistan

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    This paper examines the relationship between transformational and transactional leadership and organizational commitment.Survey method was used for the purpose of collecting data from academic staff working in public sector Tertiary Institutions in Pakistan.Total 200 questionnaires were collected.After the process of data analysis, the results revealed both transformational leadership styles and transactional leadership style have significant effect on organizational commitment.However, PLS modelling outcome showed that the transformational leadership style was more influencing factor on organizational commitment than transactional leadership.Besides that, conclusions were drawn and recommendations were highlighted
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