13 research outputs found

    Hypotheses to explain the origin of species in Amazonia

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    Browser selectivity alters post-fire competition between Erica arborea and E. trimera in the sub-alpine heathlands of Ethiopia

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    Mammalian herbivores have the potential to alter the competitive relations of woody species, if consumption is unevenly distributed between species. At elevations above 3500 m in the southern Ethiopian highlands, vegetation is dominated by Erica arborea and Erica trimera. Both species can potentially grow into short trees, but are burnt on a rotation of 6 to 10 years, and regenerate by re-sprouting from belowground lignotubers. The regenerating scrub is heavily browsed by cattle. We set up browsing exclosures at three burnt sites to quantify the impact of browsing over a three-year period. When protected from browsing, E. trimera had similar or better height growth than Erica arborea, but in browsed vegetation, Erica arborea instead grew taller. Browsing was more intense on E. trimera in the first years after fire, indicating a difference in palatability between the species. We checked if browse quality differed, by analysing shoot contents of acid detergent fibre, protein, phenolics and tannins. Contrary to expectations the preferred E. trimera contained more acid detergent fibre, less protein and had a higher tannin activity than E. arborea. Although the vegetative growth of E. arborea is favoured relative to E. trimera under high browsing pressure, rapid change in abundance would not be expected, since short-interval fire will repeatedly eradicate any gains in vegetative growth. However, within the typical fire return interval of less than 10 years, E. trimera barely reach a reproductive state, whereas E. arborea flower profusely. Under the current regime of fire and browsing this may in the long run be more important than differences in height growth, leading to a gradual increase in the proportion of E. arborea

    Most species are not limited by an Amazonian river postulated to be a border between endemism areas

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    Abstract At broad scales in the Amazon, it is often hypothesized that species distributions are limited by geographical barriers, such as large rivers (river-barrier hypothesis). This hypothesis has been used to explain the spatial-distribution limits of species and to indicate endemism areas for several phylogenetic lineages. We tested the ability of the river-barrier hypothesis to explain patterns of species diversity and spatial-distribution limits for 1952 easily-detected species in 14 taxonomic groups that occur around the Madeira River, and our results indicate that the hypothesis that the Madeira River is the border between endemism areas and explains much of the diversity found in the region is inappropriate for >99% of species. This indicates that alternative hypotheses should be proposed to explain the limits of distributions of species around the Madeira River, as well as a revision of the criteria that are used to determine species-endemism areas