145 research outputs found

    Marshall Performance and Volumetric Properties of Styrene-Butadiene-Styrene Modified Asphalt Mixtures

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    The durability of asphalt pavement is associated with the properties and performance of the binder. This work-study intended to understand the impact of blending Styrene-Butadiene-Styrene (SBS) to conventional asphalt concrete mixtures and calculating the Optimum Asphalt Content (OAC) for conventional mixture also; compare the performance between SBS modified with the conventional mixture. Two different kinds of asphalt penetration grades, A.C. (40-50) and A.C. (60-70), were improved with 2.5 and 3.5% SBS polymer, respectively. Marshall properties were determined in this work. Optimum Asphalt Content (OAC) was 4.93 and 5.1% by weight of mixture for A.C. (40-50) and (60-70), respectively. Marshall properties results show an increasement in the stability value by 8.65 and 20.19% for A.C. (40-50) with 2.5 and 3.5% of SBS, respectively. And an increasement by 9.32 and 20.61% for AC (60-70) with 2.5 and 3.5% of SBS respectively. Furthermore, the results indicate a decrease in Marshall flow by 14.7 and 26.47% for A.C. (40-50) with 2.5 and 3.5% SBS respectively and a decrease by 10.46 and 21.21% for A.C. (60-70) with 2.5 and 3.5% SBS respectively. Other Marshall properties were also calculated. Moreover, Blending SBS polymers to conventional asphalt mixtures produces a better performance to asphalt binder and better Marshall properties, which provides a great solution to Iraqi road problems affected by temperature and high traffic load, including less maintenance. Doi: 10.28991/cej-2021-03091709 Full Text: PD

    Assessment Resistance Potential to Moisture Damage and Rutting for HMA Mixtures Reinforced by Steel Fibers

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    Rutting is mainly referring to pavement permanent deformation, it is a major problem for flexible pavement and it is a complicated process and highly observed along with many segments of asphalt pavement in Iraq. The occurrence of this defect is related to several variables such as elevated temperatures and high wheel loads. Studying effective methods to reduce rutting distress is of great significance for providing a safe and along-life road. The asphalt mixture used to be modified by adding different types of additives. The addition of additives typically excesses stiffness, improves temperature susceptibility, and reduces moisture sensitivity. For this work, steel fibres have been used for modifying asphalt mixture as they incorporated in the specimens by three percentages designated as 0.5, 1.0 and 1.5 % by the weight of asphalt mixture. The evaluation process based on conducting Marshall Test, Compressive strength test, and the wheel tracking test. The optimum asphalt content was determined for asphalt mixture. The results of the Marshall quotient and the index of retained strength of modified mixtures were increased by 44.0 and 17.38% respectively with adding 1.0% of steel fibres compared with the conventional mixture. The rut depth and dynamic stability were determined by using a wheel tracking test at two various testing temperatures of 45 and 55°C and two applied stresses of 70 and 80 psi. Results show that adding 1% of steel fibres to asphalt mixtures is very effective in increase the rutting resistance and reduce moisture damage

    Semantic Cache Reasoners

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    Complications of total hip replacement

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    Objective: To determine the factors causing complications in unilateral total hip replacement. Study Design: Analytical study. Place and Duration of Study: The Aga Khan University Hospital, Karachi, between 2000 and 2010. Methodology: During the study period, 199 patients underwent elective unilateral total hip replacement at the Aga Khan University Hospital. Patients were divided into two groups on the basis of postoperative complications within 30 days of surgery. Significant factors at 5% significance level on univariate analysis were further analyzed by multivariate logistic regression. Results: Postoperative complications occurred in 39 patients (19.6%); dislocation being most common in 13 patients (6.5%), followed by wound infection in four (2%), all of these patients required intervention. Other minor complications which were managed conservatively included wound infection (2.5%), urinary tract infection (2.5%), dislocation (1%), pleural effusion and pneumonia (2%), deep venous thrombosis (0.5%) and myocardial infarction (0.5%). On univariate analysis, patients with ASA III and IV, peri-operative blood transfusion, pre-operative hip deformity and post-operative bisphosphonate use were significantly associated with complications. On multi-variate analysis, adjusted odd\u27s ratio for perioperative transfusion (3; 95% CI: 1.17-7.7) and hip deformity (3.2, 95% CI: 1.4-3.4) was found statistically significant. Conclusion: Pre-operative hip deformity and perioperative blood transfusion significantly influence the rates of complication after unilateral THR

    Predictors of length of hospital stay after total hip replacement

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    Purpose: To identify variables affecting length of hospital stay after total hip replacement (THR) while controlling for potential confounders. Methods: Records of 199 consecutive elective unilateral THRs were reviewed. Clinical and demographic data including age, gender, body mass index, comorbidities, surgical factors (surgical approach, type of prosthesis, use of cement, operating time), anaesthetic factors (type of anaesthesia, ASA physical status), and length of hospital stay were recorded. Results: 64% of Patients left hospital within 12 days, 28% within 3 weeks, and 8% after 3 weeks. The median length of hospital stay was longer in women than men (11.5 vs. 9 days, p=0.009), in Patients aged \u3e65 years than those younger (13 vs. 9 days, p65 years than those younger (61% vs. 37% or 24%, p65 years (pConclusions: Prolonged hospital stay after THR is largely predetermined by case mix. Our study helps to identify individuals who need longer rehabilitation and more care

    Semantic Cache System

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    Environmental footprint assessment of a cleanup at hypothetical contaminated site

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    Contaminated site management is currently a critical problem area all over the world, which opens a wide discussion in the areas of policy, research and practice at national and international levels. Conventional site management and remediation techniques are often aimed at reducing the contaminant levels to an acceptable level in a short period of time at low cost. Owing to the fact that the conventional approach may not be sustainable as it overlooks many ancillary environmental effects, there is an immense need of “sustainable” or “green” approaches. Green approaches address environmental, social and economic impacts throughout the remediation process and are capable of conserving the natural resources and protecting air, water and soil quality through reduced emissions and other waste burdens. This paper presents a methodology to quantify the environmental footprint of a cleanup for a hypothetical contaminated site by using the US Environmental Protection Agency’s (EPA) Spreadsheet for Environmental Footprint Assessment (SEFA). The hypothetical contaminated site is selected from a metropolitan city of Pakistan and the environmental footprint of the cleanup is analyzed under three different scenarios: cleanup without any renewable energy sources at all, cleanup with a small share of renewable energy sources, and cleanup with a large share of renewable energy sources. It is concluded that integration of renewable energy sources into the remedial system design is a promising idea which can reduce CO2, NOx, SOx, PM and HAP emissions up to 68%

    Insight into the impact of COVID-19 on Australian transportation sector : an economic and community-based perspective

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    The Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) is a major virus outbreak of the 21st century. The Australian government and local authorities introduced some drastic strategies and policies to control the outspread of this virus. The policies related to lockdown, quarantine, social distancing, shut down of educational institute, work from home, and international and interstate travel bans significantly affect the lifestyle of citizens and, thus, influence their activity patterns. The transport system is, thus, severely affected due to the COVID-19 related restrictions. This paper analyses how the transport system is impacted because of the policies adopted by the Australian government for the containment of the COVID-19. Three main components of the transport sector are studied. These are air travel, public transport, and freight transport. Various official sources of data such as the official website of the Australian government, Google mobility trends, Apple Mobility trends, and Moovit were consulted along with recently published research articles on COVID-19 and its impacts. The secondary sources of data include databases, web articles, and interviews that were conducted with the stakeholders of transport sectors in Australia to analyse the relationship between COVID-19 prevention measures and the transport system. The results of this study showed reduced demand for transport with the adoption of COVID-19 prevention measures. Declines in revenues in the air, freight, and public transport sectors of the transport industry are also reported. The survey shows that transport sector in Australia is facing a serious financial downfall as the use of public transport has dropped by 80%, a 31.5% drop in revenues earned by International airlines in Australia has been predicted, and a 9.5% reduction in the freight transport by water is expected. The recovery of the transport sector to the pre-pandemic state is only possible with the relaxation of COVID-19 containment policies and financial support by the government

    Localization of sound sources : a systematic review

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    Sound localization is a vast field of research and advancement which is used in many useful applications to facilitate communication, radars, medical aid, and speech enhancement to but name a few. Many different methods are presented in recent times in this field to gain benefits. Various types of microphone arrays serve the purpose of sensing the incoming sound. This paper presents an overview of the importance of using sound localization in different applications along with the use and limitations of ad-hoc microphones over other microphones. In order to overcome these limitations certain approaches are also presented. Detailed explanation of some of the existing methods that are used for sound localization using microphone arrays in the recent literature is given. Existing methods are studied in a comparative fashion along with the factors that influence the choice of one method over the others. This review is done in order to form a basis for choosing the best fit method for our use

    A gabor filter-based protocol for automated image-based building detection

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    Detecting buildings from high-resolution satellite imagery is beneficial in mapping, environmental preparation, disaster management, military planning, urban planning and research purposes. Differentiating buildings from the images is possible however, it may be a time-consuming or complicated process. Therefore, the high-resolution imagery from satellites needs to be automated to detect the buildings. Additionally, buildings exhibit several different characteristics, and their appearance in these images is unplanned. Moreover, buildings in the metropolitan environment are typically crowded and complicated. Therefore, it is challenging to identify the building and hard tolocate them. To resolve this situation, a novel probabilistic method has been suggested using local features and probabilistic approaches. A local feature extraction technique was implemented, which was used to calculate the probability density function. The locations in the image were represented as joint probability distributions and were used to estimate their probability distribution function (pdf). The density of building locations in the image was extracted. Kernel density distribution was also used to find the density flow for different metropolitan cities such as Sydney (Australia), Tokyo (Japan), and Mumbai (India), which is useful for distribution intensity and pattern of facility point f interest (POI). The purpose system can detect buildings/rooftops and to test our system, we choose some crops with panchromatic high-resolution satellite images from Australia and our results looks promising with high efficiency and minimal computational time for feature extraction. We were able to detect buildings with shadows and building without shadows in 0.4468 (seconds) and 0.5126 (seconds) respectively