19 research outputs found
Additional file 1: of Gender differentials in readiness and use of mHealth services in a rural area of Bangladesh
Survey questionnaire. (DOC 572 kb
Foods consumed in the community and when salt was added to them.
<p>Foods consumed in the community and when salt was added to them.</p
Risk perceptions around table salt and salt used in cooking (n = 394).
<p>Risk perceptions around table salt and salt used in cooking (n = 394).</p
Characteristics of respondents in the qualitative study.
<p>Characteristics of respondents in the qualitative study.</p
Variation in arsenic exposure and mortality for selected characteristics of childhood participants.
<p>Crude death rate per 10000 person-years.</p
Phrases used and their explanations.
<p>Phrases used and their explanations.</p
Age, education attainment, SES adjusted Hazard ratios for male and female by baseline, time-weighted lifetime average and cumulative exposure categories.
<p>Age, education attainment, SES adjusted Hazard ratios for male and female by baseline, time-weighted lifetime average and cumulative exposure categories.</p
Salt use patterns among respondents.
<p>Salt use patterns among respondents.</p
Cumulative survival function of all-cause, cancer and cardiovascular mortality plotted against time for baseline arsenic exposure categories.
<p>Cumulative survival function of all-cause, cancer and cardiovascular mortality plotted against time for baseline arsenic exposure categories.</p