365 research outputs found

    Investigation on the Effect of Chemical and Biological Control of Bacterial Soft Root Disease of Potato in Storage.

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    Potato soft rot, caused by Erwiniacarotovora subsp. carotovora, greatly affect potato tuber quality in storage of Egypt and indicated that it can affect all potato cultivars. Erwiniacarotovora subsp. carotovora was isolated from the infected potato tuber and was identified by pathological, morphological and biochemical studies.  One antimicrobialchemical compound chitosans (CS) with concentration (1, 3, 5 %) combine with three biocontrol agents (Bacillus subtilis, Pseudomonas fluorescens and Trichodermavirdi) each. These treatments were screened out in vitro and in storage against the growth of Erwinia carotovora subsp carotovora. All bio-control agents combined with Cs reduced the bacterial soft rot disease to various degrees. The stronger antagonistic activity against Erwinia carotovora was found in treatment Cs 5% with biocontrolagaints (T. virdi, P. fluorescens and B. subtilis respectively). All treatments reduced the soft rot infection to 20-week storage with two types of potatoes (Spunta and Cara) varieties by (91, 86, 83.6 and 77.3% respectively in Spunta c.v.) and (88.6, 86.4 and 79.8% in Cara c.v.). The lowest antagonistic activity against Erwinia carotovora was found in treatment CS 1% with biocontrol agents (T. virdi, P. fluorescens and B. subtilis respectively) varieties by (64.2, 58.6 and 43.7% respectively) compared with the treatments of biocontrol agents individually. Keywords: Potato - Erwiniacarotovora- Chitosan- T. virdi - P. fluorescens- Bacillus subtili

    Awareness of using Radiology in Diagnosing COVID-19 among Radiological Students

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    The coronavirus (COVID-2019) has spread very rapidly over many countries around the world, producing an outbreak of acute infectious pneumonia. Medical imaging devices play a vital role in early diagnosis, evaluating severity and disease prognosis of confirmed patients with COVID-19. The aim of the study is to evaluate the awareness level of radiology students about COVID-19 and their understanding of the role of radiology devices in diagnosing COVID-19. An online cross-sectional questionnaire was conducted. Seventy-one students participated in this study. This study showed that students were properly aware of the basic knowledge of the COVID-19, 87 % of the students believed that radiology had an important role in diagnosing COVID-19. In addition, 50% of the students believed that CT was the most important modality in diagnosing COVID-19 and 32.35% believed that x-ray was the most important one. Lack of knowledge was found regarding the biomarkers that appear in radiological images in patients with COVID-19. 66.18 % of the students acquired the knowledge from their study in the radiology field and from social media (Twitter). The level of awareness among radiology students is high. There were two main reasons for this high level of awareness: gained education and social media, especially Twitter. The outbreak of the COVID-19 was not only about its health effects but also how the population persevered this pandemic. However, this level of awareness tended to be lower when discussing detailed findings of radiological images such as detailed biomarkers

    Foliar application of chitosan zinc oxide nanoparticles on wheat productivity and water use efficiency under deficit irrigation water

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    The effectiveness of chitosan zinc oxide nanoparticles (CS-ZnO-NPs) on growth and yield of wheat (Triticum aestivum L., Sakha-93), zinc content and water use efficiency (WUE) under water stress were investigated. A pot experiment was conducted in a completely randomized design by foliar application of CS-ZnO-NPs. Wheat plants were sprayed four times at 15, 30, 45 and 60 days after sowing. The treatments were: control (treated with distilled water), 50, 100 and 150 ppm of CS-ZnO-NPs under 100, 80 and 60% of field capacity. Water shortage has a negative effect on growth parameters and productivity of wheat plants. While the foliar application of 150 ppm CS-ZnO-NPs significantly increased (P≤0.05) NPK content, growth parameters which in turn led to increase the productivity. The highest values of wheat yield were: 4990.55, 4453.50 and 4350.50 kg/ha under 100 80 and 60% of irrigation water, respectively at 150 ppm CS-ZnO-NPs. The highest values of N, P and K content in wheat grain were 1.95, 0.43 and 1.66, respectively at 100% FC under150 ppm CS-ZnO-NPs compared to control. Zn content in wheat grain significantly increased (P≤0.05) by application of CS-ZnO NPs. The interaction of supplementary irrigation water and CS-ZnO-NPs treatments gave clear variation in water use efficiency. The highest relative increase of WUE (23.03%) was at the highest rate of CS-ZnO-NPs (150 ppm). Overall, the data suggested that the foliar application of CS-ZnO-NPs can be an efficient strategy for improving wheat yield, water use efficiency under deficit water and one of the solutions for Zn deficiency in wheat grains

    Alkali Activated Eco-friendly Metakaolin/Slag Geopolymer Building Bricks

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    Alkali activation of alumino-silicate materials is a complex chemical process evolving dissolution of raw materials, transportation or orientation and polycondensation of the reaction products. This study explores the physico-mechanical characteristics of geopolymer bricks using eco-friendly slag/metakaolin binder. Alkaline activation of slag – metakaolin binder of geopolymer brick results in formation of C-A-S-H as well as N-A-S-H gel, which adopts different structures depending on the nature of the alkaline activator. Activators used are 10% NaOH solution in addition to 5% liquid sodium silicate both used from the total binder weight), Geopolymer bricks prepared by partial binder substitution of metakaolin (fired kaolin) by water cooled slag in the ratio from 0 up to 100 %, while the used fine sand(passing 1 mm) in the ratio of 15% from the total weight. The properties of the produced geopolymer bricks have been studied through measurement of compressive strength, water absorption, FTIR, XRD and SEM imaging. Results demonstrate the possibility of substitution of metakaolin by water cooled amorphous slag materials in producing geopolymer bricks with superior properties where an increase in mechanical strength with water cooled slag increase up to 40 %  was noticed giving compressive strength values exceed 70 MPa which can be used for production of  heavy duty  bricks which can be applied in a severe weathering condition as well as special purposes building applications, however further increase results in lowering strength values as a  but still exceed 30 MPa after 28 days of hydration. Keywords: slag, metakaolin, bricks, eco-friendly, sustainability

    Variability and host specificity of witchweed [Striga hermonthica (Del.) Benth.] populations on millet [Pennisetum glaucum (L.) R. Br.]

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       Field surveys and greenhouse experiments were conducted during season 2009/10 in the Sudan to investigate variability and host specificity of witchweed [Striga hermonthica (Del.) Benth.] populations. Field surveys were conducted in S. hermonthica endemic areas in Gadarif, Gezira and Kordofan to collect seeds from Striga plants growing under their respective hosts. A total of fifteen S. hermonthica populations were collected. Twelve S. hermonthica populations, one each, were collected from under sorghum and three S. hermonthica populations, one each, were collected from under millet. A greenhouse experiment was undertaken at the horticulture nursery, Faculty of Agricultural Sciences, University of Gezira, Wad Medani, Sudan, to test the infectivity of seeds of witchweed populations on millet, cultivar Ashana, which is known for its differential response and to study virulence of parasitism on this cultivar. The fifteen S. hermonthica populations were arranged in a randomized complete block design with three replicates. Growth and harvest attributes on the parasite and crop were measured. Data were collected and transformed as necessary to √x+0.5 and subjected to the analysis of variance procedure. Means were separated for significance using Duncan's Multiple Range Test (at p £ 0.5). The greenhouse experiment showed that emergent S. hermonthica, capsules per plant and shoot dry weight were highest on the respective host. It is noteworthy that some of the Striga, sorghum populations, displayed limited emergence on millet and produced seeds. S. hermonthica populations significantly reduced growth and yield of millet. However, the magnitude of the damage attained, by each   population was highest on the respective host. These findings suggest the existence of inter-crop specialization. Moreover, the results confirmed the existence of two strains of S. hermonthica, one specific to sorghum and the other to millet. These findings showed clearly the complexity of obtaining millet cultivars with high and durable resistance across locations.      طفيل البُودا Striga hermonthica (Del.)، نبات متطفل إجبارياً على الجذور ينتمي للعائلة الهالوكية (Orobanchaceae)، يُهاجم محاصيل الغلال المهمة في أفريقيا. أدى وجود السلالات الفسيولوجية، التباينات الايكولوجية وعزلات الطفيل بالإضافة للتباين في حجم مخزون التربة من البذور، إلى عقبات جدية لتطوير وسائل تحكم بسيطة وفعالة. لذا أُجريت مسوحات حقلية وتجارب بيوت محمية خلال الموسم 2009/ 2010 في السودان لبحث التباين وتخصصية العائل في البُودا. المسوحات الحقلية أجريت في المناطق الموبؤة بالبُودا في القضارف والجزيرة وكردفان، لجمع البذور من نباتات البُودا النامية على عوائلها الخاصة. جمعت اثني عشر عشيرة للبُودا، واحدة لكل، من تحت الذرة الرفيعة، وجمعت ثلاث عشائر من تحت الدخن، واحدة لكل. أجريت تجربة البيوت المحمية بمشتل البساتين، كلية العلوم الزراعية، جامعة الجزيرة، ود مدني، السودان، لاختبار تلويث بذور عشائر البودا للدخن، الصنف عشانا، المعروف باستجابته التفضيلية، ولدراسة التباين في التطفل على هذا الصنف. وُضعت الخمسة عشر عشيرة للبُودا في تصميم قطاعات عشوائية كاملة بثلاث تكرارات. تم تحديد مقاييس النمو والحصاد بالنسبة للطفيل والمحصول. حُولت البيانات عند الضرورة (√x+0.5) وأُخضعت لتحليل التباين. تمت مقارنة المتوسطات بواسطة اختبار دنكن، عندما كان الاختبار معنويا. أوضحت نتائج تجارب البيوت المحمية أن قمة انبثاق نباتات البُودا في الأصيص، الكبسولات في النبات، الوزن الجاف للمجموع الخضري، عدد نباتات البُودا تحت سطح التربة في الأصيص والعدد الكلى لنباتات البُودا في الأصيص كانت أعلى على عوائلها الخاصة. الجدير بالملاحظة أن بعض نباتات البُودا، عشائر الذرة الرفيعة، أظهرت بزوغاً محدوداً على الدخن وأنتجت بذوراً. خفضت عشائر البُودا معنوياً نمو وإنتاج الذُرة والدُخن. ولكن تحققت أعلى مستويات الضرر لكل عشيرة من البُودا على عائلها الخاص. أوضحت نتائج هذا البحث وجود التخصصية بين وداخل نوع المحصول. كما أن النتائج تؤكد وجود سلالتان للبُودا واحدة متخصصة في الذُرة الرفيعة والأخرى في الدُخن. أظهرت هذه النتائج بوضوح التعقيد في الحصول على أصناف من الدخن ذات مقاومة عالية وعريضة في المناطق المختلفة

    Bartonella Species in Fleas from Palestinian Territories: Prevalence and Genetic Diversity

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    Bartonellosis is an infectious bacterial disease. The prevalence and genetic characteristics of Bartonella spp. in fleas of wild and domestic animals from Palestinian territories are described. Flea samples (n=289) were collected from 121 cats, 135 dogs, 26 hyraxes and seven rats from northern (n=165), central (n=113), and southern Palestinian territories (n=11). The prevalent flea species were: Ctenocephalides felis (n=119/289; 41.2%), Ctenocephalides canis (n=159/289; 55%), and Xenopsylla sp. (n=7/289; 2.4%). Targeting the Intergenic Transcribed Spacer (ITS) locus, DNA of Bartonella was detected in 22% (64/289) of all fleas. Fifty percent of the C. felis and 57% of the Xenopsylla sp. contained Bartonella DNA. DNA sequencing showed the presence of Bartonella clarridgeiae (50%), Bartonella henselae (27%), and Bartonella koehlerae (3%) in C. felis. Xenopsylla sp. collected from Rattus rattus rats were infected with Bartonella tribocorum, Bartonella elizabethae, and Bartonella rochalimae. Phylogenetic sequence analysis using the 16S ribosomal RNA gene obtained four genetic clusters, B. henselae and B. koehlerae as subcluster 1, B. clarridgeiae as cluster 2, while the rat Bartonella species (B. tribocorum and B. elizabethae) were an outgroup cluster. These findings showed the important role of cat and rat fleas as vectors of zoonotic Bartonella species in Palestinian territories. It is hoped that this publication will raise awareness among physicians, veterinarians, and other health workers of the high prevalence of Bartonella spp. in fleas in Palestinian territories and the potential risk of these pathogens to humans and animals in this region.This study was a partial fulfillment of MSc degree in the biochemistry and molecular biology program for A. Risheq at Al-Quds University. The study was funded by The Ministry of Foreign Affairs, The Hague, The Netherlands, project M27- 072NVHU 2009 02 ‘Vector-Borne Pathogens in Israel and the Palestinian Authority’

    A review on the corrosion behaviour of nanocoatings on metallic substrates

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    Growth in nanocoatings technology is moving towards implementing nanocoatings in many sectors of the industry due to their excellent abilities. Nanocoatings offer numerous advantages, including surface hardness, adhesive strength, long-term and/or high-temperature corrosion resistance, the enhancement of tribological properties, etc. In addition, nanocoatings can be applied in thinner and smoother thickness, which allows flexibility in equipment design, improved efficiency, lower fuel economy, lower carbon footprints, and lower maintenance and operating costs. Nanocoatings are utilised efficiently to reduce the effect of a corrosive environment. A nanocoating is a coating that either has constituents in the nanoscale, or is composed of layers that are less than 100 nm. The fine sizes of nanomaterials and the high density of their ground boundaries enable good adhesion and an excellent physical coverage of the coated surface. Yet, such fine properties might form active sites for corrosion attack. This paper reviews the corrosion behaviour of metallic, ceramic, and nanocomposite coatings on the surface of metallic substrates. It summarises the factors affecting the corrosion of these substrates, as well as the conditions where such coatings provided required protection. 2018 by the authors.Acknowledgments: This work was supported by Hamad Bin Khalifa University, College of Science and Engineering, Sustainable Development Division, Doha, Qatar. The publication of this article was funded by the Qatar National Library.Scopu

    Molecular epidemiology of human cutaneous leishmaniasis in Jericho and its vicinity in Palestine from 1994 to 2015

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    Cutaneous leishmaniases (CL) are vector-borne parasitic diseases endemic inmany countries of the Middle East including Palestine. Between 1994 and 2015, 2160 clinically suspected human cases of CL from the Jericho District were examined. Stained skin tissue smears and aspirates were checked by microscopy and cultured for promastigotes, respectively. For leishmanial species identification, amplification products from a PCR-ITS1 followed by RFLP analysis using Hae III. Data were analyzed using Epi Info free-software. The overall infection rate was 41.4% (895/2160), 56.3% (504/895) of the cases were male, 43.7% (391/895) female, 60.5% (514/849) children under age 14, 41.3% (259/627) of the cases were caused by Leishmania major and 57.3% (359/627) by Leishmania tropica. The case numbers peaked in 1995, 2001, 2004, and 2012. Statistically-significant clusters of cases caused by L. major were restricted to the Jericho District; those caused by L. tropica were from the districts of Jericho, Bethlehem, Nablus and Tubas. CL is seasonal and trails the sand fly season. Distribution of cases was parabolicwith fewest in July. Themonthly total number of cases of CL and just those caused by L.major correlated significantly with temperature, rainfall, relative humidity, evaporation, wind speed and sunshine (P b 0.05, r2= 0.7–0.9 and P b 0.05, r2=0.5–0.8, respectively). Cases caused by L. tropica, significantly, had a single lesion compared to cases caused by L. major (P=0.0001), which, significantly, had multiple lesions (P=0.0001). This and previous studies showed that CL is present in all Palestinian districts. The surveillance of CL has increased public awareness and molecular biologicalmethodology for leishmanial species identification is an essential addition to classical diagnosis. The overall results are discussed, correlated to climatic and environmental changes and largescale human activities.This work received financial support from grants of the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG), Scho 448/6-1-3, Scho 448/8-1, Scho 448/8-2 that extended from 1998 until 2015. It also received support fromEurNegVeg COST Action TD1303 (Cost 037/13). At one time during the study WHO Eastern Mediterranean Region (EMRO), Division of Communicable Diseases (DCD) and the WHO Special Programme for Research and Training in Tropical Diseases (TDR): the EMRO/DCD/TDR Small Grants Scheme for Operational Research in Tropical and Communicable Diseases financially supported this work. We thank Dr. L. F. Schnur for going over our manuscript

    Genetic relatedness and host specificity of Pseudomonas aeruginosa isolates from cystic fibrosis and non-cystic fibrosis patients

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    Background: Pseudomonas aeruginosa is one of the primary pathogens isolated more frequently in cystic fibrosis (CF) and it exhibits innate resistance to a wide range of antibiotics. Purpose: We sought to determine whether the highly prevalent genotypes of P. aeruginosa are specifically linked to CF patients and have any related multidrug antibiotic resistance. Isolates from hospitalized non-CF patients and from environmental sources were also genotypically analyzed. Methods: Collections of P. aeruginosa from lower respiratory secretions (n=45) were genotyped using pulsed-field gel electrophoresis (PFGE). Phenotypic screening for antibiotic susceptibility was performed for the common antimicrobial agents by E-test and automated Phoenix method. Results: P. aeruginosa isolates from CF (n=32), hospitalized non-CF patients (n=13), and environment sources (n=5) were analyzed. The population structure of P. aeruginosa is highly diverse and population-specific. All PFGE results of P. aeruginosa isolates fall among four major clusters. Cluster 1 contained 16 P. aeruginosa isolates from CF patients and two from environmental sources; cluster 2 contained 11 P. aeruginosa isolates from CF and one each from non-CF and environmental sources; cluster 3 contained 12 P. aeruginosa isolates from hospitalized non-CF patients and two P. aeruginosa isolates from one CF patient and one environmental source; and cluster 4 consisted of three isolates from CF patients and one from the environment. The majority of multidrug-resistant P. aeruginosa isolates were in clusters 3 and 4. P. aeruginosa isolates from CF patients were resistant to ciprofloxacin (34.4%) followed by resistance to amikacin and gentamicin (each 28%), whereas the majority of isolates from non-CF patients were resistant to meropenem (69%) and were grouped in cluster 3. Conclusion: PFGE of P. aeruginosa isolates from CF patients shows a high degree of similarity, suggesting specific adaptation of these clones to CF-affected lungs. The hospitalized non-CF cluster has a different clonal origin, indicating specific clustering in a specific location, suggesting hospital-acquired P. aeruginosa infections.The Qatar National Research Fund (UREP 14-026-3-010)