431 research outputs found

    The Biequivalence of Locally Cartesian Closed Categories and Martin-L\"of Type Theories

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    Seely's paper "Locally cartesian closed categories and type theory" contains a well-known result in categorical type theory: that the category of locally cartesian closed categories is equivalent to the category of Martin-L\"of type theories with Pi-types, Sigma-types and extensional identity types. However, Seely's proof relies on the problematic assumption that substitution in types can be interpreted by pullbacks. Here we prove a corrected version of Seely's theorem: that the B\'enabou-Hofmann interpretation of Martin-L\"of type theory in locally cartesian closed categories yields a biequivalence of 2-categories. To facilitate the technical development we employ categories with families as a substitute for syntactic Martin-L\"of type theories. As a second result we prove that if we remove Pi-types the resulting categories with families are biequivalent to left exact categories.Comment: TLCA 2011 - 10th Typed Lambda Calculi and Applications, Novi Sad : Serbia (2011

    The Hierarchical Formation of the Galactic Disk

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    I review the results of recent cosmological simulations of galaxy formation that highlight the importance of satellite accretion in the formation of galactic disks. Tidal debris of disrupted satellites may contribute to the disk component if they are compact enough to survive the decay and circularization of the orbit as dynamical friction brings the satellite into the disk plane. This process may add a small but non-negligible fraction of stars to the thin and thick disks, and reconcile the presence of very old stars with the protracted merging history expected in a hierarchically clustering universe. I discuss various lines of evidence which suggest that this process may have been important during the formation of the Galactic disk.Comment: paper to be read at the "Penetrating Bars through Masks of Cosmic Dust" conference in South Afric

    Smart Choices and the Selection Monad

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    Describing systems in terms of choices and their resulting costs and rewards offers the promise of freeing algorithm designers and programmers from specifying how those choices should be made; in implementations, the choices can be realized by optimization techniques and, increasingly, by machine learning methods. We study this approach from a programming-language perspective. We define two small languages that support decision-making abstractions: one with choices and rewards, and the other additionally with probabilities. We give both operational and denotational semantics. In the case of the second language we consider three denotational semantics, with varying degrees of correlation between possible program values and expected rewards. The operational semantics combine the usual semantics of standard constructs with optimization over spaces of possible execution strategies. The denotational semantics, which are compositional and can also be viewed as an implementation by translation to a simpler language, rely on the selection monad, to handle choice, combined with an auxiliary monad, to handle other effects such as rewards or probability. We establish adequacy theorems that the two semantics coincide in all cases. We also prove full abstraction at ground types, with varying notions of observation in the probabilistic case corresponding to the various degrees of correlation. We present axioms for choice combined with rewards and probability, establishing completeness at ground types for the case of rewards without probability

    A space division multiplexed free-space-optical communication system that can auto-locate and fully self align with a remote transceiver

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    Free-Space Optical (FSO) systems offer the ability to distribute high speed digital links into remote and rural communities where terrain, installation cost or infrastructure security pose critical hurdles to deployment. A challenge in any point-to-point FSO system is initiating and maintaining optical alignment from the sender to the receiver. In this paper we propose and demonstrate a low-complexity self-aligning FSO prototype that can completely self-align with no requirement for initial manual positioning and could therefore form the opto-mechanical basis for a mesh network of optical transceivers. The prototype utilises off-the-shelf consumer electrical components and a bespoke alignment algorithm. We demonstrate an eight fibre spatially multiplexed link with a loss of 15 dB over 210 m

    Relay: A New IR for Machine Learning Frameworks

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    Machine learning powers diverse services in industry including search, translation, recommendation systems, and security. The scale and importance of these models require that they be efficient, expressive, and portable across an array of heterogeneous hardware devices. These constraints are often at odds; in order to better accommodate them we propose a new high-level intermediate representation (IR) called Relay. Relay is being designed as a purely-functional, statically-typed language with the goal of balancing efficient compilation, expressiveness, and portability. We discuss the goals of Relay and highlight its important design constraints. Our prototype is part of the open source NNVM compiler framework, which powers Amazon's deep learning framework MxNet

    Subtyping and Parametricity

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    In this paper we study the interaction of subtyping and parametricity. We describe a logic for a programming language with parametric polymorphism and subtyping. The logic supports the formal definition and use of relational parametricity. We give two models for it, and compare it with other formal systems for the same language. In particular, we examine the "Penn interpretation" of subtyping as implicit coercion. Without subtyping, parametricity yields, for example, an encoding of abstract types and of initial algebras, with the corresponding proof principles of simulation and induction. With subtyping, we obtain partially abstract types and certain initial order-sorted algebras, and may derive proof principles for them. 1 Introduction A function is polymorphic if it works on inputs of several types. We may distinguish various notions of polymorphism, particularly parametric polymorphism (e.g. [Rey83]) and subtype polymorphism (e.g. [CW85]). These may exist in isolation, as in ML [MT..

    Perencanaan dan Pembuatan Sistem Alarm Mobil dengan Memanfaatkan Mikrokontroler

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    Dengan menfaatkan mikrokontroller AT89C51 dan variannya AT89C2051 dibuat alarm mobil dengan kode pembuka yang dapat berubah-ubah dari waktu ke waktu. Untuk mengubah-ubah kode pembuka itu digunakan metode pengubahan kode tertentu dan setiap kali kode pembuka akan dikirim, selalu diacak dengan sebuah kode pengacak. Dengan demikian akan sangat sulit bagi orang lain mengetahui kode pembuka alarm ini. Selain itu alarm ini dapat mendeteksi perubahan suhu didalam mobil, sehingga bila ada orang lain masuk kedalam mobil tanpa mengganggu sensor switch pintu alarm akan berbunyi. Sensor lain yang tersedia adalah sensor switch pintu, bagasi, dan kap mesin. Juga terdapat sensor yang dapat mendeteksi kontak mobil. Satu lagi kehebatan alarm ini adalah dapat mengingat keadaan terakhinya. Jadi bila ada yang memutus aki mobil untuk masuk kedalam mobil, maka saat aki disambung kembali untuk menghidupkan mobil alarm akan berbunyi dan mesin tidak bisa dihidupkan. Pada perencanaan sistem ini pembahasannya meliputi perangkat keras dan perangkat lunak sistem, serta kemungkinan pengembangannya pada suatu sistem yang lebih besar

    Smart Choices and the Selection Monad

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    Describing systems in terms of choices and their resulting costs and rewards offers the promise of freeing algorithm designers and programmers from specifying how those choices should be made; in implementations, the choices can be realized by optimization techniques and, increasingly, by machine-learning methods. We study this approach from a programming-language perspective. We define two small languages that support decision-making abstractions: one with choices and rewards, and the other additionally with probabilities. We give both operational and denotational semantics. In the case of the second language we consider three denotational semantics, with varying degrees of correlation between possible program values and expected rewards. The operational semantics combine the usual semantics of standard constructs with optimization over spaces of possible execution strategies. The denotational semantics, which are compositional, rely on the selection monad, to handle choice, augmented with an auxiliary monad to handle other effects, such as rewards or probability. We establish adequacy theorems that the two semantics coincide in all cases. We also prove full abstraction at base types, with varying notions of observation in the probabilistic case corresponding to the various degrees of correlation. We present axioms for choice combined with rewards and probability, establishing completeness at base types for the case of rewards without probability

    A Per Model of Polymorphism and Recursive Types

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    A model of Reynolds’ polymorphic lambda calculus is provided, which also allows the recursive definition of elements and types. The technique is to use a good class of partial equivalence relations over a certain cpo. This allows the combination of inverse-limits for recursion and intersection for polymorphism
