5 research outputs found

    Dukungan Sosial Guru dengan Regulasi Diri dalam Belajar pada Siswa SMK

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    This study is a kind of correlational study that uses quantitative method. This study aims to know “the correlation of teacher’s social support towards self-regulated learning on students of SMK Negeri 1 Amabi Oefeto Timur “. The sample taken were 10th, 11th, and 12th grade students of SMK Negeri 1 Amabi Oefeto Timur consist of 64 students. The hypothesis testing used correlational testing of pearson product moment in recognizing both variables. The result showed that the value of correlational coefficient is 0,648 with has 0,000 significance value (p). Means that it is H1 (received), in this case there is a positive and significant correlation between teacher’s social support and self-regulated learning on students of SMK Negeri 1 Amabi Oefeto Timur.   Keywords : Self-regulated learning, Teacher’s social support Bibliography 36 (2008-2019

    The Level of Sexual Bullying Behavior Among Early Adult in Kupang City

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    Adults can do sexual bullying that leads to aspects of sexuality physically or non-physically and occurs repeatedly. This study aims to determine the level of sexual bullying behavior in early adult in Kupang, totaling 373 participants aged 18-25. The hypothesis is that early adult individuals tend to have high sexual bullying behavior. Collecting data using the Likert scale Sexual Bullying - ASBAE and distributed online, then analyzed using descriptive statistical techniques using SPSS 16.0 software and Microfost Excel 2010. The test results show sexual bullying has a Cronbach alpha value in the range of 0.960-0.966. The results showed that early adult individuals in the city of Kupang had sexual bullying behavior and dimensions of sexual bullying tended to be low because the empirical mean was smaller than the theoretical means. Finally, gender also influenced the level of sexual bullying behavior and the dimensions of sexual bullying for early adults

    Occupational Stress In Medical Workers at Naibonat Hospital

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    Abstract: Occupational stress is a condition in which the work demands exceed the workers' capabilities, resulting in various adverse reactions to the worker's physical, psychological, and behaviour. The inability to answer these demands is very likely a trigger for work stress, that work stress is a situation where a person faces a task or job that cannot or cannot be reached by his / her abilities. The purpose of this study was to determine the work stress of health workers (nurses, midwives and doctors) and to determine work stress based on aspects of work stress (physiological, psychological and behavioral) in health workers at Naibonat Hospital, Kupang Regency. This type of research is quantitative research. The total sample was 110 health workers, namely 51 nurses, 49 midwives and 10 doctors. In this study, using descriptive analysis to determine the work stress between nurses, midwives and doctors. The results of the descriptive analysis state that there is a comparison of work stress between nurses, midwives and doctors as well as aspects of work stress in terms of aspects (physiology, psychology and behavior) in health workers at Naibonat Hospital, Kupang Regency

    An Overview of Life Gratitude on Ex-Prisoner Adolescents

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    Adolescence is a very important and critical part of an individual's development. This is because, in the stages of adolescent development, it is often marked by an identity crisis which causes an adolescent to be very vulnerable to conduct behavior that is not following prevailing norms and rules, such as deviant behavior. Adolescents who are found guilty according to the applicable law will be placed and fostered at the Special Development Institution for Children (LPKA) and referred to as Correctional Students (Andikpas). After serving a criminal period, adolescent ex-prisoner will come out and live again in society. However, this is not easy due to environmental resistance and the difficulty of carrying out social reintegration. On the other hand, this brings its lessons for adolescent ex-prisoners so that they can be grateful by seeing life more positively. This paper will discuss the different and unique overview of life gratitude of ex-prisoner adolescents. The discussion is hoped to be able to provide knowledge related to the gratitude of life and adolescent ex-prisoners

    Self-Regulated Learning and Online Game Addiction in College Student

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    This study aims to determine the relationship between self-regulated learning and online game addiction. This research is quantitative research with Spearman correlation. The number of subjects in this study was 337 people. The sampling technique used in this research is cluster sampling. The method of collecting data is quantitatively through an online questionnaire. The results showed no relationship between self-regulated learning and online game addiction. This study suggests not using self-regulation variables in learning because it cannot suppress online game addiction. It can be replaced using self-regulation, self-efficacy variables, and self-management. Teenagers who are indicated to be addicted to online games can immediately seek a psychologist so that their addiction can be reduced. Parents continue to support their children so that they can have good achievements and supervise children using smartphones, especially in playing online games, so that online game addiction does not occur