24 research outputs found


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    Islamic fiqh as a part of Islamic studies is a product of thought which always serves as an interaction between a thinker and the socio-political environment that surround him. It is in this situation that the whole Islamic fiqh is written. This is why Imam Syafi‟i for example had a different fiqh opinion; Qawl qadim and Qawl jaded. Qawl qadim is the opinion of imam syafi‟i when he was in Baghdad, while Qawl jaded is the view of imam Syafi‟i while he has living in Egypt. Therefore, it seems logical that the classical fiqh thought is put into the configuration and the general context when fiqh is produced on the one hand, and in the context of a particular epistemology on the other hand

    Argumen pluralisme agama : membangun toleransi berbasis al-quran/ Ghazali

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    xxviii, 441 hal.; 21 cm

    Corak Tasawuf Al-Ghazali dan Relevansinya dalam Konteks Sekarang

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    Abstracts: Al-Ghaza>li’s li’ ‘Ulum al-Di>n seem to be too solid to tear down. This article tries to explore the main points of al-Ghaza> lili’s sufism shows its relevance and significance. He offers the concept of love of God(mah}abbah), oneness of God (tawh}id), fear of God (makha>fah ), and gnosis (ma’rifah) to the mankind. According to al-Ghaza>li , someone who loves God must love God's creatures as well. This concept leads to the good behaviors such as desire to unite oneself with God by repentance (tawbah), asceticism (zuhd) for fear of being far from God, trusting in God (tawakkul), and being pleased with all decisions and provisions of God (rid}a). These spiritual stages will lead to the degree of knowing God (ma'rifah). Modern society, that often feel alienated, will find the book Ih}ya> 'Ulu> m al-Di>n as a cooling oasis

    Corak Tasawuf Al-Ghazali dan Relevansinya dalam Konteks Sekarang

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    Al-Ghaza>li?s li? ?Ulum al-Di>n seem to be too solid to tear down. This article tries to explore the main points of al-Ghaza> lili?s sufism shows its relevance and significance. He offers the concept of love of God(mah}abbah), oneness of God (tawh}id), fear of God (makha>fah ), and gnosis (ma?rifah) to the mankind. According to al-Ghaza>li , someone who loves God must love God's creatures as well. This concept leads to the good behaviors such as desire to unite oneself with God by repentance (tawbah), asceticism (zuhd) for fear of being far from God, trusting in God (tawakkul), and being pleased with all decisions and provisions of God (rid}a). These spiritual stages will lead to the degree of knowing God (ma'rifah). Modern society, that often feel alienated, will find the book Ih}ya> 'Ulu> m al-Di>n as a cooling oasis

    Metodologi studi al-quran/ Ghazali

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    xxv, 176 hal.; 21 cm

    Ijtihad Islam liberal

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    Argumen pluralisme agama : membangun toleransi berbasis al-quran/ Ghazali

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    xxviii, 441 hal.; 21 cm