27 research outputs found

    The effect of workplace office ergonomics intervention on reducing neck and shoulder complaints and sickness absence

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    The effect of office ergonomics intervention on neck and shoulder complaints and sickness absence was explored in this study. A cluster randomized controlled trial was conducted in which three units were randomized to intervention and received training and three units were given a leaflet and no training. The effect of intervention on musculoskeletal complaints and sickness absence were assessed at 6 and 12 months. The results showed that there were significant reductions in neck complaints but did not reduce the number and episode of sickness absence among workers. In conclusion, office ergonomics training can be beneficial in reducing neck complaints among workers

    Satu Analisa Tentang Tema Sajak-Sajak Usman Awang (1950 Hingga 1970)

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    Pada keseluruhan Latihan Ilmiah ini membicarakan tentang tema yangg terdapat dalam sajak,-sajak Usman Awang, dari tahun I950’an hingga 1970’an. Latihan ilmiah ini memberi tumpuan khas kepada antologi-antologi perseorangan Usman Awang, iaitu antologi Gelombang,(mengandungi kumpulan sajak-sajak beliau sepanjang tahun 1950’an), antologi Duri dan Api, (satu kumpulan sajak-sajak dalam tahun I960’an) dan antologi Salam Benua, (antologi Usman Awang yang terbaharu. mengandungi kumpulan sajak-sajak dalam tahun I970'an

    Performance Analysis on Multiple Device Connections of Small Office Home Office Network

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    تم دعم ماليزيا من خلال إحدى اتصالات الإنترنت عالية السرعة بالألياف والتي تسمى TM UniFi. TM UniFi مألوف جدًا لاستخدامه كوسيلة لتطبيق مفهوم Small Office Home Office (SOHO)  بسبب وباء COVID-19. يقدم معظم بائعي الاتصالات مجموعة متنوعة من خدمات الشبكة لتلبية احتياجات العملاء ورضاهم أثناء الوباء. يستفسر معظم المستخدمين عن جودة الخدمات من خلال حقيقة زيادة المستخدمين من وقت لآخر. لذلك ، من الأهمية بمكان معرفة أداء الشبكة على عكس عدد الأجهزة المتصلة بشبكة TM UniFi. الهدف الرئيسي من هذا البحث هو تحليل أداء TM UniFi مع تأثير اتصالات الأجهزة المتعددة أو خدمات المستخدمين. أجريت الدراسة لتحليل جودة الخدمة (QoS) على حركة البيانات ، ونقل الحزم ، و RTT ، والكمون ، والإنتاجية. تم استخدام برنامج محاكاة Wireshark كالتقاط لحركة مرور الشبكة حيث تم تحليل ملفات PCAP باستخدام محلل PCAP لـ Splunk. تم تمكين تصفية حركة المرور لالتقاط حركة المرور المحددة لقياس أداء الشبكة. تظهر النتيجة أنه يمكن تحقيق أداء أفضل للشبكة إذا تم توصيل عدد أقل من الأجهزة في نفس الوقت. تزداد النسبة المئوية لفقدان الحزم و RTT ووقت الاستجابة عند اتصال المزيد من المستخدمين في نفس الوقت. يُظهر معدل النقل أيضًا انخفاضًا في الاتصالات متعددة الأجهزة. بناءً على التحليل ، يمكن استنتاج أن TM UniFi لا يزال بإمكانها توفير خدمات شبكة جيدة لبيئة شبكة SOHO وعرض نطاق ترددي كافٍ على الرغم من النمو السريع للمستخدمين في ماليزيا.Malaysia has been supported by one of the high-speed fiber internet connections called TM UniFi. TM UniFi is very familiar to be used as a medium to apply Small Office Home Office (SOHO) concept due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Most of the communication vendors offer varieties of network services to fulfill customers' needs and satisfaction during the pandemic. Quality of Services is queried by most users by the fact of increased on users from time to time. Therefore, it is crucial to know the network performance contrary to the number of devices connected to the TM UniFi network. The main objective of this research is to analyze TM UniFi performance with the impact of multiple device connections or users' services. The study was conducted to analyze the QoS on its traffic, packets transfer, RTT, latency, and throughput. Wireshark simulation program has been used as a network traffic capture where PCAP files have been analyzed by using PCAP Analyzer for Splunk. Traffic filtering has been enabled to capture selected traffic to measure network performance. The result shows that better network performance can be achieved if a smaller number of devices are connected at the same time.  The percentage of packet loss, RTT, latency is increased when more users connected at the same time. The throughput also shows a decrease for multi-device connections. Based on the analysis it can be concluded that TM UniFi still can provide good network services for the SOHO network environment and sufficient bandwidth despite the rapid user growth in Malaysia

    The impact of different types of orthodontic appliances and its location in producing CT scan artefacts

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    Fixed orthodontic appliances can produce metal artefacts in CT images which may degrade the diagnostic image quality. The study aimed to evaluate the artefacts based on the types and location of the metallic and non-metallic orthodontic brackets. This is an in-vitro cross-sectional study. Four different types of orthodontic brackets (stainless steel, titanium, monocrystalline, and polycrystalline ceramic bracket) were bonded consecutively in four different locations of the cadaveric skull. All scans were performed by a single operator using the same CT machine followed by a standard scanning protocol. Artefact intensity for all data sets was quantified by calculating the standard deviation (SD) of the grey values within the dataset by following a standard method. The One-way ANOVA Bonferroni test was used for the data analysis. The mean artefact score of the stainless steel bracket was significantly (p < 0.001) high in comparison with other types of the orthodontic brackets. Besides, the mean artefact score was significantly (p=0.002) low when orthodontic brackets were placed unilaterally. Stainless steel brackets produced a significant amount of noise in CT images which can degrade the diagnostic image quality. Thus, the polycrystalline ceramic bracket can be a better alternative of stainless steel brackets for patient need frequent CT scan

    Effects of calcium and chitosan treatments on controlling anthracnose and postharvest quality of papaya (Carica papaya L.)

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    This study was conducted to evaluate the in vitro fungicidal effects of calcium and chitosan on Colletotrichum gloeosporioides and to as well determine their effects on storage life and quality of papaya. Potato Dextrose Agar (PDA) incorporated with calcium at different concentrations (1.5, 2.5 or 3.5%) or in combination with chitosan at 0.75% or chitosan alone were used as treatments for in vitro tests. Uncorporated treatments with PDA and untreated fruits as control used on papaya fruits for storage life and quality evolutions. Chitosan had the greatest effect against Colletotrichum gloeosporioides in both in vitro and in disease incidence (%) on papaya fruits compared to calcium treatment and as well as control. Calcium reduced spores germination significantly as calcium concentrations increased from 2.5 to 3.5%, compared to the 1.5% and control treatments. However, it did not show any fungicidal effects on mycelial growth. The combination of 2.5% calcium with chitosan 0.75% completely inhibited spore germinations and significantly inhibited mycelia growth compared to calcium individual treatments and as well as control. Anthracnose disease incidence (%) was significantly controlled (5.6%) using calcium at 2.5% combined with chitosan compared with the other treatments. This demonstrated the best effect on controlling anthracnose disease incidence for papaya fruits. Moreover, this treatment proved able to extend the storage life of papaya fruits up to 33 days of storage life while maintaining valuable attributes of quality

    Malware analysis performance enhancement using cloud computing

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    Nowadays, computer based technology has taken a central role in every person life. Hence, damage caused by malicious software (malware) can reach and effect many people globally as what could be in the early days of computer. A close look at the current approaches of malware analysis shows that the respond time of reported malware to public users is slow. Hence, the users are unable to get prompt feedback when reporting suspicious files. Therefore, this paper aims at introducing a new approach to enhance malware analyzer performance. This approach utilizes cloud computing features and integrates it with malware analyzer. To evaluate the proposed approach, two systems had been prepared carefully with the same malware analyzer, one of them utilizes cloud computing and the other left without change. The evaluation results showed that the proposed approach is faster by 23 % after processing 3,000 samples. Furthermore, utilizing cloud computing can open door to crowd-source this service hence encouraging malware reporting and accelerate malware detection by engaging the public users at large. Ultimately this proposed system hopefully can reduce the time taken to detect new malware in the wild

    Effect of different concentrations of chitosan coating on storage life and quality characteristics of Papaya (Carica Papaya L.)

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    Mature green stage of papaya fruits were treated with different concentrations of chitosan at 0, 0.5, 0.75 and 1%, and stored at 13±1 °C for 28 days to study the effect of these concentrations on the storage life and maintaining quality of papaya. Chitosan concentrations 0.75 and 1% showed the best control effect on decay compared with 0% (Control) and 0.5%. At 0.75 and 1% of chitosan, flesh firmness maintained resulted in prolonging in storage life of 28 and 26 days compared with 21 and 19 days, respectively for 0.5 and 0%. Furthermore, they were significantly decreased the weight loss of fruit. All of the treatments inhibited increase of soluble solid contents and pH values of pulp fruits after 21 days of storage at 13 ± 1°C. Titratable acidity and ascorbic acid were higher for coated fruits (0.5, 0.75 and 1%) compared with uncoated fruits. Concern treatments of chitosan at 0.75 and 1% improve papaya fruit quality and resistance to decay

    Leadership patterns among schools' administrators in Malaysia

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    This paper aims to observe the most dominant leadership patterns within the Malaysian schools administration practitioners. The administrator is a very important person in all matters in schools and one of the matters that seek important role of the administrator is their leadership. This study is to look at the most dominant leadership patterns used by school administrators in the management of their schools based on the results of previous studies that were conducted and also to observe the extent of the leadership pattern used to improve management and achievement in school. Discussion in this paper is based on the analysis of previous journal articles and studies. This paper is written to study the current approaches in leadership patterns used in schools’ management. It will also cover the findings of several studies undertaken in related area. In addition, this article can benefit the school administrators in the aspect of best practices in leadership and management in schools

    Effects of different concentrations and applications of calcium on storage life and physicochemical characteristics of papaya (Carica papaya L.)

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    Papaya (Carica Papaya L.) fruits index 2 were treated with 1.5, 2.5 and 3.5% solutions of calcium chloride by dipping and vacuum infiltration (-33 Kpa) or untreated (0%) as control. Effects of these treatments were evaluated on storage life and postharvest quality characteristics of papaya. After 21 days of storage at 13±1°C, the fruits were removed from storage for physicochemical analysis. Following additional five days holding in the storage condition for fruits used for evaluation of the rate of disease incidence and storage life. Postharvest dip treatments at different concentrations of calcium prolonged storage life, slowed down the ripening processes and maintained the quality of papaya. Whereas, it was effectively greater with calcium infiltration treatments than that for dip treatments. Calcium infiltration extended the storage life and retained the quality as calcium concentrations increased up to 2.5% and then declined. The desired effect was obtained at 2.5% infiltration compared with other treatments. The least disease incidence was found in those fruits infiltrated with 2.5% calcium. Hence, it can be concluded that postharvest infiltration of calcium at 2.5% has the potential to control disease incidence, prolong the storage life and preserve valuable attributes of postharvest papaya, presumably because of its effects on inhibition of ripening and senescence process and loss of the fruit firmness of papaya

    Pesticide free coating for papaya (Carica papaya 'Eksotika II')

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    Mature green stage (Index 2) papaya (Carica papaya L. ‘Eksotika II’) fruits were treated either with 2.5% calcium chloride infiltration, 0.75% chitosan coating, calcium infiltration at 2.5% then subsequently chitosan coating at 0.75% or with distilled water as the control. The fruits were then stored at 13±1°C for up to five weeks. Calcium infiltration was effective in maintaining the firmness and weight loss of the fruits. Firmness was 2.7 fold higher than the control and water loss was about 3% less. However, the chitosan coating had less effect on maintaining firmness (only 1.7 fold higher firmness) but had more effect in preventing weight loss resulting in 5.6% less weight loss. The chitosan coating treatment markedly slowed the ripening of papaya as shown by their reduced weight loss, delayed changes in their external colour (which is normally closely correlated with the internal colour) and other quality aspects. However, when calcium infiltration was combined with chitosan coating, this treatment further extended the storage life up to five weeks with better retention of fruits firmness and water loss control compared to the single treatments