16 research outputs found

    Multiparity and Breast Cancer Risk Factor among Women in Burkina Faso

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    The relative lack of information on breast cancer etiology in Burkina Faso led us to undertake the present work to highlight risk factors. This prospective study was conducted using a questionnaire between January 2015 and February 2016 on women admitted to Yalgado OUEDRAOGO hospital, for consultation or supervision. The characteristics of multiparous breast cancer patients (n = 44) were compared with their non-multiparous counterparts (n = 36). The study found that increased risk of breast cancer among non-multiparous cases was related to body mass index (BMI) (p <0.001), age at menopause (p <0.004) and use of oral contraception (p <0.021) while abortion (p <0.002) was a risk factor among multiparous cases. These results suggest that even if multiparity is associated with a decreased risk in some women, avoidance of abortion during reproductive life should be recommended. The results provide preliminary information, which now need to be supplemented by survey of a larger sample in the national territory.Peer reviewe

    Molecular diagnosis of COVID-19 in Burkina Faso: successful challenge

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    COVID-19 has worsened the health situation in Burkina Faso. In fact, the country has known a peak of the second wave, which began in November, and ended around January 2021. Biological diagnosis has played a key role in the management of COVID-19. The aim of this review paper is to address the practical aspects that laboratories have faced in order to meet the challenge of SARS-CoV-2 diagnosis in Burkina Faso. According to international requirements, Burkina Faso has used real-time Reverse Transcription Polymerase Chain Reaction (rRT-PCR) as the “gold standard” for the diagnosis of COVID-19. From March 9, 2020 to July 31, 2021, in Burkina Faso, laboratories involved in COVID-19 diagnosis analyzed 226,189 samples by molecular tests and 2, 352 samples by rapid antigenic tests, whose peak was in January 2021 with 35,984 samples analyzed. The daily average rate of samples analysis was 456.02 tests. The majority of the individuals requesting COVID-19 tests were travelers (62.00%), followed by contact cases (18.42%), suspected cases (7.95%), voluntary screening (7.57%), and 4.06% of other applicants consisting of health care personnel and at-risk patients. In terms of prevention, vaccines are being administered to the general population. However, some efforts must be made to provide automated sample analysis equipment and complete sequencing of SARS-CoV-2 remains among the challenges

    Inflammatory breast cancer: epidemiological, anatomopathological, molecular and viral aspects of 219 cases collected at the National Institute of Oncology (Rabat / Morocco)

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    audience: researcher, studentLe cancer inflammatoire du sein représente une entité clinique particulière caractérisée par sa rareté, son allure évolutive rapide et son pronostic péjoratif. Nous avons réalisé une étude rétrospective sur 6 ans (2005-2010) et nous avons recensé 219 cas de cancer du sein inflammatoire (CSI) diagnostiqués et traités à l’Institut National d’oncologie (INO) Hôpital Sidi Mohamed Ben Abdellah-Rabat. Le diagnostic du CSI a été clinique selon la définition de l'AJCC (American Joint Cancer Commitee). Ainsi, nous avons trouvé une incidence de 4,09% du CSI par rapport à tous les cancers du sein. Toutes les patientes sont de sexe féminin. L'âge moyen est de 47,31 ans (26-75 ans) et 60,72% des patientes ont un âge inférieur à 50 ans. Le taux des femmes non-ménopausées est de 51,14% et 69,58% sont multipares. Plus de 60% des patientes sont soit obèses (Indice de masse corporelle ou IMC ≥ 30 kg/m2) ou en surpoids (25<IMC<30). Sur le plan histologique, le carcinome canalaire infiltrant est prédominant représentant 93,23% des cas. Le grade I SBR (Scarff Bloom Richardson) a été rencontré dans seulement 7, 11% des cas. Les récepteurs aux œstrogènes (RE) et aux progestérones (RP) ont été négatifs dans respectivement 44,78% et 30,50% et HER2 était positif dans 33,07%. Quand à la classification moléculaire nous avons 41,60% des cas de type luminal A ; 19,46% groupés dans le sous-type luminal B, 17,70% sont de type HER2+ et 21,24% classés type Triple négatif. Nous avons 60,85% et 85,19% de cas qui présentent respectivement un envahissement ganglionnaire clinique et après curage des ganglions lymphatiques et 28,77% étaient initialement métastatiques. Les emboles vasculaires ont été trouvés dans 72,67% des cas. L’étude préliminaire de la détection du virus MMTV-like a porté sur 37 cas dont 31 cas de CSI et 6 cas de cancer de sein non inflammatoire. Pour ce faire une PCR a été utilisée pour la détection de MMTV-like dans des tissus inclus dans des blocs de paraffine. Les résultats montrent la présence des séquences d’ADN de la région Env du virus MMTV-like dans 64,51% des cas de CSI et 50% des cas de cancer de sein non inflammatoire (CSNI).Inflammatory breast cancer represents a special clinical entity characterized by its rarity, rapid evolutionary pace and poor prognosis. We conducted a retrospective study over 6 years (2005-2010) and we identified 219 cases of inflammatory breast cancer (IBC) diagnosed and treated at the National Institute of Oncology (INO) Hospital Sidi Mohamed Ben Abdellah, Rabat. The diagnosis was clinical as defined by AJCC (American Joint Cancer Committee). Thus, we found an incidence of 4.09% of IBC. All patients were female. The mean age was 47.31 years (26-75 years) and 60.72% of the patients were younger than 50 years. The rate of non-menopausal women is 51.14% and 69.58% were multiparous. Over 60% of patients were either obese (body mass index or BMI ≥ 30 kg/m2) or overweight (25 <BMI <30). On histology, invasive ductal carcinoma is predominant representing 93.23% of cases. SBR Grade I SBR (Scarff Bloom Richardson) was encountered in only 7, 11% of cases. Estrogen receptor (ER) and progesterone receptor (PR) were negative in respectively 44.78% and 30.50%, and HER2 was positive in 33.07%. Molecular classification showed 41.60% luminal A subtype, 19.46% grouped in the luminal B subtype, 17.70% HER2 + subtype and 21.24% Triple negative subtype. Lymph node infiltration was clinical in 60.85% and histological in 85.19% of the cases 28.77% were initially metastatic. Vascular emboli were found in 72.67% cases. The preliminary study of MMTV-like virus detection focused on 37 cases including 31 cases of IBC and 6 cases of non-inflammatory breast cancer (NIBC). One PCR was used for the detection of MMTV-like in paraffin embedded tissues. The results show the presence of DNA sequences of the Env region of MMTV-like virus in 64.51% of IBC cases and 50% of NIBC cases

    Ebola Hemorrhagic Fever

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    La maladie est causée par un virus de la famille des Filoviridae Le virus Ebola porte le nom d’une rivière du nord Zaïre (RDC), d’où il a été identifié pour la première fois en 1976. A nos jours cinq (5) souches sont connues dont quatre (4) provoquant la maladie chez l’homme (Zaïre/Congo, Soudan, Côte d’Ivoire et Gabon, nommées d’après le pays où elles ont été isolées pour la première fois). Les flambées épidémiques surviennent principalement dans les villages isolés d’Afrique centrale et d’Afrique de l’Ouest, à proximité des forêts ombrophiles tropicales

    Development of inflammatory breast cancer: the role of climate factors

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    Le cancer du sein inflammatoire est une entité à progression rapide

    Pharmacological Modulation of Steroid Activity in Hormone-Dependent Breast and Prostate Cancers: Effect of Some Plant Extract Derivatives

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    The great majority of breast and prostate tumors are hormone-dependent cancers; hence, estrogens and androgens can, respectively, drive their developments, making it possible to use pharmacological therapies in their hormone-dependent phases by targeting the levels of steroid or modulating their physiological activity through their respective nuclear receptors when the tumors relapse. Unfortunately, at some stage, both breast and prostate cancers become resistant to pharmacological treatments that aim to block their receptors, estrogen (ER) or androgen (AR) receptors, respectively. So far, antiestrogens and antiandrogens used in clinics have been designed based on their structural analogies with natural hormones, 17-&beta; estradiol and dihydrotestosterone. Plants are a potential source of drug discovery and the development of new pharmacological compounds. The aim of this review article is to highlight the recent advances in the pharmacological modulation of androgen or estrogen levels, and their activity through their cognate nuclear receptors in prostate or breast cancer and the effects of some plants extracts

    Outcome of inflammatory breast cancer in Moroccan patients: clinical, molecular and pathological characteristics of 219 cases from the National Oncology Institute (INO)

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    Abstract Background Usually misdiagnosed, Inflammatory Breast Cancer (IBC) is the most aggressive form of non-metastatic breast cancer. This orphan disease is more frequent in North Africa. Despite intensive treatment, the survival rate remains very low. Methods We have retrospectively studied all breast cancer cases diagnosed at the National Oncology Institute (INO), Rabat between 2005 and 2010. We have collected 219 cases of women with metastatic and non-metastatic IBC. Data have been obtained from patients’ personal medical files over a follow-up period of 5 years. We have described IBC’s clinicopathological features and analyzed its clinical outcome using SPSS software. HR (hazard Ratio) was calculated using Cox regression analysis. Results The frequency of IBC cases is 4.05%. The majority of our patients (65.3%) were under 50 years old. The most prevalent molecular subtype was Luminal A (38.7%) followed by Luminal B HER2+ (27.9%) and Triple negative (21.6%). During the follow-up period, 72 patients (32.9%) had recurrence and 40 patients (18.3%) died. The 3-year OS (Overall Survival) and EFS (Event Free Survival) of non-metastatic patients were 70.4 and 46.5% respectively, while in the metastatic disease, the 3-year OS was only 41.9%. In non-metastatic women, we observed a higher rate of EFS associated to Selective estrogen receptor modulation treatment (p = 0.01), and a lower rate EFS in triple negative breast cancer patients (p = 0.02). In univariate analysis, we found that EFS rate is lower in patients presenting Triple Negative tumors when compared to other molecular subtypes (HR: 3.54; 95%CI: 1.13–11.05; p = 0.02). We also found that Selective estrogen receptor modulation treatment is associated with higher EFS rate (HR: 0.48; 95%CI: 0.07–0.59; p = 0.01). Conclusions IBC in Morocco shows similar characteristics to those in North African countries; however, survival rates are still the highest when compared with neighboring countries. Collaborative studies with prospective aspects are warranted to establish the epidemiological profile and understand the high frequencies of IBC in North Africa. More studies on molecular markers are also needed to improve IBC patients’ management and eventually their survival rate

    Confirmation de l’électrophorèse des sujets drépanocytaires SS et non drépanocytaires par PCR en temps réel au Burkina Faso

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    La drépanocytose, maladie génétique très répandue dans le monde, a une prévalence élevée au Burkina Faso. Cette étude avait pour objectif de confirmer par PCR en temps réel l’électrophorèse des sujets drépanocytaires SS et non drépanocytaires afin de la proposer comme méthode de diagnostic précoce des hémoglobinopathies. Au total 280 patients ont participé à cette étude dont 86 drépanocytaires âgés de 1 à 15 ans (sujets non enceintes) et 194 femmes enceintes dont le génotype de l’hémoglobine était inconnu mais après l’examen, aucune femme enceinte SS n’a été identifiée. Tous les patients ont effectué les tests de l’électrophorèse de l’hémoglobine (EHb) et la PCR pour la détermination de leurs génotypes. En sus, ceux qui portaient l’hémoglobine SS ont réalisé les analyses de fer sérique, de ferritine et d’hémogramme. Le groupe des drépanocytaires étaient constitués de 41,9% de femmes et 58,1% d’hommes. Le génotypage par PCR chez les femmes enceintes a donné les fréquences génotypiques : AA(82,4%); AC(9,3%); AS(5,2%); CC(3,1%). Tous les tests d’EHb ont été confirmés à 100% par la PCR. La PCR était sensible et spécifique à 100% par rapport aux tests de l’EHb. La PCR qui permet d’effectuer des analyses prénatales et périnatales, différentie également l’hémoglobine S de l’hémoglobine D, et l’hémoglobine C de l’hémoglobine A2. Par conséquent, le test PCR de l’hémoglobine peut être dorénavant recommandé pour les examens de routine des hémoglobinopathies. &nbsp; Englsih title: Electrophoresis confirmation of SS and non-sickle cell subjects using realtime PCR in Burkina FasoSickle cell disease, a genetic disease that is widespread in the world, has a high prevalence in Burkina Faso. The aim of this study was to confirm the electrophoresis of SS and non-sickle cell subjects by real-time PCR in order to propose it as an early diagnosis method for hemoglobinopathies. A total of 280 patients participated in this study, including 86 sickle aged 1 to 15 years (non-pregnant) cell patients and 194 pregnant women with unknown hemoglobin genotypes and no HbSS pregnant women was detected after Hb genotype analysis. All patients underwent hemoglobin electrophoresis (EHb) and PCR tests to determine their genotypes. In addition, those with SS hemoglobin performed serum iron, ferritin, and hemogram tests. The sickle cell group consisted of 41.9% women and 58.1% men. PCR genotyping in pregnant women yielded the following genotype frequencies: AA (82.4%); AC (9.3%); AS (5.2%); CC (3.1%). All EHb tests were 100% confirmed by PCR. PCR was 100% sensitive and specific compared to EHb tests. PCR, which allows for prenatal and perinatal testing, also differentiates hemoglobin S from hemoglobin D, and hemoglobin C from hemoglobin A2. Therefore, the PCR test for hemoglobin can now be recommended for routine exams of hemoglobinopathies

    Glutathione S-transferase M1 (GSTM1) and T1 (GSTT1) variants and breast cancer risk in Burkina Faso

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    Breast cancer remains the most common cause of cancer mortality in women. The aim of this study was to investigate associations between genetic variability in GSTM1 and GSTT1 and susceptibility to breast cancer