139 research outputs found

    Towards semantic mutation testing of aspect-oriented programs

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    Aspect-oriented programs have received much attention from software testing researchers. Various testing techniques and approaches have been proposed to tackle issues and challenges when testing aspect-oriented programs including traditional mutation testing. In traditional mutation testing of aspect-oriented programs, mutants are generated by making small changes to the syntax of the aspect-oriented language. Recently, a new approach known as semantic mutation testing has been proposed. This approach mutates the semantics of the language in which the program is written. The mutants generated misunderstandings of the language which are different classes of faults. Aspect-oriented programming presents itself with different properties that can be further explored with respect to semantic mutation testing. This paper describes various possible scenarios that semantic mutation testing strategy might have particular value in testing aspect-oriented programs

    Empirical evaluation of decomposition strategy for wavelet video compression.

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    The wavelet transform has become the most interesting new algorithm for video compression. Yet there are many parameters within a wavelet analysis andsynthesis which govern the quality of a decoded video. In this paper different wavelet decomposition strategies and their implications for the decoded videoare discussed. A pool of color video sequences has been wavelet-transformed atdifferent settings of the wavelet filter bank and quantization threshold and with decomposition of dyadic and packet wavelet transformation strategies. The empirical evaluation of the decomposition strategy is based on threebenchmarks: a first judgment regards the perceived quality of the decoded video.The compression rate is a second crucial factor, and finally the best parameter setting with regards to the Peak Signal to Noise Ratio (PSNR). The investigation proposes dyadic decomposition as the chosen decomposition strategy

    Adaptive routing in packet-switched networks using agents updating methods

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    This paper investigates a non-trivial, multi-objective and multi-constraint routing optimisation problem for dynamic packet-switched networks. The research adopts the application of the ant colony optimisation process into routing and congestion control in telecommunication networks. This paper suggests the use of epochal updating in conjunction with modified incremental updating to update the routing table in each switching node. The resulting new approach is called the For/Backward approach. Three updating methods (Forward, Backword, For/Backword) are simulated over a packet-switched network, representing Malaysian Backbone Network, using different combinations of traffic and geographical traffic patterns. The simulation results show a clear improvement on network performance (less average packet delay and greater throughput) using the For/Backward approach compared to the Forward and Backward methods. Furthermore, the behavior of the Forward and Backward methods is studied for inconsistency of behavior

    Hybrid LTE-802.11ac network: Qos optimality evaluation of the voip codecs techniques

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    In response to the growing demand for higher quality Voice over IP (VoIP) communication, there are multiple high-speed access links, including Wi-Fi and Long Term Evolution (LTE) for the mobile end-users. The combination of the access links provides a hybrid network environment in which the end-users can switch from one to another, whichever provides a higher level of VoIP quality of service (QoS). Apart from the type of the access link, the VoIP codecs are also another key factor that directly affects the overall QoS of the voice communication. Due to inherent characteristics, different networks have distinct limitations and requirements. Considering these differences, the visualizing and analysing the performance and behaviour of each codec on its underlying network will lead to a proper VoIP codec selection, which in turn will result in optimal voice QoS for the mobile end-users. This study proposes a method to quantify and analyse the performance of different VoIP codecs in a hybrid LTE-802.11ac network in which the mobile end-users have two corresponding network interface cards. The aim is to find the codecs that suit the most for LTE and 802.11ac networks and thereby optimize the QoS of the VoIP communication. The NS3 tool is used to develop and implement a variety of distinct scenarios within which different QoS performance metrics are precisely measured. The obtained results signify the extensive impact of the codecs on the QoS of the voice communication for both LTE and 802.11ac users and also the importance of the VoIP codec selection procedure for each network

    An attribute grammar approach to specifying Halstead's metrics

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    Attribute grammars have been used in defining programming languages and constructing compilers. Since these are concerned with the syntax and static semantics of the source code of the language, attribute grammars can be effectively used to define source code metrics on it. Most of the source code metrics are based on measuring models of the source code. However, there is no formal way of specifying the mapping of the source code onto the models. This paper attempts to provide an approach using an attribute grammar to demonstrate how Halstead's metrics may be specified in an unambiguous manner on the source code itself

    Aspect-oriented program testing : an annotated bibliography.

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    Research in aspect-oriented software testing has resulted in many approaches as reported in literature. A few papers have devoted to literature survey in this field of research. However, the survey only focuses on certain selected topic and particular approaches rather than providing a comprehensive set of references that cover most of the work related to aspect-oriented software testing as a whole. In this case, there is no work yet reported in the literature to tackle this shortage. Therefore, in this paper a collection of 81 references drawn from journals, conference and workshop proceedings, thesis, and technical reports on the subject of testing aspect-oriented software is presented. Each reference is accompanied by a summary of important finding. The aim when selecting the references was to cover as many related articles starting from the first work on the subject in 2002 until the year 2011. For this reason, the bibliography is intended to help the researcher or practitioner, who is relatively new, in gathering information on the subject. The bibliography is organized according to the following sections: general introduction; background on the subject; issues in testing aspect-oriented software; fault models and types; testing coverage criteria; aspect-oriented testing techniques; and automated support for testing aspect-oriented software

    Employing performance counters and software wrapper for measuring QoS attributes of web services

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    Web services have got popular for developing Service-Oriented Architectures recently. As several web services are available to execute the same function, Quality of Service (QoS) turns into a discriminative factor which is significantly considered in service selection and service composition approaches. In different approaches, monitoring of services is used for evaluating QoS attributes. Custom Windows Performance Counters (CWPC) is one of the approaches for monitoring performance of services at server-side. However, it has some limitations and it needs to access and change a service implementation which is not always possible in practice. In this paper, CWPC along with software wrapper is employed for measuring different QoS attributes such as response time, throughput and reliability in order to overcome current limitations. Additionally, it discusses how the proposed monitoring mechanism can be employed to optimize the service provider performance. The results show that the proposed monitoring approach is accurate in measuring QoS attributes

    A conceptual model to manage lexical ambiguity in Malay textual requirements

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    Ambiguity is one of the most crucial problem in natural language. When a sentence can be interpreted in more than one ways by different sets of readers, the impact is huge. It would involve many stages in system development life cycle from requirement elicitation to requirement transformation, system design, system coding as well as the end product. It is very important to ensure requirement requested by the users accurately transformed onto the end system as per desired. More often than not, the understanding between users and system developer is not tele. In this paper, we attempt to publish a conceptual model on managing lexical ambiguity to reduce the possibility of misinterpretation errors in Malay sentences. The approach that we used is by identifying potential Malay vague words based on vague criteria and mapped onto constructed Requirement Ambiguity Attributes (RAA). We designed a Model of Vagueness that has the elements of vague criteria that is mapped with RAA as a hybrid method to detect potential ambiguous sentences