20 research outputs found

    Can sustainable development goals go hand in hand with economic growth? Evidence from Morocco

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    This study investigates the influence of implementing the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) on the economic growth of Morocco. The main purpose is to empirically verify whether the pursuit of sustainable development goals can go hand in hand with economic growth. Employing a robust least squares regression, this paper analyzed carefully chosen data that closely aligns with the essence of the SDG indicators. The findings reveal a positive correlation between financial inclusion and financial stability and the economic growth. Conversely, the poverty reduction exerts a positive effect on economic growth, while the quality of education does not sufficiently account for changes in GDP. Moreover, the estimates indicate a favorable outcome stemming from the enhancement of institutional quality, reflected in improved economic freedoms, as well as the reduction of administrative burdens, both of which positively contribute to economic growth. Furthermore, the results demonstrate a negative impact of renewable energy and a negligible influence of energy efficiency on Morocco’s economic growth. The negative impact of renewable energy can be attributed to a number of sources, including high initial costs, structural changes in the industry and the need to set up infrastructure for production. The positive effects of adopting renewable energies on economic growth can take time to be realized over the very long term

    Paragangliome malin orbitaire, à propos d’un cas

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    Les paragangliomes sont des tumeurs neuroendocrines développées aux dépens du système nerveux parasympathique. Ils peuvent se localiser n’ importe où dans l’organisme depuis la tète et cou jusqu’au pelvis. La localisation orbitaire de cette tumeur est très rare. Nous présentons le cas d’un patient âgé de 37 ans qui présente depuis 4 mois une exophtalmie unilatérale droite, d’installation progressive, sans douleur ni baisse de l’acuité visuelle associés. L’examen général montre une tuméfaction sous le cuire chevelu, sans adénopathies locorégionales ni hépato ou splénomégalie. La tomodensitométrie retrouve un processus tumoral occupant le cadran supéro-externe de l’orbite droite, mesurant 38 mm de grand axe, envahissant la paroi supérieure et externe de l’orbite avec une importante ostéolyse. Un body scan révèle alors une métastase pulmonaire. L’examen histopathologique complétés par l’immunohistochimie, réalisé après biopsie, révèle un marquage cytoplasmique par l’anticorps anti-chromogranin, l’anticorps anti-synaptophysine et un marquage des vaisseaux par l’anticorps anti-CD31 soulignant l'architecture en zellbalen des nids tumoraux. Cet aspect est en faveur d’un paragangliome malin. Une exérèse chirurgicale incomplète suivie d’une radiothérapie adjuvante, sont alors réalisés. L’origine exacte de cette tumeur au sein de l’orbite reste très controversée. L’exophtalmie reste le principal signe révélateur. La tomodensitométrie, l’imagerie par résonnance magnétique et la scintigraphie au Metaiodobenzylguanidine radioinonisée à l’iode (MIBG-I131) permettent d’orienter le diagnostic et faire un bilan d’extension de la tumeur. Le diagnostic de certitude repose sur l’histopathologie et l’immunohistochimie. L'excision totale de la lésion est le traitement de choix pour les lésions bien délimitées. Dans les formes plus étendues le traitement repose sur l’excision incomplète associée à une radiothérapie adjuvante ou au MIBG I 131. La localisation orbitaire du paragangliome reste très rare. Son diagnostic est difficile et repose essentiellement sur l’immunohistochimie. Son pronostic dépend essentiellement de l’extension locale et de la présence de métastases à distance qui signe le caractère malin du paragangliome.Pan African Medical Journal 2012; 12:3

    Effect of PGPR and mixed cropping on mycorrhizal status, soil fertility, and date palm productivity under organic farming system

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    A field study was carried out for two years at an organic farm under arid climate in Morocco to investigate the effect of an integrated biofertilization approach on Arbuscular Mycorrhizal Fungal (AMF) abundance and infectivity, soil fertility, yield, and fruit quality of date palm. The biofertilization approach included three management practices namely application of compost, inoculation with a consortium of native PGPR strains originally isolated from date palms of Drâa-Tafilalet region (Pseudomonas koreensis, Serratia nematodiphila, S. marcescens, and Klebsiella sp.) and using mixed-cropping with sorghum. Accordingly, four treatments were established in this study: 1) mixed-cropping with sorghum, 2) PGPR inoculation, 3) sorghum + PGPR, and 4) control (without sorghum or PGPR). All treatments received compost as organic amendment. Results revealed that mixed-cropping with sorghum significantly increased AMF colonization intensity and spore density by more than 50% and 29%, respectively. Sorghum association also resulted in a significant increase in organic matter concentrations of up to 2.95% against 2.45% in monocropping soils. The integrated biofertilization approach resulted in the highest yield with an increase rate of 10.6% and 12.1% in the first and the second year, respectively compared to date palms receiving compost alone. Similarly, the mineral composition and quality characteristics of date fruits were significantly improved. The enhancement of soil fertility and date palm productivity under harsh environmental conditions represents a first step towards the adoption of sustainable practices in the region and in similar areas

    A Game Theoretic Approach to Analyse Security between Smart Vehicles and Parcels in Smart Cities

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    The Internet of Things (IoT) is considered as a modern concept that will revolutionize the near future. Its interest is to create an environment of combined intelligent devices and systems, communicating with each other through wireless networks. Urban logistics are an applicative field of this new technology, especially for smart parcels and vehicles. Actually, in the context of economy development, the competitiveness between companies and territories necessarily involves an improvement of logistics services. Although these gains offered by IoT, there are significant obstacles to counter. One of the important obstacles to consider is the security. In this paper, we will analyze the interaction between selfish smart vehicles/parcels and malicious smart vehicles/parcels, that was formulated as a game model. As a result, we have calculated the Nash equilibrium and the utilities for the both selfish smart vehicles/parcels and malicious smart vehicles/parcels, evaluated the parameters that can maximize the selfish smart vehicles/parcels’s utility when the smart parcels are transported by vehicles between different centers (shops, supermarket, etc) was planned and identify the potential malicious smart vehicles/parcels

    Impact of Water Stress and Temperature on Metabolites and Essential Oil of Rosmarinus officinalis (Phytochemical Screening, Extraction, and Gas Chromatography)

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    Currently, climate change is disrupting life on Earth by causing imbalances in the biosphere. This work aimed to evaluate the impact of climate change on the content of primary and secondary metabolites and the yield of essential oil of Rosmarinus officinalis. Thus, the results of the conducted experiment show that the content of primary metabolites decreased with increasing temperature and decreasing precipitation along the experiment (proteins from 7.61% to 7.14%, carbohydrates from 6.92% to 5.64%, fats from 1.48% to 1.29% and dietary fiber from 4.96% to 4.22% and mineral composition: Ca from 7.67% to 5.98%, Mg from 8.61% to 7.01%, Fe from 7.53% to 7.21% and Mn from 6.85% to 3.97%), and the content of secondary metabolites increased in the second year when increasing the temperature by 5C° and water stress by 50% (coumarin from 6.59% to 10.99%, saponins from 7.15% to 8.46%, tannin from 3.92% to 5.95%, alkaloids from 6.69% to 15.62% and flavonoid from 8.02% to 15.75%), but in the fourth year when the temperature continued to increase and water stress was 75% the content of secondary metabolites decreased (coumarin from 10.99% to 8.27%, saponins from 8.46% to 7.87%, tannin from 5.95% to 4.85%, alkaloids from 15.62% to 10.68% and flavonoid from 15.75% to 11.36%) and the same results were obtained for the yield of essential oil which increased in the second year and decreased in the fourth year. This GC analysis of the three essential oil samples shows that the majority of compounds in the three essential oils studied are cineole (S1:45.98%, S2:55.36%, S3:43.08%) followed by camphor (S1:17.44%, S2:21.44%, S3:21.56%) and Alpha-pinene (S1:9.30%, S2:8.34%, S3: 9.17%) and other compounds in low percentage