14 research outputs found

    Actual nutrition and dietary supplementation in Lithuanian elite athletes

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    Background and objectives: Health is partly determined by the state of one’s nutrition; it stimulates the body’s functional and metabolic adaptations to physical strain and helps one prevent sports injuries and get in shape in terms of body composition. This study aims to investigate the actual nutrition and dietary supplements taken by elite Lithuanian athletes and to identify the relationship between the dietary intake, dietary supplementation and body composition of elite athletes. Materials and Methods: The research subjects were 76.7% of Lithuanian elite athletes (N = 247). The actual diet was investigated using the 24 h recall dietary survey method. Dietary supplementation was studied applying the questionnaire method. Measurements of body composition were performed using the BIA (bioelectrical impedance analysis) tetra-polar electrodes and measuring resistivity with 8–12 tangent electrodes at di erent frequencies of signal: 5, 50 and 250 kHz. Results: Results indicate that among the athletes, 62% use too few carbohydrates and 77% use too much fat. Although the 3.5% increase in lean body mass (95% CI: 0.107, 7.070) helps gain an increased protein intake with food (p = 0.057), 38% of athletes consume too little protein with food. The athletes mostly use carbohydrates (86%), vitamins (81%), protein supplements (70%), and multivitamins (62%). We did not determine the impact (p > 0.05) of individual or complex supplement use on the lean body mass (%) or fat mass (%) values of athletes. Conclusions: Athletes consume insucient carbohydrates, vitamin D, calcium, polyunsaturated fatty acids, omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids and too much fat, saturated fatty acids, cholesterol, and they use proteins irrationally. Sport nutritionists should also focus on the risk of malnutrition for female athletes. Nutritional supplements partially o set macronutrient and micronutrient deficiency. Nevertheless, the e ect of food supplements on the body composition of athletes is too small compared to the normal diet. Athletes ought to prioritize the formation of eating habits and only then use supplements

    Cardiorespiratory fitness and diet quality profile of the Lithuanian team of deaf women’s basketball players

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    There are about 466 million people with hearing impairments in the world. The scientific literature does not provide sufficient data on the actual nutrition and other variables of professional deaf athletes. The objectives of this study were to investigate and evaluate the body composition, the physical working capacity, the nutrition intake, and the blood parameters of iron and vitamin D in the Lithuanian high-performance deaf women’s basketball team players. The female athletes (n = 14) of the Lithuanian deaf basketball team aged 26.4 ± 4.5 years were recruited for an observational cross-sectional study. A 7-day food recall survey method was used to investigate their actual diet. The measurements of the body composition were performed using the BIA (bioelectrical impedance analysis) tetra-polar electrodes. In order to assess the cardiorespiratory and aerobic fitness levels of athletes, ergo-spirometry (on a cycle ergometer) was used to measure the peak oxygen uptake (VO2peak) and the physical working capacity at a heart rate of 170 beats per minute (PWC170). The athletes’ blood tests were taken to investigate the red blood cells, hemoglobin, 25-hydroxyvitamin D, ferritin, transferrin, iron concentrations, and total iron-binding capacity (TIBC). The consideration of the VO2peak (55.9 ± 6.1 mL/min/kg of body weight, 95% CI: 51.8, 58.9) and the low VO2peak (56–60 mL/min/kg of body weight) (p = 0.966) in the deaf women’s basketball team players revealed no differences. For the deaf female athletes, the PWC170 was equal to 20.3 ± 2.0 kgm/min/kg of body weight and represented only the average aerobic fitness level. The carbohydrate and protein intakes (5.0 ± 1.3 and 1.3 ± 0.3 g/kg of body weight, respectively) met only the minimum levels recommended for athletes. The fat content of the diet (38.1 ± 4.1% of energy intake) exceeded the maximum recommended content (35% of energy intake) (p = 0.012). The mean blood serum concentrations of 25(OH)D and ferritin (24.1 ± 6.6 nmol/L and 11.0 ± 4.1 µg/L, respectively) predicted vitamin D and iron deficits in athletes. Female athletes had an increased risk of vitamin D and iron deficiencies. Regardless of iron deficiency in the body, the better cardiorespiratory fitness of the deaf female athletes was essentially correlated with the higher skeletal muscle mass (in terms of size) (r = 0.61, p = 0.023), the lower percentage of body fat mass (r = −0.53, p = 0.049), and the reduced intake of fat (r = −0.57, p = 0.040)

    The effect of nutrition on the muscle mass of Lithuanian high performance athletes

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    Siekiant geresnių sportinių rezultatų, sportininkams būtina išugdyti santykinai didelę raumenų masę. Anabolinis su maistu vartojamų aminorūgščių poveikis naujai sintetinamiems baltymams priklauso nuo vartojamų baltymų kiekio ir kokybinės aminorūgščių sudėties. Esant nepakankamam endogeninių nepakeičiamųjų aminorūgščių prieinamumui, baltymų sintezės greitis raumenyse gali sumažėti. Tyrimo tikslas – įvertinti Lietuvos didelio meistriškumo sportininkų mitybos daromą įtaką raumenų masei. Buvo tirti 18,0 ± 3,3 metų amžiaus Lietuvos didelio meistriškumo sportininkai (n = 323). Sportininkų raumenų masės matavimai atlikti pasitelkus BIA tetrapoliarinį elektrodų metodą. Faktinės mitybos tyrimas atliktas taikant 24 valandų faktinės mitybos apklausos metodą. Sportininkų vartojami baltymų ir angliavandenių kiekis sudaro atitinkamai 1,7 ± 0,6 g/kg ir 5,5 ± 2,1 g/kg kūno masės. Sportininkų vartojamų visų nepakeičiamųjų aminorūgščių kiekis yra didesnis už rekomenduojamus. 5,5 kg didesnę sportininkų raumenų masę lemia tik didesnio baltymų kiekio vartojimas (95 % PI: 1,0; 10,1; p = 0,016). Neatsižvelgiant į angliavandenių vartojimą, didesnę sportininkų raumenų masę labiausiai lemia tik padidintas baltymų ir aminorūgščių vartojimas. Padidintas aminorūgščių leucino, valino ir arginino vartojimas daro teigiamą įtaką raumenų masės didinimui, tačiau galimai išbalansuoja sportininkų maisto raciono aminorūgščių kokybinę sudėtį.For better athletic performance, athletes need to develop relatively high muscle mass. The anabolic effect of dietary amino acids on newly synthesized muscle proteins depends on the amount of protein intake and the qualitative amino acid composition of food rations. Due to the insufficient availability of endogenous essential amino acids, the rate of muscle protein synthesis may be reduced. The aim of the study was to evaluate the effect of Lithuanian high performance athletes’ diet on muscle mass hypertrophy. Lithuanian high performance athletes aged 18.0 ± 3.3 years (n = 323) were studied. Measurements of athletes’ muscle mass were performed using the BIA tetra-polar electrode method. The actual nutrition study was conducted using the 24-hour food recall method. The amounts of protein and carbohydrates intake by athletes are 1.7 ± 0.6 g/kg and 5.5 ± 2.1 g/kg of body weight, respectively. The amounts of all essential amino acids consumed by athletes are higher than recommended. The 5.5 kg increase in muscle mass of athletes is due only to the consumption of higher protein content (95% CI: 1.0; 10.1; p = 0.016). Regardless of carbohydrate intake, the increased muscle mass of athletes is largely due to increased protein and amino acid intake. Increased intake of the amino acids leucine, valine, and arginine has a positive effect on muscle mass gain, but potentially unbalances the qualitative composition of amino acids in athletes’ diets

    Dietary acid-base balance in high-performance athletes

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    Physical exercise leads to metabolic changes that affect the acid-base balance in skeletal muscles and other tissues. Nutrition is one of the factors that may influence the acid-base balance in the body. Keeping alkaline circumstances in the body is important not only for health and athletic performance in training but also during competition in many sport events. This is especially significant for athletes who practice in sport at the highest level of competition. The aim of the study was to determine the dietary acid-base balance in competitive Lithuanian high-performance athletes, and to evaluate the effect of actual diets of athletes on NEAP (net endogenous acid production), muscle mass and body mineral content during a four-year Olympic cycle. The research participants were 18.1 ± 3.3-year-old Lithuanian high performance athletes (n = 323). The actual diet was investigated using the 24 h recall dietary survey method. The measurements of body composition were performed using BIA (bioelectrical impedance analysis). The potential renal acid load of the diets of athletes (dietary PRAL) and NEAP were calculated. In 10.2% of athletes, NEAP exceeds 100 mEq ⋅ day−1 and is on average 126.1 ± 32.7 mEq ⋅ day−1. Higher NEAP in athletes is associated with lower muscle mass (β -1.2% of body weight, p < 0.001) but has no effect on the amount of minerals in the body (β 0.01% of body weight, p = 0.073). Overall, 25–30% of Lithuanian high-performance athletes use high-protein diets (2.0–4.8 g ⋅ kg−1 ⋅ day−1) leading to a dietary acid-base imbalance as well as an excessive production of endogenous acids in the body. Athletes are recommended to consume higher amounts of potassium and magnesium. An increase in calcium intake up to 1500 mg per day is recommended. In exceptional cases, periodised nutrition for athletes may involve diets complemented with bicarbonate and/or beta-alanine supplements

    Nutritional profile of Lithuanian high performance athletes

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    Tyrimo tikslas – apibūdinti ir įvertinti Lietuvos didelio meistriškumo sportininkų mitybos įpročius, mitybos režimą, atsižvelgiant į kultivuojamą sporto šaką, lytį ir amžių. Panaudojus valdžią mitybos anketą tiesioginiu interviu metodu buvo ištirti 247 Lietuvos didelio meistriškumo sportininkai. Sportininkų kūno sandara tirta BIA tetra – poliariniu elektrodų metodu. Tyrimo rezultatai parodė, kad Lietuvos didelio meistriškumo sportininkų mitybos įpročius lemia lytis, mažiau – amžius ir kultivuojama sporto šaka. Sportininkai vyrai dažniau vartoja duonos kepinius, virtas bulves, kiaušinius, riebią kiaulieną, mėsos pusgaminius, konservus, keptas bulves, bulvių traškučius ir gaiviuosius gėrimus su dirbtiniais saldikliais. O sportininkių moterų mitybos įpročiai sveikesni. Moterys dažniau vartoja šviežias daržoves, vaisius, paukštieną ir rečiau renkasi vartoti sveikatai nepalankų maistą. Lietuvos didelio meistriškumo sportininkų mitybos įpročiai turi būti keičiami į sveikatai palankesnius, kad užtikrintų maksimalią organizmo adaptaciją prie fizinių krūvių.The purpose of the study is to describe and assess the dietary habits and the nutritional regime of Lithuanian high performance athletes depending on the cultivated sport, sex and age. Using a valid nutrition questionnaire, 247 Lithuanian high performance athletes were investigated by direct interview method. Athletes’ body composition was studied by the BIA tetra-polar electrodes method. The results of the research showed that Lithuanian high performance athletes’ eating habits are determined by gender. The lower impact of age and cultivated sports was determined. Male athletes are more likely to use bread bakery, boiled potatoes, eggs, oily pork, meat preparations, canned food, fried potatoes, potato crisps and refreshing drinks with artificial sweeteners. Meanwhile, athletes’ women’s eating habits are healthier. Women are more likely to consume fresh vegetables, fruits, poultry, and less often use unhealthy food. Dietary habits of Lithuanian high performance athletes should be changed to healthy ones in order to ensure maximum adaptation to physical activity

    Promoting and limiting factors of nutritional habits and dietary supplement use among high performance athletes in Lithuania

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    Lietuvoje sportininkams trūksta motyvacijos sveikai maitintis, todėl jų mitybos įpročiai neatitinka sveikos mitybos rekomendacijų. Tyrimo tikslas – nustatyti ir įvertinti Lietuvos didelio meistriškumo sportininkų mitybos įpročius ir maisto papildų vartojimą lemiančius veiksnius. Pasitelkus tiesioginio interviu metodą buvo ištirti 18 ± 3,3 metų amžiaus vidutiniškai per dieną 178,2 ± 63,7 min. besitreniruojantys 247 Lietuvos didelio meistriškumo sportininkai. Tyrimo rezultatai parodė, kad daugiausia sportininkus apie mitybą, maisto papildus informuoja sporto treneriai ir populiarioji literatūra. O gydytojų, per televizijos ir radijo laidas pateikiama informacija yra ribota ir nepakankama, kad skatintų tinkamus sportininkų mitybos ir maisto papildų vartojimo įpročius. 81,4 % sportininkų pagrindinis maisto produktų pasirinkimo kriterijus yra skonis. Neatsižvelgiant į tai, jaunieji sportininkai dažniau sutelkia dėmesį į sveikatai palankų mitybos poveikį, dažniau mitybą derina su konkrečia sportine veikla. Vyresnio amžiaus jėgą ir grei¬tumą ugdantys sportininkai vyrai savo mitybos įpročių nederina su konkrečia sportine veikla, dažniausiai nesirenka sveikatai palankaus maisto. Šio segmento sportininkams jų treneriai informacijos apie maisto papildus suteikia per mažai, jiems nepakanka iš gydytojų gaunamos informacijos. Prioriteto tvarka dėmesys turi būti sutelktas į jėgą ir greitumą ugdančius sportininkus, juos profesionaliai ir pakankamu lygiu informuojant apie tinkamą mitybą ir racionalų maisto papildų vartojimą.In Lithuania, athletes lack motivation for healthy eating, and their dietary habits are not consistent with healthy dietary recommendations. The aim of the study is to determine and evaluate the factors determining the peculiarities of nutrition and supplements use of Lithuanian high performance athletes. Using the method of direct interview, 247 Lithuanian high performance athletes were investigated. The age of the athletes was 18 ± 3,3 years, and the duration of the daily training was 178,2 ± 63,7 min. The results of the study showed that athletes are reported about nutrition and food supplements mostly by sports coaches and popular literature. Meanwhile, the information provided by doctors, on TV and on the radio is limited in number and insufficient to promote proper nutrition and nutritional behaviour of athletes. 81,4% of athletes’ main criterion for choosing food is taste. Regardless of this, younger athletes more often focus on the health benefits of nutrition, more often combine their nutrition with specific sport activities. Adult athletes who develop strength and speed do not adapt their diet to specific sports activities and do not use health-friendly foods. For this segment, their coaches give too little information about food supplements to their athletes; they do not get enough information about nutrition and food supplements from doctors. Priority measures should focus on strength and speed athletes, informing them professionally and at an adequate level about proper nutrition and the rational use of nutritional supplements

    The use of organic food among high performance athletes and coaches in Lithuania

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    Lietuvoje nėra duomenų apie sportininkų ir sporto trenerių ekologiško maisto vartojimą. Tai nulėmė mūsų tyrimo tikslą – ištirti ir apibūdinti Lietuvos didelio meistriškumo sportininkų ir sporto trenerių ekologiškų maisto produktų vartojimo įpročius bei juos lemiančius veiksnius. Siekiant įvertinti ekologiškų maisto produktų vartojimą, buvo apklausti 158 Lietuvos didelio meistriškumo sportininkai ir 135 sporto treneriai. Tyrimo rezultatai parodė, kad ekologiško maisto vartotojų skaičius sportininkų ir sporto trenerių grupėse didelis, sudaro atitinkamai 97 ir 88,1 %, tačiau ekologiškų maisto produktų vartojimas yra per retas. Kasdien ekologišką maistą vartoja tik 27,9 % sportininkų ir tik 36,5 % sporto trenerių vyrų. Sportininkai ir sporto treneriai dažniausiai ekologiškų produktų asortimentą formuoja iš vaisių ir uogų, daržovių, kiaušinių, mėsos bei jos produktų, tačiau pastarąjį lemia lytis ir amžius. Informacijos apie ekologinę mitybą trūksta 44,3 % sportininkų ir 54,8 % sporto trenerių. Ekologiškų maisto produktų vartojimas priklauso nuo sportininkų gaunamų pajamų, tačiau jos nėra ekologinę mitybą ribojantis veiksnys. O ekologiško maisto vartojimas tarp sporto trenerių neturi sąsajų su gaunamomis pajamomis. Mūsų tyrimo rezultatai pagrindžia ekologiškų maisto produktų gamybos ir asortimento plėtros poreikį. Formuojant ekologiškų maisto produktų rinką, gamintojams būtų tikslinga orientuotis į didelio meistriškumo sportininkų segmentą bei juos ugdančius sporto trenerius.There is no data on the use of organic food by athletes and sports trainers in Lithuania. This determined the purpose of our study ‒ to examine and describe the peculiarities of the consumption of organic food products between Lithuanian high performance athletes and sports trainers. To assess the use of organic food, 158 Lithuanian high-skilled athletes and 135 sports coaches were surveyed. The results of the survey showed that the number of organic food users in the groups of athletes and coaches is high, accounting for 97% and 88.1%. Regardless of this, eco-friendly foods are too rarely used by athletes and coaches. Only 27.9% of athletes and only 36.5% of sports coaches use organic food daily. Athletes and sports trainers usually use organic fruits and berries, vegetables, eggs, and meat products. However, the use of organic products is determined by the gender and age of athletes and coaches. Information on organic nutrition is lacking in 44.3% of athletes and 54.8% of sports coaches. The use of organic food depends on the incomes of the athletes, but incomes is not a limiting factor for ecologic nutrition. Meanwhile, the use of organic food among sports trainers has no link with their incomes. The results of our research justify the need for the development of organic food products and assortment. It would be advisable for manufacturers to focus on the segment of high performance athletes and their sports coaches in shaping the organic food market

    The peculiarities of water and beverages consumption and their determinants among high performance athletes in Lithuania

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    Sportininkų mityboje didelė reikšmė teikiama optimaliam skysčių vartojimui. Lietuvoje nėra paskelbta oficialių rekomendacijų, kiek per dieną sportininkams būtina suvartoti vandens ir kitų gėrimų. Nėra duomenų, kuriuos pasitelkus galima būtų įvertinti sportininkų vandens ir gėrimų vartojimo įpročius. Mūsų tyrimo tikslas – nustatyti ir įvertinti Lietuvos didelio meistriškumo sportininkų skysčių vartojimo ypatumus sportinės veiklos metu. Siekiant įvertinti vandens ir gėrimų vartojimo įpročius, buvo ištirti 247 Lietuvos didelio meistriškumo sportininkai. Tyrimui taikytas anketinės apklausos metodas. Sportininkų kūno masės matavimai atlikti pasitelkiant BIA tetrapoliarinį elektrodų metodą. Ūgio matavimai atlikti panaudojant elektronines svarstykles. Tyrimo duomenimis, 25 % Lietuvos didelio meistriškumo sportininkų per dieną suvartoja nepakankamą vandens ir gėrimų kiekį. Pagal rekomendacijas tik kas trečias sportininkas kontroliuoja organizmo skysčių pusiausvyrą sportinės veiklos metu. Trečdalis dvikovos sportininkų vyrų (graikų-romėnų imtynininkų ir boksininkų) sportinės veiklos metu patiria vidutinio laipsnio organizmo dehidrataciją. Jėgą ir greitumą ugdantys sportininkai vyrai ilgesnėse nei 60 min. trukmės pratybose per retai geria specialius angliavandenių gėrimus. Įgyvendinant skysčių vartojimą skatinančias priemones daugiausia dėmesio turi būti sutelkta į sportininkes moteris, 14–18 metų amžiaus sportininkus, vidutinio laipsnio organizmo dehidrataciją per sporto pratybas patiriančius dvikovos sportininkus (graikų-romėnų imtynininkus, boksininkus); taip pat įskaitant sportininkus, kurie negeria specialių sportininkams skirtų angliavandenių gėrimų per ilgos trukmės (> 60 min.) jėgą ir greitumą ugdančias pratybas.The optimal consumption of beverages is especially important in the diet of athletes. There are no official recommendations in Lithuania on how much water and other beverages should be consumed by athletes during the day and at workouts. There is no data available to assess the habits of drinking water and beverages consumption by high performance athletes. The purpose of our research is to determine and evaluate the peculiarities of fluid consumption during sporting activities between Lithuanian high performance athletes. 247 Lithuanian high performance athletes were investigated aiming to assess drinking and water use habits during sporting activities. For the survey, questionnaire was used. Athlete’s body mass measurements were performed using BIA tetra-polar electrodes method. Height measurements were performed using electronic scales. According to the survey, 25% of Lithuania’s high performance athletes use insufficient amount of water and beverages per day. According to the recommendations, only every third athlete controls the balance of body fluids during sporting activities. One-third of duel athletes (Greek-Roman wrestlers and boxers) experience moderate dehydration during the workout. Men athletes who practice force and speed do not often drink carbohydrate drinks for more than 60 minutes of workouts. Sports nutritionists should pay attention on water consumption habits of women athletes and athletes aged 14–18 with moderate dehydration of the body through daily exercise (Greek-Roman wrestlers, boxers). It is advisable to provide knowledge on the use of drinks by athletes who do not consume carbohydrate-electrolyte drinks long-lasting (>60 min) strength and speed exercises

    Oat β-glucan in milk products: impact on human health

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    The aim of this study was to determine the impact of the bioactive ingredient – oat β-glucan – on the quality characteristics of the fermented milk products (kefir, yogurt and fermented milk beverages) made on buttermilk-skimmed milk mixture base and establish the influence of the consumption of one of them on the health characteristics of volunteers. The enrichment of fermented milk products with 0.6 % oat β-glucan had no impact on the fermentation time, enhanced the apparent viscosity and changed sensory properties. The experiments of medical nutrition of volunteers showed a significant decrease of total (p<0.05) and low density lipoprotein (p<0.05) cholesterol, increase in high density lipoprotein cholesterol (p<0.01) in their blood after a 21-day period of consumption of fermented product with β-glucan. According to these findings, consumption of fermented milk beverage prepared on the buttermilk-skimmed milk base and enriched with oat β-glucan had a beneficial effect on human health