25 research outputs found

    Healthcare Stereotype Threat in Older Adults in the Health and Retirement Study

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    Introduction Healthcare stereotype threat is the threat of being personally reduced to group stereotypes that commonly operate within the healthcare domain, including stereotypes regarding unhealthy lifestyles and inferior intelligence. The objective of this study was to assess the extent to which people fear being judged in healthcare contexts on several characteristics, including race/ethnicity and age, and to test predictions that experience of such threats would be connected with poorer health and negative perceptions of health care. Methods Data were collected as part of the 2012 Health and Retirement Study (HRS). A module on healthcare stereotype threat, designed by the research team, was administered to a random subset (n=2,048 of the total 20,555) of HRS participants. The final sample for the present healthcare stereotype threat experiment consists of 1,479 individuals. Logistic regression was used to test whether healthcare stereotype threat was associated with self-rated health, reported hypertension, and depressive symptoms, as well as with healthcare-related outcomes, including physician distrust, dissatisfaction with health care, and preventative care use. Results Seventeen percent of respondents reported healthcare stereotype threat with respect to one or more aspects of their identities. As predicted, healthcare stereotype threat was associated with higher physician distrust and dissatisfaction with health care, poorer mental and physical health (i.e., self-rated health, hypertension, and depressive symptoms), and lower odds of receiving the influenza vaccine. Conclusions The first of its kind, this study demonstrates that people can experience healthcare stereotype threat on the basis of various stigmatized aspects of social identity, and that these experiences can be linked with larger health and healthcare-related outcomes, thereby contributing to disparities among minority groups

    Stress and Blood Pressure During Pregnancy: Racial Differences and Associations With Birthweight

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    OBJECTIVE: To extend findings that African American women report greater stress during pregnancy, have higher blood pressure (BP), and are twice as likely to have low birthweight infants relative to white women. This study examines a) racial differences in associations between stress and BP during pregnancy, and b) the combined effects of stress and BP on infant birthweight in a sample of 170 African American and white women. METHODS: A prospective, longitudinal study of pregnant women was conducted in which measures of BP, stress, and other relevant variables were collected. Multiple measures of systolic and diastolic BP were taken at each of three points during pregnancy (18-20, 24-26, and 30-32 weeks gestation). RESULTS: Both systolic blood pressure (SBP) and diastolic blood pressure (DBP) were positively associated with stress in pregnant African American women and not in pregnant white women. In analyses of birthweight, there were no main effects of BP or stress. However, a significant interaction demonstrated that, when stress was high, DBP was negatively associated with birthweight and a combination of high stress and high DBP predicted the lowest birthweight in the sample. Furthermore, African American women were twice as likely as white women to have a combination of high stress and high DBP. CONCLUSIONS: Racial differences in relationships between stress and BP, and the interactive effect of stress and DBP on birthweight together suggest that a high stress-high BP profile may pose a risk for lower birthweight among African American women, in particular, and possibly for all pregnant women

    The role of healthcare stereotype threat and social identity threat in LGB health disparities

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    Health disparities exist between lesbian, gay, and bisexual (LGB) individuals and heterosexuals and can be explained by differential access to healthcare, unique experiences with discrimination, and higher prevalence of HIV/AIDS. This article will examine another possible explanation, namely healthcare stereotype threat and social identity threat in the healthcare experiences of sexual minority individuals. In doing so, this article integrates previous research on stereotypes and discrimination with regard to LGB individuals as well as research concerning LGB individuals’ experiences with healthcare providers. The article concludes with a discussion about future research and potential interventions to ameliorate identity threats for LGB individuals in healthcare contexts. From a social justice perspective, identity threats serve as an important contextual variable feeding health disparities among sexual minorities. If better understood, such threats and resultant disparities may be reduced via cost-effective changes in environmental cues and educational strategies

    Healthcare stereotype threat and health outcomes among LGB individuals

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    Background/Purpose: Health disparities between sexual minorities and heterosexuals are well documented and have been explained by differential access to healthcare as well as exposure to discrimination. The current research examines the role that healthcare stereotype threat, or the fear of being judged by healthcare providers based on negative group stereotypes, plays in the health of LGB individuals. Methods: LGB individuals (N = 1507) in three age cohorts were recruited via random digit dialing to participate in a larger study on sexual minority health. Participants completed measures assessing healthcare stereotype threat, lifetime health diagnoses, life satisfaction, and number of bad physical health days and personal distress in the past 30 days. Results: Healthcare stereotype threat was associated with higher psychological distress and number of reported bad physical health days. Additionally, the Younger and Middle cohorts reported more stereotype threat than the Older cohort, but reported significantly higher levels of life satisfaction in the face of this threat than those in the Older cohort. Conclusions: Healthcare stereotype threat was related to poorer mental and physical health among LGB individuals; this was true when these outcomes were assessed over the past 30 days but not when they were assessed in general. Cohort differences in healthcare stereotype threat suggest potential important within group variation that needs further investigating. The research broadens the contexts to which stereotype threat is relevant and establishes a stressor related to LGB health