61 research outputs found

    Corporate Social Responsibility: Strategic Implications

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    We describe a variety of perspectives on corporate social responsibility (CSR), which we use to develop a framework for consideration of the strategic implications of CSR. Based on this framework, we propose an agenda for additional theoretical and empirical research on CSR. We then review the papers in this special issue and relate them to the proposed agenda.

    Corporate Social Responsibility: International Perspectives

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    In this introduction to the special issue, we provide a brief review of the CSR literature with attention to some of the difficulties in globalizing the existing CSR concepts. Following this we provide a brief summary of each of the four papers that comprise the special issue, with emphasis on the unique contribution of each.

    Doing Well by Doing Better: Entrepreneurs and Sustainability

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    We examine how entrepreneurial ventures can employ sustainability to do well (create a competitive advantage) by doing better (creating more social good than is created by Corporate Social Responsibility). We compare and constrast CSR and sustainability and examine factors influencing the competitive strategies of large, established firms versus entrepreneurial firms. We conclude that established firms are likely to focus on CSR while entrepreneurial ventures are more likely to pursue sustainability as a strategy for creating private and social value and durable competitive advantage. Established firms will do well by doing good, while entrepreneurial ventures will do well by doing better

    Normative Perspectives for Ethical and Socially Responsible Marketing

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