25 research outputs found
A study of ignition phenomena of bulk metals by radiant heating
Early research on combustion of metals was motivated by the knowledge of the large heat release and corresponding high temperatures associated with metal-oxygen reactions. The advent of space flight brought about an increased interest in the ignition and combustion of metallic particles as additives in solid rocket propellants. More recently, attention has been given to the flammability properties of bulk, structural metals due to the number of accidental explosions of metal components in high-pressure oxygen systems. The following work represents a preliminary study that is part of a broader research effort aimed at providing further insight into the phenomena of bulk metal combustion by looking at the effects of gravity on the ignition behavior of metals. The scope of this preliminary experimental study includes the use of a non-coherent, continuous radiation ignition source, the measurement of temperature profiles of a variety of metals and a qualitative observation of the ignition phenomena at normal gravity. The specific objectives of the investigation include: (1) a feasibility study of the use of a continuous radiation source for metal ignition; (2) testing and characterization of the ignition behavior of a variety of metals; and (3) building a preliminary experimental database on ignition of metals under normal gravity conditions
Ignition and Combustion of Bulk Metals in a Microgravity Environment
This annual report summarizes the latest results obtained in a NASA-supported project to investigate the effect of gravity on the ignition and combustion of bulk metals. The experimental arrangement used for this purpose consists of a 1000-W xenon lamp that irradiates the top surface of cylindrical titanium and magnesium specimens, 4 mm in diameter and 4 mm in height, in a quiescent, pure-oxygen environment at 1 atm. Reduced gravity is obtained from the NASA LeRC DC-9 aircraft flying parabolic trajectories. Values of critical and ignition temperatures are obtained from thermocouple records. Qualitative observations and propagation rates are extracted from high-speed cinematography. Emission spectra of gas-phase reactions are obtained with an imaging spectrograph/diode array system. It was found that high applied heating rates and large internal conduction losses generate critical and ignition temperatures that are several hundred degrees above the values obtained from isothermal experiments. Because of high conduction and radiation heat losses, no appreciable effect on ignition temperatures with reduced convection in low gravity is detected. Lower propagation rates of the molten interface on titanium and of ignition waves on magnesium are obtained at reduced gravity. These rates are compared to theoretical results from heat conduction analyses with a diffusion/convection controlled reaction. The close agreement found between experimental and theoretical values indicates the importance of the influence of natural convection-enhanced oxygen transport on combustion rates. Lower oxygen flux and lack of oxide product removal in the absence of convective currents appear to be responsible for longer burning times of magnesium diffusion flames at reduced gravity. The accumulation of condensed oxide particles in the flame front at low gravity produces a previously unreported unsteady explosion phenomenon in bulk magnesium flames. This spherically symmetric explosion phenomenon seems to be driven by increased radiation heat transfer from the flame front to an evaporating metal core covered by a porous, flexible oxide coating. These important results have revealed the significant role of gravity on the burning of metals, and are now being used as the database for future experiments to be conducted with different metals at various pressures, oxygen concentrations and gravity levels
Ignition and Combustion Characteristics of Pure Bulk Metals: Normal-Gravity Test Results
An experimental apparatus has been designed for the study of bulk metal ignition under elevated, normal and reduced gravity environments. The present work describes the technical characteristics of the system, the analytical techniques employed, the results obtained from the ignition of a variety of metals subjected to normal gravity conditions and the first results obtained from experiments under elevated gravity. A 1000 W xenon short-arc lamp is used to irradiate the top surface of a cylindrical metal specimen 4 mm in diameter and 4 mm high in a quiescent pure-oxygen environment at 0.1 MPa. Iron, titanium, zirconium, magnesium, zinc, tin, and copper specimens are investigated. All these metals exhibit ignition and combustion behavior varying in strength and speed. Values of ignition temperatures below, above or in the range of the metal melting point are obtained from the temperature records. The emission spectra from the magnesium-oxygen gas-phase reaction reveals the dynamic evolution of the ignition event. Scanning electron microscope and x-ray spectroscopic analysis provide the sequence of oxide formation on the burning of copper samples. Preliminary results on the effect of higher-than-normal gravity levels on the ignition of titanium specimens is presented
Combustion Of Metals In Reduced Gravity And Extraterrestrial Environments
The recent focus of this research project has been to model the combustion of isolated metal droplets and, in particular, to couple the existing theories and formulations of phenomena such as condensation, reaction kinetics, radiation, and surface reactions to formulate a more complete combustion model. A fully transient, one-dimensional (spherical symmetry) numerical model that uses detailed chemical kinetics, multi-component molecular transport mechanisms, condensation kinetics, and gas phase radiation heat transfer was developed. A coagulation model was used to simulate the particulate formation of MgO. The model was used to simulate the combustion of an Mg droplet in pure O2 and CO2. Methanol droplet combustion is considered as a test case for the solution method for both quasi-steady and fully transient simulations. Although some important processes unique to methanol combustion, such as water absorption at the surface, are not included in the model, the results are in sufficient agreement with the published data. Since the major part of the heat released in combustion of Mg, and in combustion of metals in general, is due to the condensation of the metal oxide, it is very important to capture the condensation processes correctly. Using the modified nucleation theory, an Arrhenius type rate expression is derived to calculate the condensation rate of MgO. This expression can be easily included in the CHEMKIN reaction mechanism format. Although very little property data is available for MgO, the condensation rate expression derived using the existing data is able to capture the condensation of MgO. An appropriate choice of the reference temperature to calculate the rate coefficients allows the model to correctly predict the subsequent heat release and hence the flame temperature
Combustion of Metals in Reduced-Gravity and Extra Terrestrial Environments
The combustion of metals is a field with important practical applications in rocket propellants, high-temperature flames, and material synthesis. Also, the safe operation of metal containers in high-pressure oxygen systems and with cryogenic fuels and oxidizers remains an important concern in industry. The increasing use of metallic components in spacecraft and space structures has also raised concerns about their flammability properties and fire suppression mechanisms. In addition, recent efforts to embark on unmanned and manned planetary exploration, such as on Mars, have also renewed the interest in metal/carbon-dioxide combustion as an effective in situ resource utilization technology. In spite of these practical applications, the understanding of the combustion properties of metals remains far behind that of the most commonly used fuels such as hydrocarbons. The lack of understanding is due to the many problems unique to metal- oxidizer reactions such as: low-temperature surface oxidation prior to ignition, heterogeneous reactions, very high combustion temperatures, product condensation, high emissivity of products, and multi-phase interactions. Very few analytical models (all neglecting the influence of gravity) have been developed to predict the burning characteristics and the flame structure details. Several experimental studies attempting to validate these models have used small metal particles to recreate gravity-free conditions. The high emissivity of the flames, rapid reaction, and intermittent explosions experienced by these particles have made the gathering of any useful information on burning rates and flame structure very difficult. The use of a reduced gravity environment is needed to clarify some of the complex interactions among the phenomena described above. First, the elimination of the intrusive buoyant flows that plague all combustion phenomena is of paramount importance in metal reactions due to the much higher temperatures reached during combustion. Second, a low-gravity environment is absolutely essential to remove the destructive effect of gravity on the shape of a molten metal droplet in order to study a spherically symmetric condition with large bulk samples. The larger size of the spherical metal droplet and the longer burning times available in reduced gravity extend the spatial and temporal dimensions to permit careful probing of the flame structure and dynamics. Third, the influence of the radiative heat transfer from the solid oxides can be studied more carefully by generating a stagnant spherical shell of condensed products undisturbed by buoyancy
Real-World Mining Feasibility Studies Applied to Asteroids, the Moon and Mars
Recent directives from national leadership in the US have proposed manned exploration and mining on asteroids. While there are dozens of locations in the solar system with potential resources for mining, not all of them are equally promising. A short introduction to the principals of mining feasibility studies can demonstrate that the financial feasibility of mining asteroids is quite questionable regardless of any technical plausibility, especially when compared to other more viable options for mining in space. Furthermore, mineral exploitation beyond Earth can become quite realistic and achievable in only a few years if approached correctly with the appropriate expertise and integration of technology. This paper compares the feasibility of potential mining projects on asteroids, the Earth\u27s Moon, and Mars based on each location\u27s dynamic nature. Key components for success, such as location, architecture, and economics are identified and quantified, since each has a significant role in mining feasibility studies that used in the industry
Combustion of Metals in Carbon Dioxide and Reduced-Gravity Environments
Ongoing exploration and future mission2001110444 s to Mars have given impetus to research on the use of natural resources of the planet. Since carbon dioxide (CO2) constitutes approximately 95% of the Mars atmosphere and since it reacts directly and vigorously with several metals, this investigation focuses on metal-CO2 reactions as a possible combination for rocket-propellant production and energy generation. Magnesium (Mg) has been initially selected as the metal fuel owing to its low ignition temperature and high specific impulse and burning rate in CO2. Our studies in this field started with low gravity (g) combustion tests of Mg in O2, CO2, and CO. Reduced gravity provided a clear picture of the burning phenomena by eliminating the intrusive buoyant flows in high-temperature metal reactions and by removing the destructive effect of gravity on the shape of molten metal samples. Suspended cylindrical metal samples of 2, 3, and 4-mm in diameter and length were radiatively ignited in low-g to generate free-floating samples exhibiting a spherically symmetric flame with increasing metal-oxide accumulation in an outer shell. For the Mg-CO2 combination, burning times twice as long as in normal-g and five times longer than in Mg-O2 flames were observed, revealing a diffusion-controlled reaction. The burning time is proportional to the square of the sample diameter. In tests conducted with pure CO, combustion was not possible without constant heating of the sample due to the formation of a thick carbon-containing coating around the Mg sample generated by surface reactions. The following work presents two new studies that attempt to explain some of the low-g experimental observations. First, a simplified one-dimensional, quasi-steady numerical model is developed to obtain temperature, species concentrations, and burning rates of the spherically symmetric diffusion flame around the Mg sample burning in O2 and CO2. Second, a Planar Laser Induced Fluorescence (PLIF) technique is implemented to provide spatially resolved measurements of magnesium oxide (MgO) in the reaction zone of Mg samples burning in O2 and CO2. These experiments reveal fundamental differences between the two combustion systems
Buoyancy and Pressure Effects on Bulk Metal-Oxygen Reactions
The combustion behavior of metal-oxygen reactions if a weakly buoyant environment is studied to understand the rate-controlling mechanisms in the homogeneous and heterogeneous combustion of bulk metals. Cylindrical titanium and magnesium specimens are ignited in pure-oxygen at pressures ranging from 0.1 to 4.0 atm. Reduced gravity is obtained from an aircraft flying parabolic trajectories. A weakly buoyant environment is generated at low pressures under normal gravity and also at 1 atm under reduced gravity (0.01g). The similarity between these two experimental conditions comes from the p(exp 2)g buoyancy scale extracted from the Grashof number. Lower propagation rates of the molten interface on titanium samples are found at progressively lower pressures at 1 g. These rates are compared to theoretical results from heat conduction analyses with a diffusion/convection controlled reaction. The close agreement found between experimental and theoretical values indicate the importance values indicate the importance of natural convection enhanced oxygen transport on combustion rates. For magnesium, progressively longer burning times are experienced at lower pressures and 1 g. Under reduced gravity conditions at 1 atm, a burning time twice as long as in 1 g is exhibited. However, in this case, the validity of the p(exp 2)g buoyancy scale remains untested due to the inability to obtain steady gas-phase burning of the magnesium sample at 0.1 atm. Nevertheless, longer burning times and larger flame standoff distance at low pressures and at low gravity points to a diffusion/convection controlled reaction