63 research outputs found

    Ageing process of cementitious materials: Ion transport and diffusion coefficient

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    Risk assessment analysis concerning service life predictions of concrete structures in nuclear waste repositories requires broad knowledge about long-term concrete deterioration processes. It is well known that the degradation process of cementitious materials involves diffusion of internal and external ions, interaction between these ions and re-deposition of the interacted products. However, although diffusion properties play an important role in the deterioration process, there is a lack of reliable data on ion diffusivity in concrete, especially co-existing ions rather than chloride. The aim of this study is to further analyze multi-component ionic diffusion accompanied with surface complexation and selective adsorption. Natural diffusion cell and field immersion tests are used to analyze transport properties of ions present in groundwater surrounding nuclear waste repositories such as chloride, sodium, lithium and calcium ions, through cement paste. Analytical techniques such as Ion chromatography, potentiometric titration, inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry and X-ray fluorescence methods are used. Results indicate that the ionic diffusion coefficients differ between different ions and the higher the concentration of the ions, the lower the diffusion coefficient will be

    Electrochemical migration technique to accelerate ageing of cementitious materials

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    Durability assessment of concrete structures for constructions in nuclear waste repositories requires long term service life predictions. As deposition of low and intermediate level radioactive waste (LILW) takes up to 100 000 years, it is necessary to analyze the service life of cementitious materials in this time perspective. Using acceleration methods producing aged specimens would decrease the need of extrapolating short term data sets. Laboratory methods are therefore, needed for accelerating the ageing process without making any influencing distortion in the properties of the materials. This paper presents an electro-chemical migration method to increase the rate of calcium leaching from cementitious specimens. This method is developed based on the fact that major long term deterioration process of hardened cement paste in concrete structures for deposition of LILW is due to slow diffusion of calcium ions. In this method the cementitious specimen is placed in an electrochemical cell as a porous path way through which ions can migrate at a rate far higher than diffusion process. The electrical field is applied to the cell in a way to accelerate the ion migration without making destructions in the specimen's micro and macroscopic properties. The anolyte and catholyte solutions are designed favoring dissolution of calcium hydroxide and compensating for the leached calcium ions with another ion like lithium

    Experimental investigations into the irregular synthesis of iron(iii) terephthalate metal-organic frameworks MOF-235 and MIL-101

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    MOF-235(Fe) and MIL-101(Fe) are two well-studied metal-organic frameworks (MOFs) with dissimilar crystal structures and topologies. Previously reported syntheses of the former show that it has greatly varying surface areas, indicating a lack of phase purity of the products, i.e. the possible presence of both MOFs in the same sample. To find the reason for this, we have tested and modified the commonly used synthesis protocol of MOF-235(Fe), where a 3 : 5 molar ratio of iron(iii) ions and a terephthalic acid linker is heated in a 1 : 1 DMF : ethanol solvent at 80 degrees C for 24 h. Using XRD and BET surface area (SA(BET)) measurements, we found that it is difficult to obtain a pure phase of MOF-235, as MIL-101 also appears to form during the solvothermal treatment. Comparison of the XRD peak height ratios of the synthesis products revealed a direct correlation between the MOF-235/MIL-101 content and surface area; more MOF-235 yields a lower surface area and vice versa. In general, using a larger (3 : 1) DMF : ethanol ratio than that reported in the literature and a stoichiometric (4 : 3) Fe(iii) : TPA ratio yields a nearly pure MOF-235 product (SA(BET) = 295 m(2) g(-1), 67% yield). An optimized synthesis procedure was developed to obtain high-surface area MIL-101(Fe) (SA(BET) > 2400 m(2) g(-1)) in a large yield and at a previously unreported temperature (80 degrees C vs. previously used 110-150 degrees C). In situ X-ray scattering was utilized to investigate the crystallization of MOF-235 and MIL-101. At 80 degrees C, only MOF-235 formed and at 85 and 90 degrees C, only MIL-101 formed

    Some well known inequalities for (h1, h2)-convex stochastic process via interval set inclusion relation

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    This note introduces the concept of (h1, h2)-convex stochastic processes using intervalvalued functions. First we develop Hermite-Hadmard (H.H) type inequalities, then we check the results for the product of two convex stochastic process mappings, and finally we develop Ostrowski and Jensen type inequalities for (h1, h2)-convex stochastic process. Also, we have shown that this is a more generalized and larger class of convex stochastic processes with some remark. Furthermore, we validate our main findings by providing some non-trivial examples.http://www.aimspress.com/journal/MathMathematics and Applied Mathematic

    Monte Carlo Simulations of Salt Solutions: Exploring the Validity of Primitive Models

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    An extensive series of Monte Carlo (MC) simulations were performed in order to explore the validity of simple primitive models of electrolyte solutions and in particular the effect of ion size asymmetry on the bulk thermodynamic properties of real salt solutions. Ionic activity and osmotic coefficients were calculated for 1:1, 2:1, and 3:1 electrolytes by using the unrestricted primitive model (UPM); i.e., ions are considered as charged hard spheres of different sizes dissolved in a dielectric continuum. Mean ionic activity and osmotic coefficients calculated by the MC simulations were fitted simultaneously to the experimental data by adjusting only the cation radius while keeping the anion radius fixed at its crystallographic value. Ionic radii were further optimized by systematically varying the cation and anion radii at a fixed sum of ionic radii. The success of this approach is found to be highly salt specific. For example, experimental data (mean ionic activity and osmotic coefficients) of salts which are usually considered as dissociated such as HCl, HBr, LiCl, LiBr, LiClO4, and KOH were successfully fitted up to 1.9, 2.5, 1.9, 3, 2.5, and 4.5 M concentrations, respectively. In the case of partially dissociated salts such as NaCl, the successful fits were only obtained in a more restricted concentration range. Consistent sets of the best fitted cation radii were obtained for acids, alkali, and alkaline earth halides. A list of recommended ionic radii is also provided. The reliability of the optimized ionic radii was further tested in simulations of the osmotic coefficients of LiCl−NaCl−KCl salt mixtures. A very good agreement between the simulated and experimental data was obtained up to ionic strength of 4.5 M

    Silica sol as grouting material: a physio-chemical analysis

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    Abstract At present there is a pressing need to find an environmentally friendly grouting material for the construction of tunnels. Silica nanoparticles hold great potential of replacing the organic molecule based grouting materials currently used for this purpose. Chemically, silica nanoparticles are similar to natural silicates which are essential components of rocks and soil. Moreover, suspensions of silica nanoparticles of different sizes and desired reactivity are commercially available. However, the use of silica nanoparticles as grouting material is at an early stage of its technological development. There are some critical parameters such as long term stability and functionality of grouted silica that need to be investigated in detail before silica nanoparticles can be considered as a reliable grouting material. In this review article we present the state of the art regarding the chemical properties of silica nanoparticles commercially available, as well as experience gained from the use of silica as grouting material. We give a detailed description of the mechanisms underlying the gelling of silica by different salt solutions such as NaCl and KCl and how factors such as particle size, pH, and temperature affect the gelling and gel strength development. Our focus in this review is on linking the chemical properties of silica nanoparticles to the mechanical properties to better understand their functionality and stability as grouting material. Along the way we point out areas which need further research

    Predicting degradation of the anode-concrete interface for impressed current cathodic protection in concrete

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    Impressed current cathodic protection and prevention techniques are efficient methods to stop or prevent corrosion in steel reinforced concrete structures. The inevitable side effect of the current exchange is acidification at the anode-concrete interface. Accelerated test methods can be used to investigate the long-term performance of the system. However, a linear relation will not hold between the accelerated and normal conditions because of the influence of the current density. This paper presents results of an accelerated test. A power-relation conversion model is proposed and an acceleration factor is introduced

    Chloride Penetration Resistance of Calcium Depleted Concrete Specimens

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    To facilitate the service life predictions regarding durability of nuclear waste repositories acceleration methods enhancing the decalcification process are used. However, in order to reach an efficient leaching rate small sample sizes have been used which limits further testing. In this study an electro-chemical migration method to accelerate leaching of calcium from concrete specimens of size 50 7100 8 is presented. Rapid chloride migration test is utilized to account for the changes in chloride diffusion coefficient of concrete specimens due to calcium depletion. The results indicate up to at least 70% of increase of chloride diffusion coefficient as a result of decalcification

    Mineralogical, Physical and Chemical Characterization of Cementitious Materials Subjected to Accelerated Decalcification by an Electro-Chemical Method

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    To facilitate the service life predictions regarding durability of nuclear waste repositories acceleration methods enhancing the decalcification process are needed. In this study an electro-chemical migration method to accelerate leaching of calcium from cementitious specimens of sizes 50 7100 8 and 75 750 8 mm is presented. The mineralogical, physical and chemical properties of degraded samples are characterized. The results demonstrate that up to 70% decrease in strength, 50 % decrease in E-modulus, 90 % increase in gas permeability, at least 70% increase in chloride diffusion coefficient and 70 % increase in pore volume could be expected due to leaching of portlandite from concrete
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