12 research outputs found

    Histopathological lesions in FMDV naturally infected animals.

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    (a) Vesicles formations (arrows) with elevation of superficial epithelium in the stratified squamous epithelium of dermis, H&E, X200. (b) Vesicular stomatitis of the dental pad of infected calf characterized by leukocytic infiltrations of mucosal and submucosal layer of cornified epithelial tissue (arrows), H&E, X200. (c) Zenker,s necrosis (arrows) of muscular layers of stratified squamus epithelim with edema inbetween (arrowheads) of cattle, H&E, X200. (d) Mild myocarditis of the myocardium of buffalo with mild lymphocytic cell aggregations (arrows), H&E, X400. (e) Moderate myocarditis of the myocardium of buffalo calf (less than 2 Y) with moderate lymphocytic cell aggregations (arrows) and mild myocardial muscle necrosis (arrowheads), H&E, X400. (f) Severe non- suppurative myocarditis of heart of calf with a significant number of lymphocytic cell aggregations (arrows) with complete lysis of necrosed muscle fibers (arrowheads) and replacement of this muscles by a large number of inflammatory cells (arrows). The black star, referring to the myocardial muscle that still normal not necrosed, H&E, X400.</p

    Fig 5 -

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    (a) liver of buffalo calf, lymphocytic cell aggregations around central hepatic veniules (arrows) with hydropic degeneration (arrowheads) of hepatic cells, H&E, X400. (b) Mild hydropic degeneration of hepatic cells (arrows) with mild coagulative necrosis of hepatic cells (arrowheads), H&E, X400. (c) The intestine of FMDV infected buffalo showing catarrhal enteritis with leukocytic cell infiltratons of the intestinal villi (arrows), H&E, X100. (d) Severe lymphocytic enteritis (arrows) with degeneration of intestinal villi, H&E, X200.</p