23 research outputs found

    May measurement month 2018: a pragmatic global screening campaign to raise awareness of blood pressure by the International Society of Hypertension (vol 40, pg 2006, 2019)

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    Radon-Domain Detection of the Nipple and the Pectoral Muscle in Mammograms

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    In this paper, methods are presented for automatic detection of the nipple and the pectoral muscle edge in mammograms via image processing in the Radon domain. Radon-domain information was used for the detection of straight-line candidates with high gradient. The longest straight-line candidate was used to identify the pectoral muscle edge. The nipple was detected as the convergence point of breast tissue components, indicated by the largest response in the Radon domain. Percentages of false-positive (FP) and false-negative (FN) areas were determined by comparing the areas of the pectoral muscle regions delimited manually by a radiologist and by the proposed method applied to 540 mediolateral-oblique (MLO) mammographic images. The average FP and FN were 8.99% and 9.13%, respectively. In the detection of the nipple, an average error of 7.4 mm was obtained with reference to the nipple as identified by a radiologist on 1,080 mammographic images (540 MLO and 540 craniocaudal views)