1 research outputs found

    Ischemic Cerebrovascular Disease. A preventive treatment. Polyclinic I. Manzanillo

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    Se realiz贸 un estudio del comportamiento de la Enfermedad Cerebro Vascular Isqu茅mica en 23 pacientes, pertenecientes a 10 Consultorios del M茅dico de la Familia del Policl铆nico Integral聽 Docente No 1 de Manzanillo, en el per铆odo comprendido entre febrero 2010 y diciembre 2013, se analizaron variables del comportamiento intrahospitalario y extrahospitalario. M谩s de la mitad estuvo comprendido entre 50 y 69 a帽os de edad con predominio en el sexo femenino, 14 pacientes de estos debutaron en su forma aterotromb贸tica. La evaluaci贸n neurol贸gica manifest贸 su mayor representatividad entre 13 y 15 punto para la escala de Glasgow en la evaluaci贸n inicial. El antecedente patol贸gico personal de hipertensi贸n arterial alcanz贸 su mayor representaci贸n en la forma aterotromb贸tica, y la cardiopat铆a isqu茅mica para la forma cardioemb贸lica.It was carried out a study of the behavior of the Ischemic Cerebrovascular disease in 23 patients belonging to 10 Family medical offices of the Teaching Integrated Polyclinic I in Manzanillo, during the period of February 2010 to December 2013. There were analyzed the variables of the intrahospital and extrahospital behavior. More than a half were in the group of 50-69 years old, prevailing the female sex, 14 patients presented the atherothrombotic form. The neurologic assessment had its greatest representativity about 13 - 15 scores for the Glasgow scale in the initial evaluation. The personal pathological antecedent of hypertension reached its greatest representation in the atherothrombotic form and the ischemic cardiopathy for the cardioembolic form