11 research outputs found

    An overview of shark fisheries in Kupang, East Nusa Tenggara Province, Indonesia

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    The biology of sharks makes them very vulnerable to fishing pressure. Globally, sharks are threatened because of uncontrolled fishing due to the increasing demand for their fins. In Indonesia, shark fishing occurs in almost all marine areas, and each area has different characteristics and conditions. Understanding the conditions and characteristics of each area will help to define strategies for the sustainable management of shark fisheries. This paper aimed to provide an overview of the condition of shark fisheries in Kupang, East Nusa Tenggara, Indonesia. This study used a qualitative method to get information about fishing techniques, catch composition, utilization, and trading. The data were collected through observation, interviews, and literature review. The result showed that fishermen in Kupang caught sharks as a fishing target using longline fishing gear. Almost all sharks were landed in pieces after being chopped up in the vessel. They were chopped off into some pieces, such as the fin, meat, skin, and cartilage. Sharks species could be identified by their fins, but their total length, weight, sex ratio, and adult size were difficult to identify. That makes it difficult to plan reasonable management strategies. Shark fins are more expensive than other parts, and the price depends on the fin size. Shark products are traded to Surabaya, Manado, Bogor, and Jakarta. Trade of shark products is regulated by the Minister of Marine Affairs and Fisheries Regulation number 61/PERMEN-KP/2018. Based on this study, management intervention must be undertaken to ensure sustainable shark fisheries in Kupang

    The Potential of Pesantren in Sustainable Rural Development

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    The number of pesantren that scattered in rural areas makes it as one of the potential of informal institutions in sustainable rural development. The aim of this study was to determine the potential of pesantren Buntet in sustainable rural development. The method used in this study was a qualitative method that carried out through unstructured interviews and observations that aim to describe the potential of the pesantren in supporting sustainable rural development. The results of the data analysis are interpreted using the theory of Pretty and Ward that used to analyze the potential of pesantren.Through this research was determined that Pesantren Buntet had a potential in terms of sustainable development activities which include social, economic, and environmental activity. Moreover, in term of institutional aspect Pesantren Buntet at the stage awareness interdependence. However, Pesantren Buntet not entirely on stage Awareness interdependence. Because in indicators of technological development, Pesantren Buntet is still at the stage 1 is reactive dependence, where the use of technology in these pesantren is still at the stage of eco-efficiency and harm reduction

    Home gardens: a promising approach to enhance household food security and wellbeing

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