3 research outputs found

    A rare urachal abscess in a young bull with conservative management

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    Background: The urachus is an embryonic remnant occurring as a result of the involution of the allantoic duct and the ventral cloaca. This canal becomes progressively obliterated after birth. It uncommonly persists to different degrees after birth. Case Description: A young bull was presented with distended abdomen and clinical signs of chocking, with low-grade fever, loss of appetite, frothy mouth arched back. On the first inspection, the animal was suspected to have simple indigestion. The treatment was attempted in this stage by introducing a stomach tube but only little relief was achieved. Therefore, 5 days later, an exploratory laparotomy was done and a big balloon-like cyst structure extended ventro-latrally in the abdominal cavity was noticed. That structure was located on the floor of the abdominal cavity extending from the pelvic rim caudally to the umbilical region cranially. The structure was then incised and evacuated and a rubber tube was fixed for constant drainage for up to one month later. The bull was followed-up and made a good recovery after a month post-surgery. Conclusion: We found that urachal abscess could be treated simply via surgical evacuation of the abscess and proper drainage for some time with a very promising outcome. Additionally, this affection can be diagnosed based on history, clinical signs, and exploratory surgery, when relatively modern diagnostic techniques are not available