31 research outputs found

    Four Reasoning Models for C3 Metamodel

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    International audienceThe architecture is considered to be the driving aspect of the development process; it allows specifying which aspects and models in each level needed according to the software architecture design. Early Architecture Description Languages (ADLs), nearly exclusive, focus on structural abstraction hierarchy ignoring behavioural description hierarchy, conceptual hierarchy, and metamodeling hierarchy. In our approach these four hierarchies constitute views to appropriately “reason about” the architecture of a system described using our C3 metamodel. C3 is defined to be a minimal and complete architecture description language. In this paper we provide a set of mechanisms to deal with different levels of each type of hierarchy, also we introduce our proper structural definition for connector types used to instantiate any connexion elements deployed at the architectures and application levels


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    International audienceComponent-based development is a proven approach to manage the complexity of software and its need for customization. At an architectural level, one describes the principal system components and their pathways of interaction. So, Architecture is considered to be the driving aspect of the development process; it allows specifying which aspects and models in each level needed according to the software architecture design. Early Architecture description languages (ADLs), nearly exclusive, focus on structural abstraction hierarchy ignoring behavioural description hierarchy, conceptual hierarchy, and metamodeling hierarchy. In this paper we focus on those four hierarchies which represent views to appropriately “reason about” software architectures described using our C3 metamodel which is a minimal and complete architecture description language. In this paper we provide a set of mechanisms to deal with different levels of each hierarchy, also we introduce our proper structural definition for connector's elements deployed in C3 Architectures

    Towards Smart Cloud Gate Middleware : An approach based on Profiling Technique

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    International audienceMobile Cloud Computing (MCC) is a new paradigm whose mobile technology aims to exploit the advantages offered by the Cloud in order to provide ubiquitous PC-like functionality to mobile users. Cloud services provisioning is a continuously operating activity, unfortunately, services that has recently been deployed in the Cloud infrastructure remain unused or unknown by mobile devices. It is noteworthy that despite the benefits associated with the adoption of the Cloud by mobile technology the gate to the Cloud remains frozen. This means that mobile applications often use the same services without having an update of the novelty in Cloud. Thus, applications lack awareness of new services which are more advantageous in terms of features and qualities than the currently used ones. This is due to the fact that the interest of researchers in the field of MCC has been focused on how to enhance the performance of the computing counterpart of mobile technology. Actually, Cloud Computing is largely unexplored and considered only as a resource for provisioning on demand services. To enable mobile applications to exploit the Cloud intelligently, we propose Smart Mobile Cloud Architecture (SMCA). We consider this new architecture as referential allowing MCC users to have a full awareness of both contexts (Cloud and Mobile) at the same time. We introduce a new concept called Smart Cloud Gate (SCG), which aims to profile both mobile applications and the Cloud to extract knowledge that will be used as a criterion to select the appropriate services, which will be suggested to mobile applications and give each different application the appropriate view of the Cloud

    Contribution à l'élaboration d'architectures logicielles à hiérarchies multiples

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    By promoting their descriptions at a high level of abstraction, software architectures have been introducedin response to increasing complexity of systems. The architecture of a software system provides a modelsystem that hides the details of execution, allowing the architect to focus on the analysis and the mostcrucial decisions to best meet the requirements of that system. In this thesis, we propose to tackle theproblem of multiple hierarchies’ description of software architectures, with the aim to offer designersseveral architectural views on the system by exploiting the granularity and the specificity of components,connectors and configurations, and encouraging their reuse.Our contribution is summarized in three major aspects. The first concerns the proposal for an ADL(Architecture Description Language) known as C3 based in part on a representation model supported byexplicit concepts of components, connectors and configurations, and the other on a reasoning modelsupported by four types of hierarchies (structural, functional, conceptual, and meta-modeling) to describesoftware architectures at different levels of understanding. The second aspect concerns the proposal ofMY model as a methodology to describe the core concepts of software architectures (component,connector, and configuration). Finally, the third aspect involves the development of an UML profile (C3-Profile) which allows the projection of C3 architectures to UML 2.0 description to take advantage of toolssupport associated with UML 2.0En favorisant leurs descriptions à un haut niveau d’abstraction, les architectures logicielles ont étéintroduites en réponse à l’accroissement de la complexité des systèmes. L’architecture d’un systèmelogiciel fournit un modèle du système qui masque les détails d’exécution, permettant à l’architecte de seconcentrer sur l’analyse et les décisions les plus cruciales afin de répondre au mieux aux exigences duditsystème. Dans cette thèse, nous proposons d’aborder la problématique de description d’architectureslogicielles à hiérarchies multiples, avec comme objectif, d’offrir aux concepteurs plusieurs vuesarchitecturales sur le système en exploitant le mieux possible la granularité et la spécificité descomposants, des connecteurs et des configurations, et en favorisant leur réutilisation.Notre contribution se résume en trois volets majeurs. Le premier concerne la proposition d’un ADL(Architecture Description Language) baptisé C3 reposant d’une part sur un modèle de représentations’appuyant sur les concepts explicites de composants, de connecteurs et de configurations et d’autre partsur un modèle de raisonnement basé sur quatre types de hiérarchies (structurelle, fonctionnelle,conceptuelle et de méta-modélisation) pour décrire les architectures logicielles à différents niveaux decompréhension. Le deuxième volet concerne la proposition du modèle MY comme une méthodologie àsuivre pour décrire les architectures logicielles à base de composants. Cette démarche décrit les conceptsarchitecturaux selon un triptyque : composant, connecteur et configuration. Enfin, Le troisième voletconcerne le développement d’un profil UML (C3-Profil) qui permet de faire la projection desarchitectures définies en C3 vers UML 2.0 afin de profiter des outils supports d’UML 2.0

    Connector Based Metamodel For Architecture Description Language

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    International audienceTo provide hierarchical description from different software architectural viewpoints we need more than one abstraction hierarchy and connection mechanisms to support the interactions among components. Also, these mechanisms will support the refinement and traceability of architectural elements through the different levels of each hierarchy. Current methods and tools provide poor support for the challenge posed by developing system using hierarchical description. This paper describes an architecture-centric approach allowing the user to describe the logical architecture view where a physical architecture view is generated automatically for all application instances of the logical architecture

    First-Class Connectors to Support Systematic Construction of Hierarchical Software Architecture

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    To provide hierarchical description from different software architectural view points we need more than one abstraction hierarchy and connection mechanisms to support the interactions among components. Also, these mechanisms will support the refinement and traceability of architectural elements through the different levels of each hierarchy. Current methods and tools provide poor support for the challenge posed by developing system using hierarchical description. This paper describes an architecture-centric approach allowing the user to describe the logical architecture view where a physical architecture view is generated automatically for all application instances of the logical architecture.

    Software Architecture for Emerging Systems

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    Visual Decomposition of UML 2.0 Interactions

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    Abstract: Interaction Fragment model (IF) is a specific notion added in Unified Modelin

    Architecture Based Connection of Software Systems

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