299 research outputs found

    Design and evaluation of effervescent floating tablets based on hydroxyethyl cellulose and sodium alginate using pentoxifylline as a model drug

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    The aim of this work was to design and evaluate effervescent floating gastro-retentive drug delivery matrix tablets with sustained-release behavior using a binary mixture of hydroxyethyl cellulose and sodium alginate. Pentoxifylline was used as a highly water-soluble, short half-life model drug with a high density. The floating capacity, swelling, and drug release behaviors of drug-loaded matrix tablets were evaluated in 0.1 N HCl (pH 1.2) at 37°C±0.5°C. Release data were analyzed by fitting the power law model of Korsmeyer–Peppas. The effect of different formulation variables was investigated, such as wet granulation, sodium bicarbonate gas-forming agent level, and tablet hardness properties. Statistical analysis was applied by paired sample t-test and one-way analysis of variance depending on the type of data to determine significant effect of different parameters. All prepared tablets through wet granulation showed acceptable physicochemical properties and their drug release profiles followed non-Fickian diffusion. They could float on the surface of dissolution medium and sustain drug release over 24 hours. Tablets prepared with 20% w/w sodium bicarbonate at 50–54 N hardness were promising with respect to their floating lag time, floating duration, swelling ability, and sustained drug release profile. Keywords: floating tablets, sodium alginate, pentoxifylline, dissolution, swelling, effervescen

    Microscopic Study of Proton-Nucleus total Reaction Cross-Sections

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    دراسة واقع البنية التحتية لإدارة المعرفة: دراسة مسحية في شركة آسياسيل للاتصالات النقالة في العراق

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    تناول البحث واقع البنية التحتية لإدارة المعرفة في شركة آسياسيل للاتصالات النقالة في العراق اذ تمثلت أَبعاد البنية التحتية لإدارة المعرفة بـ(الثقافة التنظيمية، الهيكل التنظيمي، تكنولوجيا المعلومات، المعرفة المشتركة). وطبق على عينة عشوائية من الموظفين العاملين في الشركة بواقع (250) موظف وبمختلف مواقع العمل (مدير، رئيس قسم، مسؤول وحدة، مسؤول شعبة، موظف). واستخدم البحث الاستبانة كأداة رئيسة لجمع البيانات والمعلومات فضلًا عن الزيارات الميدانية وقد سعى البحث لاختبار عدد من المقترحات المتعلقة بمتغير البحث، وذلك للإجابة عن التساؤلات المتعلقة بمشكلة البحث والوصول إلى الأَهداف الموضوعة، وتوصل البحث إلى مجموعة من النتائج كان من أهمها، تعد البني التحتية لإدارة المعرفة عاملا أساسا في نجاح المنظمات على اختلاف اختصاصاتها وتسهم في تحقيق قدرة عالية في التنافسية، وهذا يتطلب بنية تحتية سليمة وملائمة لطبيعة المنظمات

    The Effect of Direct and Indirect Boiling on Chemical Composition and Microbial load of Disposed Waste Fish of White Nile State, Sudan

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         The present study was conducted to evaluate the effect of direct and indirect boiling treatments on disposed fish collected from the White Nile River, South of Eldueim town, for the benefit of being used as local fishmeal. The fish samples were identified and analyzed microbiologically and chemically. Crude protein, fat, ash, and metabolizable energy values for treated and untreated samples were found higher than those of the imported broilers concentrates by 20%, 9.7%, 51%, and 36%, respectively. The levels of calcium for direct and indirect boiling treated and untreated samples were 5.6, 4.9, and 4.82%, while for phosphorus they were 3.49, 3.06, and 3.09%, respectively. Treated and untreated samples were higher in sodium content than that of the imported concentrate by 70%. They also one and a half times higher for the phosphorus content. The total concentrations of amino acids for direct and indirect boiling treated samples were 1.21 and 1.13% for methionine and 3.51 and 3.30% for lysine, respectively. Escherichia coli. was totally eradicated by treatments. The direct and indirect boiling gave large numbers of molds and Salmonella spp., amounting to 1.00 × 106 and 2.00 × 106 and 0.50 × 106 and 0.50 × 106 cfu/g, respectively. The results indicated that disposed fish could replace imported concentrates as feedstuff after direct and indirect boiling for poultry feeding, in Sudan

    Semillas de alubias blancas y piel y semillas de granadas como agentes hipercolesterolémicos e hipolipidémicos en ratas albinas

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    This study was carried out to evaluate the effects of soaked white bean seeds, pomegranate seeds and dried peels and their mixtures on the lipid profiles of rats suffering from hyperlipidemia and hypercholesterolemia. The chemical compositions of dried soaked beans and pomegranate (seeds and peels) were determined on dry matter which amounted to good values for proteins, lipids, crude fiber and phenols. Also, the phenol contents of pomegranate seeds and peels showed 16 compounds varying in amount between them. It was noticed that catechin and phenol are the dominating compounds. The obtained results showed a good hypolipidemic ability for soaked bean seeds and pomegranate (seeds, peels and their mixtures) as well as their mixtures. A bean seeds diet produced a general improvement in the clinical status of blood lipid profile (total lipids, triglycerides, cholesterol, HDL-c, LDL-c and VLDL-c), liver function (ALT, AST and bilirubin), kidneys function (uric acid, urea and creatinine), blood lipid peroxidation and antioxidant enzymes (SOD and CAT) by which hyperlipidemia and hypercholesterolemia were reduced. The mixed diet had the best influence concerning biological studies than the other treatments which used bean seeds and pomegranate (seeds and peels) alone.Se ha llevado a cabo un estudio para evaluar los efectos de las semillas de alubias blancas y de las de granadas así como de sus cáscaras secas y sus mezclas sobre los perfiles de lípidos de ratas que sufren de hiperlipidemia e hipercolesterolemia. La composición química de las alubias blancas y de las granadas (semillas y cáscaras) fue determinada en base a materia seca alcanzando una buena relación de proteínas, lípidos, fibra cruda y fenoles. Además, el contenido de fenoles de las semillas y las cáscaras de granada mostraron 16 compuestos que varían en cantidad entre ellos. Se observó que la catequina y los fenoles son los compuestos predominantes. Los resultados obtenidos mostraron un buen poder hipolipidémico de las semillas de alubias blancas y de granadas (semillas y las cáscaras), así como sus mezcla. Las semillas de alubias blancas en la dieta produjo una mejora general de la situación clínica, del perfil de lípidos en sangre (lípidos totales, triglicéridos, colesterol, HDL-C, LDL-C y VLDL-c), de la función hepática (ALT, AST y bilirrubina), de la función de los riñones (ácido úrico, urea y creatinina), de la peroxidación de lípidos en sangre y de las enzimas antioxidantes (SOD y CAT) por lo que se reduce la hiperlipidemia e hipercolesterolemia. La dieta mezcla presentó la mayor influencia sobre los estudios biológicos en relación con los otros tratamientos que utilizan solamente semillas de alubias blancas o granadas (semillas y cáscaras)


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    Provedeno je istraživanje kojim su se ispitivali učinci prirodnih zeolita kao pročišćivača vode na učinkovitost uklanjanja teških metala iz podzemne slane vode koja se koristi za uzgoj mlađi Dicentrarchus labrax. Ispitano je pet koncentracija zeolita: 0 (Z0), 2,5 ‰ (Z2,5), 5‰ (Z5), 7,5 ‰ (Z7,5) i 10 ‰ (Z10). Mlađ s početnom tjelesnom masom od 1,53 ± 0,018 g su nasađene u 15 akvarija s gustoćom 10 jedinki/akvarij. Ribe su se hranile komercijalnom hranom (42% proteina i 12,34% lipida) dva puta dnevno (09:30 i 14:00), u udjelu od 5% tjelesne mase ribe, tijekom 42 dana. Evaluirani su rast, iskorištavanje hrane, preživljavanje i učinkovitost uklanjanja teških metala. Indeksi rasta i iskorištenja hrane postupno su se poboljšavali s povećanjem koncentracije zeolita, pri čemu su najznačajnije vrijednosti (P≤0,05) otkrivene sa skupinom Z10. Stopa preživljavanja značajno se smanjila u skupini Z10 pri usporedbi s kontrolom (Z0). Značajno povećanje koncentracije zeolita (P≤0,05) poboljšalo je učinkovitost uklanjanja teških metala iz uzgojne vode sa adsorpcijskom selektivnošću Pb˃Cd˃Fe˃Cu˃Zn. Nadalje, otkriveno je povećanje brzine detoksikacije teških metala u mesu ribe s povećanjem razine zeolita uz selektivnost uklanjanja Fe˃Cu˃Zn˃Pb˃Cd. Zaključno, može se reći da se prirodni zeoliti mogu učinkovito koristiti za smanjenje teških metala u onečišćenim vodama, a posljedično i u mesu ribe, uz poboljšanje performansi rasta ribe.A study was conducted to investigate the effects of natural zeolites as a water clarifier on the heavy metal removal efficiency from the underground saltwater used for rearing Dicentrarchus labrax fry. Five concentrations of zeolites were tested: 0 (Z0), 2.5‰ (Z2.5), 5‰ (Z5), 7.5‰ (Z7.5) and 10‰ (Z10). Fry with an initial body weight of 1.53±0.018 g/fish were stocked in 15 aquaria at a density of 10 fry/aquarium. The fish were fed a commercial diet (42% protein and 12.34% lipid) twice daily (09:30 and 14:00) at 5% of their body weight per day for 42 days. Growth, feed utilization, survival and heavy metal removal efficiency were evaluated. The growth performance and feed utilization indices gradually improved with increasing zeolite concentration, with the most significant (P≤0.05) values detected at Z10. The survival rate decreased significantly at Z10 compared with the control (Z0). Increasing the zeolite concentration significantly (P≤0.05) improved the removal efficiency of heavy metals in the rearing water with adsorption selectivity of Pb˃Cd˃Fe˃Cu˃Zn. Furthermore, an increase in the detoxification rate of heavy metals in fish flesh with increasing zeolite level was detected with the removal selectivity of Fe˃Cu˃Zn˃Pb˃Cd. In conclusion, it can be stated that natural zeolites can be used effectively to reduce heavy metals in polluted waters and subsequently in fish flesh in addition to improving fish performance

    The Effects of Wheat Flour and Barley Flour on the Quality and Properties of Biscuits Colored with Synthetic and Natural Colorants

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    Biscuit is one of the most popular processed ready to eat snacks that have possesses several attractive features including wide consumer base, relatively less expensive, more convenient with long shelf-life and have ability to serve as vehicles for important nutrients. It’s usually available in different sizes, tastes and shapes.  It can also be enriched or fortified with other ingredients in order to meet specific nutritional or therapeutic needs of consumers. In recent years, numerous studies have shown the potential of utilizing natural plant such as green leafy vegetable in cookies and biscuit production; the potential of amaranthus leaves used as a source of iron and β-carotene inpakora, vada, namakpal, kurmure, biscuit and cake. The present research was carried out to throw the light on the effect of wheat flour and barley flour with natural and synthetic colors to improve chemical composition, the nutritional value and quality characteristics of producing biscuits. The results indicate that that treatment 100% barley flour 72% with turmeric and cocoa as a natural colors recorded a significant increase in the content of protein, ash, minerals such as iron, zinc, potassium, magnesium and some physical analysis like weight, volume, density as well as sensory evaluation. As compared with wheat flour 72% and synthetic color tartrazine ADI 7.5 mg/kg.bw and chocolate brown ADI 0.15 mg/kg.bw. In conclusion, results showed that barley flour improved nutritional quality, physical characteristics and sensory characteristics of produce biscuit with mixture natural and natural color

    Validity of procalcitonin as diagnostic biomarker for infective endocarditis

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    Background: Infective endocarditis (IE) is still a fatal infection with high morbidity and mortality. Successful patient outcomes depend on prompt diagnosis and effective therapy. Blood cultures are usually time consuming and sometimes echocardiography is falsely negative. Thus, a straightforward blood test may assist early diagnosis of IE. Multiple studies have revealed that procalcitonin (PCT) was highly associated with bacteremia - the main diagnostic criteria for endocarditis - in patients with fever. Objectives: We aimed to assess the diagnostic significance of procalcitonin concentration in suspected patients of IE. Patients and methods: Twenty-two patients admitted to Assiut University Heart Hospital with a suspicion of IE were enrolled in a prospective study. Based on clinical, microbiological, and echocardiographic findings, Modified duke criteria were applied to the cases to confirm their diagnosis as definite, possible, or rejected IE cases before testing for procalcitonin was done. The study also included fifteen healthy volunteers for comparison with IE patients. Results: Procalcitonin was significantly higher (P-value <0.05) in patients diagnosed as definite and possible IE than with healthy volunteers. The area under the ROC curve was 0.705. At cutoff value of 0.425 ng/ml, the procalcitonin test's sensitivity, specificity, negative predictive value, and positive predictive values were 47.6%, 93.3%, 56%, and 90.9%, respectively. Conclusion: This study implies that procalcitonin may be a valuable supplementary diagnostic marker in IE diagnosis. A threshold value of 0.425 ng/ml should be used for ruling out endocarditis in routine clinical practice and the diagnosis of IE can be strongly excluded below this value

    Fas-Mediated Apoptosis Regulates the Composition of Peripheral αβ T Cell Repertoire by Constitutively Purging Out Double Negative T Cells

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    BACKGROUND: The Fas pathway is a major regulator of T cell homeostasis, however, the T cell population that is controlled by the Fas pathway in vivo is poorly defined. Although CD4 and CD8 single positive (SP) T cells are the two major T cell subsets in the periphery of wild type mice, the repertoire of mice bearing loss-of-function mutation in either Fas (lpr mice) or Fas ligand (gld mice) is predominated by CD4(-)CD8(-) double negative alphabeta T cells that also express B220 and generally referred to as B220+DN T cells. Despite extensive analysis, the basis of B220+DN T cell lymphoproliferation remains poorly understood. In this study we re-examined the issue of why T cell lymphoproliferation caused by gld mutation is predominated by B220+DN T cells. METHODOLOGY AND PRINCIPAL FINDINGS: We combined the following approaches to study this question: Gene transcript profiling, BrdU labeling, and apoptosis assays. Our results show that B220+DN T cells are proliferating and dying at exceptionally high rates than SP T cells in the steady state. The high proliferation rate is restricted to B220+DN T cells found in the gut epithelium whereas the high apoptosis rate occurred both in the gut epithelium and periphery. However, only in the periphery, apoptosis of B220+DN T cell is Fas-dependent. When the Fas pathway is genetically impaired, apoptosis of peripheral B220+DN T cells was reduced to a baseline level similar to that of SP T cells. Under these conditions of normalized apoptosis, B220+DN T cells progressively accumulate in the periphery, eventually resulting in B220+DN T cell lymphoproliferation. CONCLUSIONS/SIGNIFICANCE: The Fas pathway plays a critical role in regulating the tissue distribution of DN T cells through targeting and elimination of DN T cells from the periphery in the steady state. The results provide new insight into pathogenesis of DN T cell lymphoproliferation