178 research outputs found

    3D finite compartment modeling of formation and healing of bruises may identify methods for age determination of bruises

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    Simulating the spatial and temporal behavior of bruises may identify methods that allow accurate age determination of bruises to assess child abuse. We developed a numerical 3D model to simulate the spatial kinetics of hemoglobin and bilirubin during the formation and healing of bruises. Using this model, we studied how skin thickness, bruise diameter and diffusivities affect the formation and healing of circular symmetric bruises and compared a simulated bruise with a natural inhomogeneous bruise. Healing is faster for smaller bruises in thinner and less dense skin. The simulated and natural bruises showed similar spatial and temporal dynamics. The different spatio-temporal dynamics of hemoglobin and bilirubin allows age determination of model bruises. Combining our model predictions with individual natural bruises may allow optimizing our model parameters. It may particularly identify methods for more accurate age determination than currently possible to aid the assessment of child abuse

    Biphasic Oxidation of Oxy-Hemoglobin in Bloodstains

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    Background: In forensic science, age determination of bloodstains can be crucial in reconstructing crimes. Upon exiting the body, bloodstains transit from bright red to dark brown, which is attributed to oxidation of oxy-hemoglobin (HbO2) to methemoglobin (met-Hb) and hemichrome (HC). The fractions of HbO 2, met-Hb and HC in a bloodstain can be used for age determination of bloodstains. In this study, we further analyze the conversion of HbO2 to met-Hb and HC, and determine the effect of temperature and humidity on the conversion rates. Methodology: The fractions of HbO2, met-Hb and HC in a bloodstain, as determined by quantitative analysis of optical reflectance spectra (450–800 nm), were measured as function of age, temperature and humidity. Additionally, Optical Coherence Tomography around 1300 nm was used to confirm quantitative spectral analysis approach. Conclusions: The oxidation rate of HbO2 in bloodstains is biphasic. At first, the oxidation of HbO2 is rapid, but slows down after a few hours. These oxidation rates are strongly temperature dependent. However, the oxidation of HbO2 seems to be independent of humidity, whereas the transition of met-Hb into HC strongly depends on humidity. Knowledge of these decay rates is indispensable for translating laboratory results into forensic practice, and to enable bloodstain age determination on the crime scene

    Evaluatie van het, in 1987 in het kader van het VREK-programma uitgevoerde onderzoek naar de cadmium-, lood-, kwik- en arseengehalten in vlees en organen van runderen, varkens, schapen, kalveren en pluimvee

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    De in 1987 in het kader van het LAC-signaleringsprograrruna VREK gevonden lood-, cadmium-, kwik- en arseengehalten zijn gepresenteerd en vergeleken met de resultaten van voorgaande jaren. Voorts zijn de gevonden gehalten getoetst aan de geldende aktiegrenzen en ontwerpnormen. In de verdelingen van de gevonden loodgehalten in vlees, levers en nieren van zowel runderen als varkens is in de loop van de jaren een verschuiving naar lagere waarden waarneembaar. De range waarbinnen de loodgehalten worden gevonden is echter nagenoeg konstant. De in 1987 gevonden loodgehalten in schapelevers liggen op een vergelijkbaar niveau als in 1986, maar op een beduidend lager niveau dan in de jaren daarvoor. Een mogelijke relatie tussen deze abrupte daling van de loodgehalten in schapelevers en de sterke toename van loodvrije benzine met een hiermee samenhangende vermeende daling in de atmosferische looddepositie zal nader worden onderzocht. In 1987 werden in kalfslevers meer lagere en in schapenieren daarentegen meer hogere cadmiumgehalten waargenomen. In 1987 werden in 1 monster varkensvlees en in 1 monster rundvlees de aktiegrens en de ontwerpnorm voor cadmium overschreden. Voorts werd in 2 monsters rundernier de voor cadmium geldende aktiegrens overschreden. In 1 monster van een rund werden in het vlees, de nier en de lever verhoogde arseengehalten waargenomen. Alleen de voor nieren geldende aktiegrens van arseen werd hierbij overschreden, terwijl de respectievelijke richtnormen niet werden overschreden

    Subpubic cartilaginous cystic lesion presenting as a vulvar mass: a case report

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Introduction</p> <p>A subpubic cartilaginous cyst is a rare and innocent defect originating from the symphysis pubis and may present as a vulvar mass and/or chronic abdominal pain. The symphysis pubis is a non-synovial amphiarthrodial joint that forms a fibrocartilaginous union between the two pubic bones and in general lies without mainstream interest, despite its clinical relevance. This case report focuses attention on this joint.</p> <p>Case presentation</p> <p>A 55-year-old Caucasian woman presented with a painful and rapidly increasing vulvar mass. Imaging techniques revealed a cyst-like structure originating from a degenerated symphysis pubis. The cyst was excised, however, recovery was complicated by a symphysiolysis.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>A subpubic cartilaginous cyst is a rare cystic lesion originating from the symphysis of the pubic bone which presents as a vulvar mass which might be complicated by symphysiolysis. Several diseases affect the symphysis pubis and result in significant discomfort and disability in patients. The symphysis pubis is therefore clinically important and should not be omitted in the differential diagnosis of a vulvar mass and/or chronic abdominal pain.</p

    Paclitaxel and concomitant radiotherapy in high-risk endometrial cancer patients: preliminary findings

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    BACKGROUND: There is still much debate about the best adjuvant therapy after surgery for endometrial cancer (EC) and there are no current guidelines. Radiotherapy (RT) alone does not seem to improve overall survival. We investigated whether concomitant Paclitaxel (P) and RT gave better clinical results. METHODS: Twenty-three patients with high-risk EC (stage IIB, IIIA, IIIC or IC G3 without lymphadenectomy or with aneuploid tumor) underwent primary surgery and were then referred for adjuvant therapy. P was given at a dose of 60 mg/m2 once weekly for five weeks during RT, which consisted of a total radiation dose of 50.4 Gy. Three further weekly cycles of P at a dose of 80 mg/m2 were given at the end of RT. Overall survival and disease-free survival were calculated from the time of surgery. Patterns of failure were recorded by the sites of failure. RESULTS: A total of 157 cycles of P were administered both during radiotherapy and consolidation chemotherapy. Relapses occurred in five patients (21.7%). Median time to recurrence was 18.6 months (range 3–28). Survival rate for all the patients was 78.2%. Overall survival for the patients who completed chemo-radiation was of 81%. In this group median time to recurrence was 19.2 months (range 3–28). All recurrences were outside the radiation field. Mortality rate was 14.2%. CONCLUSION: This small series demonstrates pelvic radiotherapy in combination with weakly P followed by three consolidation chemotherapy cycles as an effective combined approach in high risk endometrial carcinoma patients

    Analyseresultaten Zevenlanden-studie

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    In het kader van de Zevenlandenstudie, een epidemiologische studie naar de relatie tussen voeding en kanker, heeft het RIKILT de gemiddelde voedingspakketten van 16 cohorten onderzocht op het gehalte aan vitamines, spoorelementen en non-nutritieve stoffen als glucosinolaten en flavonoïden. In dit verslag worden de analytisch-chemische aspecten van dit onderzoek nader toegelicht, waarbij aandacht wordt besteed aan de gebruikte analysemethoden, de monstervoorbehandeling, de monsterbewaring en de kwaliteitsbewaking van de analyses