3 research outputs found

    グルコース変動による酸化ストレスを介した内皮型一酸化窒素合 成酵素機能障害とアスタキサンチンの改善効果

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    富山大学・富医薬博甲第197号・Lobna Aly Abdelzaher・2016/03/23・★論文非公開★富山大

    Clinical And Radiographic Assessment of Xenogenic Bone Graft With Or Without Hyaluronic Acid For Post Extraction Socket Preservation (Randomized Clinical Trial)

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    hyaluronic acid shows osteogenic potentials which considered important property during bone regeneration. So, we aim to assess the efficiency of hyaluronic acid with xenograft mixture in post extraction alveolar sockets to decelerate resorption of dental alveolar ridge