36 research outputs found

    Pharmacists’ generic drug substitution obligations.

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    <p>Green = mandatory for all dispensings; blue = mandatory for dispensings paid for by government-sponsored insurance plans; and white = permissive.</p

    Patient consent for generic drug substitution.

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    <p>Red = required, and white = not required.</p

    Representative Quotations in Key Subject Areas.

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    <p>Representative Quotations in Key Subject Areas.</p

    Approvals of New Orphan-Designated Drugs Indicated for Biomarker-Defined Subsets of More Common Diseases, 2009–2015

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    <p>Approvals of New Orphan-Designated Drugs Indicated for Biomarker-Defined Subsets of More Common Diseases, 2009–2015</p

    Studies assessing and/or comparing US and EU systems for approval and post-market surveillance of medical devices.

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    <p>Studies assessing and/or comparing US and EU systems for approval and post-market surveillance of medical devices.</p

    PRISMA schematic of systematic review search process.

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    <p>PRISMA schematic of systematic review search process.</p

    Pharmaceutical fraud cases related to off-label marketing, January 1996–October 2010.

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    <p>Pharmaceutical fraud cases related to off-label marketing, January 1996–October 2010.</p

    Authors’ evaluation of physician-centered strategies to promote generic drug and follow-on biologic prescribing

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    <p><sup>*</sup> Pending further evidence.</p><p><a href="http://www.plosmedicine.org/article/info:doi/10.1371/journal.pmed.1001802#t002fn001" target="_blank"><sup>*</sup></a></p

    Examples of adequate and inadequate disclosure.

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    <p>Examples of adequate and inadequate disclosure.</p