17 research outputs found

    Chemokine and Chemokine Receptor Gene Polymorphism in Tunisian Hemodialysis Patients with HCV Infection

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    Introduction: Our aim was to investigate the possibility of a significant relationship between chemokines and chemokine receptor genes polymorphisms and the spontaneous clearance or the persistence of HCV infection. Methods: A total of 96 hemodialysis (HD) patients infected with HCV were classified into two groups: G1 included 73 patients with persistently positive HCV-RNA and G2 included 23 HD patients who have spontaneously eliminated the virus. The control group consisted of 170 healthy blood donors. All subjects were genotyped for CCR5 Δ32, CCR5 (-59029) A/G, CCR2 (64Ile) and MCP-1(-2518) A/G gene polymorphisms. Results: Our results showed statistically significant increased frequencies of the CCR2 (64Ile) and the (-59029) CCR5 A alleles in patients infected with HCV (22.1% and 35.9%) compared to G1 (24.3% and 40.6%) and compared to controls (14.4% and 20%). We also observed a lower frequency of the MCP-1 G allele and a greater frequency of the CCR5Δ32 variant in G2 (15.2% and 6.5%) compared to G1 (22.6% and 1.4%) that was not statistically significant. However, adjustment for known covariates (age, gender and HCV genotypes) didn’t confirm the results of univariate analysis. Conclusion: In conclusion, our study suggests a possible role for some of the studied chemokines polymorphisms in the spontaneous clearance or persistence of HCV infection in Tunisian population. These results should be further investigated by a prospective cohort studies and large population-based studies.Keywords: Chemokines; Receptors; Hepatitis C virus; Spontaneous Clearance; Polymorphisms

    Caractérisation d’un périmètre de reboisement de pinède en vue de proposition des essences les plus appropriées, cas du Jbel Zemzem (Nord-ouest, Maroc)

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    La dégradation accélérée des forêts est un défi majeur pour les gestionnaires. Le reboisement constitue alors une solution importante pour l’amélioration des services écosystémiques voire la survie des écosystèmes. Comparée à d’autres essences comme l’Eucalyptus, les pins renferment une biodiversité plus élevée. Nous avons étudié la phytodiversité d’un périmètre de reboisement avec quatre espèces et deux variétés de pins (Pinus halepensis, P. pinaster var. maghrebiana et var iberica, P. pinea et P. canariensis) afin de proposer l’essence la plus convenable au reboisement. Sur les 38 relevés floristiques réalisés, 83 espèces ont été recensées appartenant à 34 familles. Les valeurs de l’indice de diversité étaient maximales dans les plantations de P. halepensis et P. pinea et minimales dans celles de P. canariensis. L’ordination multidimensionnel non métrique et la Classification Ascendante Hiérarchique ont montré trois groupes : groupe à P. halepensis et P. pinea, groupe à P. maghrebiana et Quercus suber et groupe à P. iberica et P. canariensis. P. halepensis et P. pinea ont montré un cortège floristique relativement riche mais avec un appauvrissement structurel comparé à la subéraie originale. Il ressort que le reboisement à base de P. maghrebiana et dans une deuxième place P. halepensis améliore la structure des peuplements et présente un potentiel important pour la gestion des reboisements au nord du Maroc

    Paramètres anthropométriques et apport alimentaire d'adolescents lutteurs de haut niveau

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    Résultats d'une enquête nutritionnelle auprès de 26 garçons et 14 filles, âgés de 16 ans. L'apport protidique, lipidique et glucidique est normal chez lzes filles, mais on constate une consommation élevée de lipides au dépens des glucides chez les garçons. Les apports minéraux et vitaminiques sont en déficit notable pour les 2 groupe

    Association between CTLA-4 Gene Promoter (49 A/G) in Exon 1 Polymorphisms and Inflammatory Bowel Disease in the Tunisian Population

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    <b>Background/Aim:</b> To investigate the possible association between the polymorphism of the <i> CTLA-4 </i> exon 1 &#x002B;49 A/G and susceptibility to Crohn&#x2032;s disease (CD) and ulcerative colitis (UC) in the Tunisian population. <b> Methods:</b> The &#x002B;49 A/G dimorphism was analyzed in 119 patients with CD, 65 patients with UC, and 100 controls by the polymerase chain reaction-restriction fragment length polymorphism method. <b> Results:</b> Significantly higher frequencies of the <i> CTLA-4 </i> &#x002B;49A allele and A/A homozygous individuals were observed in patients with CD when compared with controls (pc = 0.0023 and pc = 0.0003, respectively). Analysis of <i> CTLA-4</i> A/G polymorphism with respect to sex in CD showed a significant difference in A/A genotypes between female patients and controls (pc = 0.0001 and pc = 0.038, respectively). There were no differences in the subgroups of patients with CD. <b> Conclusions:</b> Forty-nine A alleles and AA genotype are associated with CD susceptibility in Tunisians. Other genes involved in the T-cell regulation remain strong candidates for IBD susceptibility and require further investigation

    Allograft renal rejection and chemokine polymorphism

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    Chemokines play a major role in the process by which leukocytes are recruited from the bloodstream into the sites of inflammation. Genes for the chemokine receptors CCR5, CCR2 and MCP-1 are characterized by functional polymorphisms implicated in transplant rejection. To investigate this association, we analyzed polymorphisms of CCR5-∆32, CCR5-59029-A/G, CCR2-V64I and MCP-1 G/A (-2518) in 173 renal transplant recipients and 169 healthy blood donors. The patients were classified in two groups: Group-1 (G-1) included 33 HLA-identical recipients and Group-2 (G-2) included 140 (one or more) mismatched graft recipients. Forty-two patients had developed acute rejection episodes (ARs): seven in G-1 and 35 in G-2. Thirteen G-2 patients developed chronic allograft dysfunction (CAD). The genotypic and allelic frequencies of all polymorphisms studied did not reveal significant differences between patients and controls and among G-1 and G-2 recipients. However, a significant risk of acute renal transplant rejection was found in G-1 patients who possessed the CCR2-64I allele (odds ratio 0.24, 95% confidence inter-val [CI], 0.05-1.06; P = 0.035). There was no significant association of this polymorphism and CAD. In conclusion, the observed association of CCR2-64I with AR should be added to the spectrum of immunogenetic factors known to be involved in allograft renal loss