22 research outputs found

    Additional file 2: Figure S1. of An interactomics overview of the human and bovine milk proteome over lactation

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    Network alignment between bovine (red) and human (green) co-expression networks. Equivalent nodes are connected by thin straight lines and are at comparable positions in the two networks. (TIF 18148 kb

    Additional file 1: Table S1. of An interactomics overview of the human and bovine milk proteome over lactation

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    The biological functional enrichment of immunity, transport and enzyme protein groups in both human and bovine milk. (DOCX 13 kb

    Additional file 2: Table S1. of Divergent regulation of Arabidopsis SAUR genes: a focus on the SAUR10-clade

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    Overview of published data showing the response of the individual Arabidopsis SAURs to auxin and BR. Table S2. Classes of SAUR genes based on Additional file 2: Table S1. Table S3. Primer sequences. (XLSX 38 kb

    Additional file 16: of Comparative analysis of binding patterns of MADS-domain proteins in Arabidopsis thaliana

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    Table S8. Number of CArG-boxes with and without mutations. Note that the CArG-boxes in this table all match to the motif of AG because these CArG-boxes were used for all mutation analyses. The total number of CArG-boxes therefore differs from that in Additional file 5: Table S4. (PDF 47 kb

    Additional file 7: of Comparative analysis of binding patterns of MADS-domain proteins in Arabidopsis thaliana

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    Figure S2. CArG-box like motifs in unique peaks in PI, SEP3 and SOC1 datasets. Logo representation of all matches to the motif found by MEME. Logos are from (A) PI (B) SEP3 (C) SOC1. (PDF 126 kb