3,456 research outputs found

    A Full Characterization of Quantum Advice

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    We prove the following surprising result: given any quantum state rho on n qubits, there exists a local Hamiltonian H on poly(n) qubits (e.g., a sum of two-qubit interactions), such that any ground state of H can be used to simulate rho on all quantum circuits of fixed polynomial size. In terms of complexity classes, this implies that BQP/qpoly is contained in QMA/poly, which supersedes the previous result of Aaronson that BQP/qpoly is contained in PP/poly. Indeed, we can exactly characterize quantum advice, as equivalent in power to untrusted quantum advice combined with trusted classical advice. Proving our main result requires combining a large number of previous tools -- including a result of Alon et al. on learning of real-valued concept classes, a result of Aaronson on the learnability of quantum states, and a result of Aharonov and Regev on "QMA+ super-verifiers" -- and also creating some new ones. The main new tool is a so-called majority-certificates lemma, which is closely related to boosting in machine learning, and which seems likely to find independent applications. In its simplest version, this lemma says the following. Given any set S of Boolean functions on n variables, any function f in S can be expressed as the pointwise majority of m=O(n) functions f1,...,fm in S, such that each fi is the unique function in S compatible with O(log|S|) input/output constraints.Comment: We fixed two significant issues: 1. The definition of YQP machines needed to be changed to preserve our results. The revised definition is more natural and has the same intuitive interpretation. 2. We needed properties of Local Hamiltonian reductions going beyond those proved in previous works (whose results we'd misstated). We now prove the needed properties. See p. 6 for more on both point

    Spatially resolved electrochemistry in ionic liquids : surface structure effects on triiodide reduction at platinum electrodes

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    Understanding the relationship between electrochemical activity and electrode structure is vital for improving the efficiency of dye-sensitized solar cells. Here, the reduction of triiodide to iodide in 1-butyl-3-methylimidazolium tetrafluoroborate ([BMIm][BF4]) room temperature ionic liquid (RTIL) is investigated on polycrystalline platinum using scanning electrochemical cell microscopy (SECCM) and correlated to the crystallographic orientation from electron backscatter diffraction (EBSD). Although the rate determining step in all grains was the first electron transfer, significant grain-dependent variations in activity were revealed, with grains with a dominant (110) crystallographic character exhibiting higher catalytic activity compared to those with a major (100) orientation. The SECCM technique is demonstrated to resolve heterogeneity in activity, highlighting that methods incorporating polycrystalline electrodes miss vital details for understanding and optimizing electrocatalysts. An additional advantage of the SECCM over single-crystal techniques is its ability to probe high index facets

    Quantum walks as a probe of structural anomalies in graphs

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    We study how quantum walks can be used to find structural anomalies in graphs via several examples. Two of our examples are based on star graphs, graphs with a single central vertex to which the other vertices, which we call external vertices, are connected by edges. In the basic star graph, these are the only edges. If we now connect a subset of the external vertices to form a complete subgraph, a quantum walk can be used to find these vertices with a quantum speedup. Thus, under some circumstances, a quantum walk can be used to locate where the connectivity of a network changes. We also look at the case of two stars connected at one of their external vertices. A quantum walk can find the vertex shared by both graphs, again with a quantum speedup. This provides an example of using a quantum walk in order to find where two networks are connected. Finally, we use a quantum walk on a complete bipartite graph to find an extra edge that destroys the bipartite nature of the graph.Comment: 10 pages, 2 figure

    Computation with narrow CTCs

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    We examine some variants of computation with closed timelike curves (CTCs), where various restrictions are imposed on the memory of the computer, and the information carrying capacity and range of the CTC. We give full characterizations of the classes of languages recognized by polynomial time probabilistic and quantum computers that can send a single classical bit to their own past. Such narrow CTCs are demonstrated to add the power of limited nondeterminism to deterministic computers, and lead to exponential speedup in constant-space probabilistic and quantum computation. We show that, given a time machine with constant negative delay, one can implement CTC-based computations without the need to know about the runtime beforehand.Comment: 16 pages. A few typo was correcte

    Decoherence in Quantum Walks on the Hypercube

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    We study a natural notion of decoherence on quantum random walks over the hypercube. We prove that in this model there is a decoherence threshold beneath which the essential properties of the hypercubic quantum walk, such as linear mixing times, are preserved. Beyond the threshold, we prove that the walks behave like their classical counterparts.Comment: 7 pages, 3 figures; v2:corrected typos in references; v3:clarified section 2.1; v4:added references, expanded introduction; v5: final journal versio

    Quantum Commuting Circuits and Complexity of Ising Partition Functions

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    Instantaneous quantum polynomial-time (IQP) computation is a class of quantum computation consisting only of commuting two-qubit gates and is not universal in the sense of standard quantum computation. Nevertheless, it has been shown that if there is a classical algorithm that can simulate IQP efficiently, the polynomial hierarchy (PH) collapses at the third level, which is highly implausible. However, the origin of the classical intractability is still less understood. Here we establish a relationship between IQP and computational complexity of the partition functions of Ising models. We apply the established relationship in two opposite directions. One direction is to find subclasses of IQP that are classically efficiently simulatable in the strong sense, by using exact solvability of certain types of Ising models. Another direction is applying quantum computational complexity of IQP to investigate (im)possibility of efficient classical approximations of Ising models with imaginary coupling constants. Specifically, we show that there is no fully polynomial randomized approximation scheme (FPRAS) for Ising models with almost all imaginary coupling constants even on a planar graph of a bounded degree, unless the PH collapses at the third level. Furthermore, we also show a multiplicative approximation of such a class of Ising partition functions is at least as hard as a multiplicative approximation for the output distribution of an arbitrary quantum circuit.Comment: 36 pages, 5 figure

    Spatial search and the Dirac equation

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    We consider the problem of searching a d-dimensional lattice of N sites for a single marked location. We present a Hamiltonian that solves this problem in time of order sqrt(N) for d>2 and of order sqrt(N) log(N) in the critical dimension d=2. This improves upon the performance of our previous quantum walk search algorithm (which has a critical dimension of d=4), and matches the performance of a corresponding discrete-time quantum walk algorithm. The improvement uses a lattice version of the Dirac Hamiltonian, and thus requires the introduction of spin (or coin) degrees of freedom.Comment: 5 pages, 1 figur

    SU(3) Quantum Interferometry with single-photon input pulses

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    We develop a framework for solving the action of a three-channel passive optical interferometer on single-photon pulse inputs to each channel using SU(3) group-theoretic methods, which can be readily generalized to higher-order photon-coincidence experiments. We show that features of the coincidence plots vs relative time delays of photons yield information about permanents, immanants, and determinants of the interferometer SU(3) matrix

    Operator renewal theory and mixing rates for dynamical systems with infinite measure

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    We develop a theory of operator renewal sequences in the context of infinite ergodic theory. For large classes of dynamical systems preserving an infinite measure, we determine the asymptotic behaviour of iterates LnL^n of the transfer operator. This was previously an intractable problem. Examples of systems covered by our results include (i) parabolic rational maps of the complex plane and (ii) (not necessarily Markovian) nonuniformly expanding interval maps with indifferent fixed points. In addition, we give a particularly simple proof of pointwise dual ergodicity (asymptotic behaviour of j=1nLj\sum_{j=1}^nL^j) for the class of systems under consideration. In certain situations, including Pomeau-Manneville intermittency maps, we obtain higher order expansions for LnL^n and rates of mixing. Also, we obtain error estimates in the associated Dynkin-Lamperti arcsine laws.Comment: Preprint, August 2010. Revised August 2011. After publication, a minor error was pointed out by Kautzsch et al, arXiv:1404.5857. The updated version includes minor corrections in Sections 10 and 11, and corresponding modifications of certain statements in Section 1. All main results are unaffected. In particular, Sections 2-9 are unchanged from the published versio

    Thermodynamic phase transitions for Pomeau-Manneville maps

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    We study phase transitions in the thermodynamic description of Pomeau-Manneville intermittent maps from the point of view of infinite ergodic theory, which deals with diverging measure dynamical systems. For such systems, we use a distributional limit theorem to provide both a powerful tool for calculating thermodynamic potentials as also an understanding of the dynamic characteristics at each instability phase. In particular, topological pressure and Renyi entropy are calculated exactly for such systems. Finally, we show the connection of the distributional limit theorem with non-Gaussian fluctuations of the algorithmic complexity proposed by Gaspard and Wang [Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 85, 4591 (1988)].Comment: 5 page