10 research outputs found

    Development of model system for cost-effective pico hydro turbine

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    One of the main obstacles of rural electrification programme is to find an alternative energy to replace power generated by generator. The ever increasing fuel price and its cost of transportation to the remote location limited the availability of electricity to certain time of the day. Since the rural settlement usually located near water source, renewable energy based on hydro is suggested. This paper will discuss about the development of model system for cost-effective pico-hydro turbine. The size of the turbine will be based on low flow and low head application. Two types of turbine, propeller or also known as axial-flow and cross-flow, are evaluated under these conditions. Both of the turbines were installed in one model system equipped with storage tanks and piping system. Centrifugal pump is used to ensure the circulation of the water between main storage tank into the flowing tank simulating the run-of river application for pico hydro system. The head of the model system is fixed with variable parameter of water flow rate is controlled by using controller valve and flow meter for power data collection for each turbine. The performance of both turbines were also simulated and evaluated by using CFD's software. Techno-economics evaluations are done so that the model of the system will be able to select the optimum size of the turbine based on the flow rate for a cheap efficient and costeffective hydro turbine

    CFD anallysis on cost effective pico hydro turbine: A case study for low head and low flow rate condition

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    Pico-hydro turbine has been widely used for off-grid settlement especially for stand-alone domestic application. Jn most cases there is a trade-off between the flow rate and the available head. The fluctuation of water flow rate between wet and dry seasons obviously affected the performance of the turbine. The problem is compounded when a specific turbine is used in low head and low flow application. This paper discusses the performance of an axial-flow (propeller) turbine in this particular condition. Evaluation is made based on the blade parameters in order to improve its existing performance. Comparisons are made between the current blade and a modified version of it, in term of hub to tip ratio and the number of blades used. The values of hub to tip ratio ranging between 0.4 to 0.7. The numbers of blades used are 3, 4, 5, and 6. Simulation analysis was done using Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) software. Analyses were done on each of the turbine blade to find the optimum stream velocity and power output which can be derived for each combination of turbine parameters.The analysis results show that with lowest value of hub to tip ratio which is 0.4 and the lowest number of blades which is 3, contributed the best performance of the axial-flow turbine

    Pico Hydro Application for Off-Grid Settlement

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    Malaysia is currently constructing a large hydropower station with five more schemes under review. However these stations are catering for energy consuming industrial parks while the domestic supply is not making much in-road due to geographical constraints. This paper is discussing the use of off-grid alternative for power supply to the rural settlements. A run-of-river application, pico hydro, requires no dam or reservoir for water storage. It is intended for low flow and low head application. A mapping of possible locations for application along selected rivers in Malaysia is discussed. Two types of pico hydro turbine are selected for review and comparison in power production. Research are undertaken to promote this environment friendly technology to rural electrification program. Studies show that pico hydro manages to provide enough power for basic lighting needs in remote area where water is available with small drop or head

    Small Scale Hydro Turbines For Sustainable Rural Electrification Program

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    Hydropower is one of the world leading green alternative energy to produce electricity besides solar and wind energy. Most potential sites for large hydropower scheme in Peninsular Malaysia have been explored. Due to cabling cost and geographical constraints rural electrification program requires in-situ application which make small hydropower scheme more favourable choice. This run-of-river scheme is environmental friendly as no dam is required. Potential locations in Malaysia have been suggested for small hydro turbine applications, which are ideal for eco-friendly tourist industry and remote power supply. The two such sites are Kg. Tual, Raub, Pahang and Gunung Ledang, Tangkak, Johor. The preliminary studies have been conducted at both locations to select suitable hydro turbine based on their head and water flow rate. Altimeter and water velocity probe are used for data collection. As each location is unique, the correct data are needed to estimate the power production and the turbine type. Kg. Tual scheme is found capable of producing 266.99 kW with cost of energy of RM0.017 per kWh by using Pelton or Turgo turbine. However, Gunung Ledang site is suitable of using Kaplan or crossflow turbine as it is able of producing only 4.75 kW at a cost of RM0.159 per kWh

    Emission Inventory For Area Source: Case Study In Majlis Bandaraya Melaka Bersejarah (MBMB) Region

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    The aim of this study is to investigate the air pollution emission and develop an emission inventory from area source in Majlis Bandaraya Melaka Bersejarah – Historical Melaka City Council (MBMB) region. The area source covers sources that are small in nature but releases air pollutants over a relatively limit area. In this case study, the area sources are residential cooking facilities, school canteens, petrol stations, car repair/garages, restaurants, open burning areas, and construction sites. The required data are obtained through questionnaire, interviews, and direct observation at sites in the region. Other related information was also obtained from validated and published data by government official publication such as Department of Statistics and Department of Environment (DoE). The calculation procedures and identification of emission factors in developing the emission inventory are based on CORINAIR Air Emission Guidebook 2013. The detailed emission data is then being plotted on the city map. The results show that fuel burning equipment from households and restaurants emitted higher air pollutants than other source categories. Overall, annual emission of Nitrogen Oxides (NOx) was about 100.22 tons/year, Carbon Monoxide (CO) was 748.63 tons/year, Sulphur Oxides (SOx) was 3.35 tons/year, Non-Methane Volatile Organic Compounds (NMVOC) was 197.10 tons/year and Particulate Matters (PM10) was 100.49 tons/year. The results from the emission inventory identified key sources of air pollution for the city will be the basis for the future Melaka City Clean Air Plan (CAP) development

    Achieving Energy Cost Saving Using Best Energy Tariff: A Case Study Of A Sewage Plant

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    Understanding the energy cost tariffs or the models of commercial and industrial sectors is a crucial topic due to the high energy costs and its significant cost saving potentials. This paper has investigated the potential of the electrical energy cost saving using different energy cost tariffs of a commercial sewage plant in Malaysia. The current energy tariff of B (Low Voltage Commercial) has been compared to four other possible energy tariffs. The actual electricity consumption of 2019 has been used as baseline data. It has been found out that at lower electricity consumption, energy tariff of D (Low Voltage Industrial (with discount)) has the greatest potential of energy cost saving compared to other tariffs. The superiority of this tariff leads to the highest cumulative energy cost saving. Based on the current and future projection of electricity consumption, it is proposed that the sewage plant switches its energy tariff to D (Low Voltage Industrial). Once approved, it is suggested to apply for a further 10% of energy cost saving through the special tariff of D (Low Voltage Industrial (with discount)

    A study on the use of renewable energy for coconut dehusking

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    A solar photovoltaic (PV) coconut dehusking machine may become one important application of renewable energy especially in rural areas like in Sarawak. It will not only enhance the socio-economy in such areas but also indirectly reduce the risk of injuries from the process of dehusking coconuts manually. Thus the purpose of the study is to simulate the performance of the PV coconut dehusking machine by circuit modeling in Simulink and PVsyst software. Simulation results showed that it could match the rpm and torque required in the dry coconut shear test. Furthermore, when implemented, such a PV-powered machine is expected to offer better cost of ownership in the long term when compared to a dehusking machine that runs on fossil fuel based on the PVsyst software analysis

    A study on the use of renewable energy for coconut dehusking

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    A solar photovoltaic (PV) coconut dehusking machine may become one important application of renewable energy especially in rural areas like in Sarawak. It will not only enhance the socio-economy in such areas but also indirectly reduce the risk of injuries from the process of dehusking coconuts manually. Thus the purpose of the study is to simulate the performance of the PV coconut dehusking machine by circuit modeling in Simulink and PVsyst software. Simulation results showed that it could match the rpm and torque required in the dry coconut shear test. Furthermore, when implemented, such a PV-powered machine is expected to offer better cost of ownership in the long term when compared to a dehusking machine that runs on fossil fuel based on the PVsyst software analysis

    Developing Thermodynamics Teaching Method by Using Computer Based Problems Solving With Interactive Thermodynamics Property Tables and Equations

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    Computer based problems solving are the tutorial and assignment that all the problems are solved through individual interactive work with a personal computer. Immediate feedback on errors is provided and the grading is done mostly by the computer. The time frame of problems solving can be set so that most students are able to redo the whole problems or selected one using different sets of the data to achieve mastery level. In courses where computer based problems solving was used, a definite improvement in the problem-solving skills of all the students was observed, while the effort for study very hard and grading was actually reduced. To change conventional learning method, some objectives are needed as a step for develop the interactive program, such as considering related platform for e-learning process, developing databases for thermodynamics property tables, deriving several properties of pure substances based thermodynamics equations, and developing interactive interface for self-help tutorial, on-line quizzes

    Developing Thermodynamics Teaching Method by Using Computer Based Problems Solving With Interactive Thermodynamics Property Tables and Equations

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    Computer based problems solving are the tutorial and assignment that all the problems are solved through individual interactive work with a personal computer. Immediate feedback on errors is provided and the grading is done mostly by the computer. The time frame of problems solving can be set so that most students are able to redo the whole problems or selected one using different sets of the data to achieve mastery level. In courses where computer based problems solving was used, a definite improvement in the problem-solving skills of all the students was observed, while the effort for study very hard and grading was actually reduced. To change conventional learning method, some objectives are needed as a step for develop the interactive program, such as considering related platform for e-learning process, developing databases for thermodynamics property tables, deriving several properties of pure substances based thermodynamics equations, and developing interactive interface for self-help tutorial, on-line quizze