40 research outputs found

    Natural Product Tsunami

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    Global rising trends for natural products consumption, establishing traditional medicines, vast propagation, and simple access to legal or illegal natural medications have encountered health systems with a disastrous tsunami, which was not fully predicted and programmed for throughout medical education. </p

    The Late Lamented

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    Professor Dr. Hassan Farsam left us with a lot of honors after more than half a century teaching pharmacy students. I became familiar with the name of this pharmacy professor during my pharmacy training around 1992 when my supervisor informed me about unique features of a pharmacy pioneer from Tehran Faculty of Pharmacy. After a couple of years, I encountered with Professor Farsam's publications and interests on the history of pharmacy and natural products. Also, recently when he was the head of the TUMS Museum of History of Medicine, I asked him regarding the situation of Iranian pharmacy in the past 50 years and his perspective on the following 50 years

    Preparation and Optimization of a Novel Disintegrating Golqand Pellets as a Traditional Persian Pharmacy Formulation: The Path to Be Embarked upon

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    Introduction: Multi-particulate dosage form of pellet is formed by agglomeration of fine powdered drugs and excipients, leading to free flowing spherical particles. The multi-step process of extrusion &amp; spheronization are mostly applied for preparation of uniformly-sized pellets. Golqand, a product of Traditional Persian Pharmacy containing Rosa damascena Mill petals is a heart and brain tonic, refresher, astringent, and a stomachic. It helps to improve appetite and relieves digestive diseases. Also, Golqand calms down nervous system. Based on traditional texts, it has been produced as a Jam-like preparation, imposing some difficulties in taking and dosing. In this study, we have prepared Golqand in pellet form, a novel solid dosage form and optimized this natural formulation. Methods and Results: In this study, a 20 runs D-optimal method was applied as an experimental design to establish the optimum conditions for Golqand pellet preparation by extruder spheronizer equipment. The preparation process of pellets was optimized by a systematic multi-objective-optimization approach in terms of D- values for the particle size distribution (i.e. D10, D50 &amp; D90) which are the intercepts for 10%, 50% and 90% of the cumulative mass obtained via sieving method. The Model F-value of 6.58 implied the models were significant.&nbsp; There is only a 0.34% chance that a "Model F-Value" this large could occur due to noise. The R2, adjusted R2, predicted R2, and adequate precision for D50 model were calculated 82%, 72%, 46%, and 10.06, respectively which means that there is a good correlation between parameters and model. Conclusions: In conclusion, presented models conducted us to prepare Golqand pellets with unimodal particle size distribution and pre-defined particle size. Applying pelletization method for Golqand preparation could resolve some critical challenges of natural formulations like taking similar doses

    Lost Ethnic Borders in Ethnopharmacological Research

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    A study of Qorabadin Salehi's Textology with a View to Medical Education

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    زمینه و هدف: به علم ترکیب داروهای مفرده و ساخت فرآورده جدید قرابادین می‌گویند. علت اصلی پدیدآمدن قرابادین‌ها عدم درمان برخی بیماری‌ها توسط داروی مفرده، جلوگیری از عوارض جانبی برخی داروها و تأثیر بیشتر دارو بوده است. با وجود اهمیت قرابادین‌ها در طب، بررسی تحلیلی محتوای کتب مربوط به آن‌ها کمتر مورد توجه قرار گرفته است. یکی از زوایای پنهانی که در بررسی آن‌ها باید مورد توجه قرار گیرد، مبحث آموزش پزشکی می‌باشد. یکی از شاخص‌ترین قرابادین‌ها که از منظر آموزش پزشکی قابل بررسی و تطبیق با اصول نوین آموزش پزشکی می‌باشد، قرابادین صالحی نوشته صالح بن محمد بن محمد صالح قاینی هروی پزشک و داروساز ایرانی قرن دوازدهم (ق.) است که در سال1180 ق. تألیف و در این مطالعه به بررسی و تحلیل محتوای آن پرداخته شده است. روش: این پژوهش به شیوه توصیفی ـ تحلیلی و با رویکرد آموزش پزشکی و با روش کتابخانه‌ای مورد بررسی قرار گرفته است. کتاب، مقاله و نسخ خطی از جمله ابزارهایی هستند که برای جمع‌آوری اطلاعات در این پژوهش مورد استفاده ‌قرار گرفتند. همچنین با جستجو در پایگاه‌های اطلاعاتی خارجی همچون Scopus، Pub Med، Web of Science، Google Scholer و پایگاه‌های اطلاعاتی داخلی، مانند نورمگز، مگیران، SID اطلاعات لازم جهت تدوین مقاله جمع‌آوری شد. ملاحظات اخلاقی: صداقت و امانتداری در ارائه گزارش و انتشار مطالب رعایت گردید و نقل قول‌ها با ذکر منبع مورد استفاده صورت گرفت. یافته‌ها: قرابادین صالحی دارای برنامه آموزشی شامل هدف، محتوا و روش‌های آموزش می‌باشد. نویسنده در مقدمه به طور غیر مستقیم هدف از تألیف کتاب را کاملاً منطبق بر نیازهای روز جامعه توضیح می‌دهد، سپس محتوای متناسب با اهداف پیش‌بینی‌شده را ارائه داده و از طریق روش‌هایی چون حل مسأله و استدلال بالینی در قالب حکایت به آموزش تجربه‌های خود به مخاطبین می‌پردازد. این حکایت‌ها از بعد تحقیق و پژوهش دارای اهمیت می‌باشند. نتیجه‌گیری: در دوران تمدن اسلامی قرابادین‌های متعددی نگارش یافته‌اند. قرابادین صالحی با بسیاری از اصول و مبانی آموزش پزشکی قابل تطبیق است. قرابادین صالحی: 1ـ دارای برنامه آموزشی شامل هدف، محتوا و روش‌های آموزش می‌باشد؛ 2ـ با دید آموزش جامعه‌نگر نوشته شده ‌است؛ 3ـ از روش‌های آموزشی چون استدلال بالینی و حل مسأله در آموزش استفاده نموده است.Background and Aim: The science of combining simple drugs and making a new product is called Qorabadin. The main reason for the emergence of Qorabadins was the lack of treatment of some diseases with a single drug, prevention of side effects of some drugs, and greater drug effectiveness. Despite the importance of Qorabadin in medicine, analytical study of the content of books related to them has received less attention. One of the hidden angles that should be considered in the study is the issue of medical education. Qorabadin Salehi is one of the most prominent Qorabadins that can be studied from the perspective of medical education and adapted to the new principles of medical education Written by Saleh Ibn Mohammad Ibn Mohammad Saleh Ghaeni Heravi, an Iranian physician and pharmacist of the twelfth century (AH), which was written in 1180 (AH) and this study, its content has been studied and analyzed. Methods: This research has been studied in a descriptive-analytical manner with a medical education approach and a library method. Books, articles, and manuscripts are some of the tools used to collect information in this study. Also, by searching in external databases such as google scholar, web of science, pub med, Scopus, and internal databases such as Noor Magaz, Magiran, (SID) University Jihad Scientific Information Center Database, the necessary information was collected to compile. Ethical Considerations: Honesty and trusteeship were observed in reporting and publishing content and the quotes presented with the source used. Results: Qorabadin Salehi has an educational program including purpose, content, and teaching methods. In the introduction, the author indirectly explains the purpose of writing the book in full accordance with today's society's needs; It then presents content appropriate to the intended objectives and teaches its experiences to the audience through methods such as problem-solving and clinical reasoning in the form of anecdotes. These anecdotes are important in research. Conclusion: During the Islamic civilization, several Qarabadins have been written. Gharabadin Salehi can be applied to many principles and foundations of medical education. Qorabadin Salehi 1. has an educational program including the purpose, content and methods of education; 2. It is written with the view of social education; 3. Has used educational methods such as clinical reasoning and problem solving in education. &nbsp; Please cite this article as: Ehsanian H, Mohagheghzadeh A, Ghaffari F. A study of Qorabadin Salehi's Textology with a View to Medical Education. Tārīkh-i pizishkī, i.e., Medical History. 2022; 14(47): e13

    Knowledge, Attitude, and Practice (KAP) of Pharmacists about Natural Products Used for Urolithiasis in Shiraz, Iran

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    Background and objectives: We wanted to figure out how pharmacists make their judgments about the efficacy of natural products in urolithiasis and how they make suggestions about these products. Methods: A self-made descriptive questionnaire was designed, evaluated, and performed to assess pharmacists’ knowledge, attitude, and practice (KAP) about natural products in urolithiasis in 46 young pharmacists and final year pharmacy students in Shiraz. Results: In all of the KAP sections, Rowatinex®, Cystone®, and Sankol® were the most known, believed to be effective, and preferred pharmacist products. Respondents had received different education hours. About 54% of them believed their education was averagely adequate. Brochures (63.0%), web-search (60.9%), and applications (45.7%) were the primary resources used by pharmacists, mainly to check the instruction of use. About 80% of pharmacists were unaware of the mechanism of action of at least 5 of 14 products. Generally, respondents had a positive view of natural products. In addition, they thought price and advertisements were effective in patients’ and physicians’ choice of products. More than half of pharmacists preferred to use clinical trials (52.2%) rather than systematic reviews (19.6%). Conclusion: Providing a vast amount of information in the education process is not the best solution for preparing pharmacists for their role in community pharmacies. Besides the need for increasing clinical trials about complementary and alternative medicines and developing evidence-based databases, we need to train pharmacy students in professional ways to gain knowledge about complementary and alternative medicines

    Pharmacy or PharmaNBIC: Thinking about 50 years ahead of pharmacy

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    The contemporary trends and concepts in pharmacy are widely affected by the emergence of Nano-, Bio- or Info- technologies (NBI) as an attempt to develop different principles of medicine. This commentary is trying to make a think tank room for 50 years ahead of pharmacy where the ambience of pharmacy will be affected by such technologies (NBI) together with cognition (NBIC) to achieve intelligence, low adverse reaction and holistic action medicals.   </p


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    During the final hours of pregnancy, uterine contractions cause the foetus to move through the birth canal and leave the mother’s body. Haly Abbas (died 982-994 CE), is believed to be the first writer to explain the role of these contractions. However, this concept had in fact been described in the text titled Bab-e-Borzouyeh, written four centuries earlier by the physician Borzouyeh (Perzoes in Latin) as a prologue to his translation of the Indian collection of fables known as the Panchatantra. Because Haly Abbas probably had access to ancient Persian medical textsKontrakcije maternice u zadnjim satima trudnoće uzrokuju prolaz ploda kroz porođajni kanal i napuštanje majčinog tijela. Smatra se kako je Haly Abbas (u. 982–994) prvi koji je opisao ulogu tih kontrakcija. Međutim ovaj je pojam četiri stoljeća ranije zapravo opisao liječnik Borzouyeh (lat. Perzoes) u tekstu naslovljenu Bab-e-Borzouyeh, uvodu njegova prijevoda Panchatantre,zbirke indijskih basni. Budući da je Haly Abbas vjerojatno imao pristup staroperzijskim medicinskim tekstovima, prvo izvješće o kontrakcijama maternice trebalo bi biti priznato starijem autoru

    Wallflower (Erysimum cheiri (L.) Crantz) from Past to Future

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    Wallflower (Erysimum cheiri (L.) Crantz) is a common medicinal plant in Persian medicine and nowadays some traditional products from wallflower are consumed on global markets. The aim of the present study was to study the phytochemical constituents of wallflower and discuss safety evaluations related to the traditional wallflower preparations. Major Persian scholars (e.g. Avicenna) books, Persian manuscripts (e.g. Makhzan-al-advia) and Arabic medical manuscripts (e.g Alshamel-fi alsanaat altebya) of the medieval Islamic era as well as current search engines including Pubmed, Scopus, Siencedirect, and Google Scholar were included in the study from 1700 up to 2018 A.D. In traditional medicine manuscripts, various topical and oral dosage forms of wallflower were administered in low doses. After renaissance, phytochemical investigations reported cardiac steroids in wallflower and it might be the reason that next medical investigations on the herb have been interrupted. According to in vivo studies, topical indications of cardiac steroids in doses lower than their inhibitory concentration 50 (IC50) should be safe and effective in some cutaneous disorders. Wallflower is reported to have several different classes of compounds including: 11 types of cardenolides (such as strophanthidin, bipindogenin, uzarigenin, cannogenol and digitoxygenin derivatives), two flavonoids, a cyanidin and two glucosinolates. Therefore, for safety guarantee, wallflower products require dose adjustment based on IC50 and probable cardenolide soluble content in that dosage forms.  </strong

    Potential Effects and Mechanisms of Action of Topical Wallflower (Erysimum cheiri (L.) Cranz) Administration in Anal Fissure

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    Anal fissure is an ischemic ulcer that occurs in anoderm and it has no obvious etiology and pathophysiology in current medicine. Anal fissure has a profound history in Persian and Persian medicine and wallflower (Erysimum cheiri (L.) Crantz) has been a common medication in this case. Traditional oil and/or dilute decoction of wallflower has been introduced as an effective topical medicine for anal fissure in Persian medicine.The aim of this study was to demystify the ancient wisdom in administration of low-dose wallflower for anal fissure, via the view point of modern pharmacological mechanisms. The basic idea and source of information was according to Persian and Arabic medicine manuscripts of the medieval Islamic era. Electronic literature was searched for related phytochemical and pharmacological studies available in Scopus, Google scholar, Pubmed and ScienceDirect databases from 1900 to 2018. The results showed that different parts of wallflower contain several types of cardiotonic steroids, isothiocyanates and flavonoids. Low-dose topical cardiotonic steroids, below their IC50, could have potential effects on the ischemic condition of anal fissure ulcer and collagen synthesis in the local fibroblasts, by stimulation of Na+/K+ ATPase pump. Furthermore, other active compounds in wallflower are isothiocyanates that could be responsible for tissue protective effects by induction of NRf2 expression and activating TRPA1 channels. Also wallflower flavonoids are responsible for anti-inflammatory, analgesic and wound healing properties. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first time that low-dose topical wallflower administration is hypothesized to have anal fissure healing potential in conventional medicine. This study has introduced a novel mechanistic approach for anal fissure treatment