61 research outputs found

    Growth responses of scots pine seedlings grown in peat-based media amended with natural zeolite

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    Zeolite has many good features that makes it very attractive for nursery use as a growing media over others. This study was designed to investigate influence of different growing media and their mixtures (with zeolite and without zeolite) on morphological characters of scots pine seedlings. Twenty-one treatments of varying amounts of peat, fine pumice, coarse pumice, river sand, perlite and river sand were established and were sown with scots pine seeds. At the end of first growing period, 30 seedlings from each treatment were harvested and measured for height (SH), root collar diameter (RCD), root dry weight (RDW), stem dry weight (SDW) and total dry weight (TSDW). These parameters varied significantly among treatments and were lower in zeolite added media. SH negatively correlated with Na and K content and C/N ratio of growing media but positively correlated with Mn content of media. SDW and TSDW had positive correlation with N, Fe, Mn, total porosity and loss of ignition, and had negative correlation with pH, Ca, Na and K content

    The Network Structure of the Forestry Research as a Scientific Field in Turkey between 1999 and 2019

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    This study aims to analyse and map the network structure of the scholarly communications in the realm of forestry research between 1999 and 2019 in Turkey using bibliometric analysis and social network analysis methods of the articles published within Clarivate Analytics’ Web of Science (WoS). A total of 8689 records, including their bibliographic data, were extracted from WoS. The analysis of each sub-period shows that the number of international collaboration of Turkish authors has increased globally from 23 countries in the first sub-period to 113 countries in the last sub-period within forestry publications. Also, the annual percentage rate of publications has increased from 58 articles in 1999 to 1016 in 2019 in the realm of forestry alongside with their received average citations in each sub-period. Multi-author articles precede single-author articles in the field of forestry in each sub-period. This research is the first analysis of forest research production using bibliometric and network analysis in Turkey. According to the results biomass, remote sensing and climate change were current trends on forest research in Turkey. Incidentally, the research findings can be used by policymakers regarding future investments in forestry research development

    Utilization of Biotechnology on Some Forest Trees in Turkey

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    Background and Purpose: Raw wood material requirements are increasing with rapid population growth both in Turkey and in the world. In order to supply deficit for closure of forest products, productivity and quality of production should be improved. Basic ways to increase efficiency in forest production involves silvicultural implementations and classical tree breeding studies. Genetic variation can be increased by utilizing the existing diversity. Thus, new combinations can be obtained and we can raise efficiency using some selection strategies. At this point, biotechnological methods are required to meet the genetic material. Studies of forest tree breeding are a slow process due to the size of the genome and the length of the tree life span. Biotechnological applications in forest trees provide many important benefits in terms of time saving and reducing cost when compared to classical breeding studies. Sustainable forestry practices are gaining rapid acceleration via biotechnology and modern sciences practices. In this study, for some forest tree species in Turkey, the evaluated biotechnology methods included; 1- tissue culture and clonal propagation, 2- molecular marker applications, 3- marker assisted selection and breeding, 4-genomic and proteomic studies, 5- genetic modification and genetic engineering applications. Conclusions: In this study, the works were carried out on forest tree breeding/propagation in Turkey and it was mainly focused on vegetative production techniques with 25 broadleaves and 9 conifer taxa, which were possible to express. Molecular genetic studies were carried out on 12 broad leaves taxa and 9 conifer taxa; genetic transformation studies were conducted on poplar species. Thus, it might be suggested that a combination of biotechnological tools and traditional propagation methods will ensure advantage for the development of forest-tree species

    Ectomycorrhizal Flora Formed by Main Forest Trees in the Irtysh River Region of Central and Northeastern Kazakhstan

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    In this study, the aim was to determine and identify symbiotically living ectomycorrhizas of the main tree species forming forests in central and northeastern Kazakhstan. Surveys were conducted on the right bank of the Irtysh River in a mixed forest of Pinus sylvestris, Picea obovata and Betula pendula trees. The collection was formed and the primary identification of voucher samples of fruiting bodies of macromycetes collected as ectomycorrhiza forming fungi was completed. In the collection and species identification of fruiting bodies, standard methods were used. A total of 30 ectomycorrhizas belonging to Agaricomycetes were identified. The distribution of 30 species into families is as follows: Suillaceae (8), Russulaceae (7), Cortinariaceae (4), Boletaceae (3), Tricholomataceae (2), Amanitaceae (1), Cantharellaceae (1), Gomphaceae (1), Gomphidiaceae (1), Paxillaceae (1), and Bankeraceae (1). The richest genus on account of the number of species was Suillus (8). Concerning the woody host species, 17 mycorrhizas were determined to build symbiosis with P. sylvestris, 8 mycorrhizas with B. pendula, 6 mycorrhizas with Populus tremula, 1 mycorrhiza with P. obovata, 1 mycorrhiza with Quercus robur, 1 mycorrhiza with Salix sp., and 1 mycorrhiza with Pinus densiflora Siebold and Zuccarini. Ectomycorrhizas should be used as a major performance-enhancing tool in afforestation and restoration studies in the Irtysh River basin under extreme ecological conditions and under climate change effects

    The Effects of Exposure, Elevation and Tree Age on Seed Characteristics of Fagus orientalis Lipsky

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    Background and Purpose: Natural or artificial regeneration, rehabilitation, and conversion from coppice to high forest are important practices in Oriental beech (Fagus orientalis Lipsky) forests in Turkey. Studies of the seeds of this species have increased in number because mast years are infrequent and seed germination is inhibited by dormancy. In this study we quantified the effects of tree age (40-59, 60-79 and 80-99 years), stand exposure (north, west, east and south) and elevation (600 and 800 m a.s.l.) on seed characteristics (germination, moisture content, and weight) of Oriental beech. Material and Methods: The seeds used in this study were collected from natural beech forest at Kumluca, Bartin, in the western Black Sea region of Turkey. Experiments were carried out in the laboratory and the greenhouse of Bartin University. Results: Seed germination and moisture content varied significantly by elevation, and seed germination was strongly influenced by elevation. Moisture content was 14% at 600 m and 16% at 800 m. The effects of elevation and tree age on 100 seed weights were not significant but exposure had a significant effect. The highest 100 seed weight was recorded for trees on southern exposures and the highest germination percentage of 82% was recorded for trees on northern exposures. Conclusions: In conclusion, since oriental beech seedlings are produced by generative propagation method, seeds should be harvested in optimum distribution area of beech, from average ages and phenotypically plus tree

    Correction: Sarsekova D, Ayan S, Talgat A, 2020. Ectomycorrhizal Flora Formed by Main Forest Trees in the Irtysh River Region of Central and Northeastern Kazakhstan

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    The authors wish to make the correction of the paper of Sarsekova et al. (2020). In the original paper, there was a mistake in the order of the first and the second name of the author Talghat Abbzhabnov. The correct order is Talghat Abbzhabnov. The original paper published on 11 May 2020 has been updated and both versions will be available on the paper webpage. The authors emphasize that this change does not affect the results of this research, and they apologize for any inconvenience this change may cause

    Effect of heat shock on seed viability of natural pine taxa

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    Bu çalışmada; Türkiye’de geniş yayılış yapan P. brutia Ten., P. sylvestris L. var. hamata ve P. nigra subsp. caramanica tohumları üzerine yüksek sıcaklık şoklarının etkisi ortaya konmaya çalışılmıştır. Deneme kapsamında, 5 farklı sıcaklık şoku (kontrol, 80, 100, 120 ve 140 oC) ve 5 değişik maruz kalma süresi (1, 3, 5, 7 ve 9 dk) tatbik edilmiştir. Çalışmada kullanılan üç türün çimlenme yüzdeleri üzerine sıcaklık şoku, sıcaklık uygulama süresi ve her iki faktörün birlikte etkisi istatistiki olarak önemli bulunmuştur. Ayrıca, çimlendirme dolabında sarıçam ve karaçam tohumlarına uygulanan tüm sıcaklık şoklarında, kontrole göre diğer işlemlerde çimlenme yüzdesi düşerken, kızılçam tohumlarında 80 oC’lik sıcaklık şoku uygulaması tohumun çimlenmesi üzerinde teşvik edici rol oynamıştır. Üç çam türünde yapılan denemelerde 120 oC’nin üzeri ve 5 dk’dan daha uzun süreli sıcaklık uygulamalarının çimlenmeyi düşürdüğü ve tohum canlılığını öldürücü etki yaptığı belirlenmiştir. Deneme kapsamında kullanılan aynı türün farklı orijinlerinden ve aynı orijinli tohumlara uygulanan farklı işlemlerin önemli çimlenme varyasyonu göstermesi, yüksek sıcaklık şoku ve süresi ile ilgili çalışmaların populasyon ve genotip bazında daha ileri çalışmalara ihtiyaç duyulduğunu göstermektedir. Diğer bir ifadeyle, farklı yangın şiddetlerinin çimlenmeyi nasıl etkileyeceği ile dayanıklılık gösteren populasyon ve genotiplerin belirlenmesi gerektiğini sonucuna varılmıştırIn this study, the effects of high heat stress after forest fires on seed and regeneration of Turkish red pine, Scots pine and Anatolian black pine, which are all wide spread species in Turkey, were investigated. Five different heat shocks (control, 80, 100, 120 and 140˚C) and 5 different heat exposure times (1, 3, 5, 7 and 9 minute) were applied on the seeds of the three species. The results showed for all tree species that percent of seed germination was statistically affected by the heat shock and heat exposure time. The interaction effect of both factors on the percent of seed germination was also significant. Compared to the control seed germination, under all heat shocks the percent of seed germination for Scots pine and Anatolian black pine decreased. As for Turkish red pine, the percent seed germination increased only with 80˚C heat shock treatment, but decreased the other heat shock treatments. It has been found for all three species that the percent of seed germination and seed liveliness significantly decrease when the seeds are exposed to heat over 5 minutes under the heat higher than 120˚C. Under the two different treatments (heat shock and heat time), the intra-species variation in the percent of seed germination between the different origins and the same origins indicate that more detailed studies are in need to understand the effects of different heat shocks and heat time in relation to origins and genotypes. In another words, it is concluded that it is important to study the effects of the different heat shock stress on the percent of seed germination, and also to identify the populations and genotypes which last longer against high heat stress

    Genetic diversity among populations in Scotch pine (Pinus silvestris L.) seed stands of Western

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    The aim of this study was to determine the differences among some of the registered seed stands in the Western Black Sea Region in Turkey by means of the morphological characters. The number of 18 morphological characters were designated by measuring and observing on seed (seed length, seed width, seed color and 1000 seed weight), juvenile seedling (root length, hypocothyl length, epycotyl length, cotyledon number, cotyledon length, stem and root dry weight) and seedling (root-collar diameter, number of branches, bud number, stem length, root length, stem and root dry weight) from 9 seed stands in the Western Black Sea Region of Turkey. The obtained data was analyzed by using cluster and penrose analysis. Cluster and penrose analysis showed that there were significant differences within the Pinus sylvestris stands for the morphologic characters.Key words: Genetic diversity, Pinus sylvestris, Scotch pine, morphological characters

    Juniperus L. for Restoration of Degraded Forest Lands in Turkey

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    Degraded forests are among of the most important environmental and commercial problems around the world. Turkey has 22.74 million hectares of forest area, out of which 9.656 million ha (42%) are unproductive. To transform these unproductive forests into productive ones, forest restoration including rehabilitation is one of the best actions. In this sense, juniper species play an important role for degraded lands because they are drought-tolerant and withstand aridity and poor soils better than most timber species grown in Turkey. Therefore, this review presents the ecological considerations for the restoration of degraded forest lands in Turkey under the conditions of climate change. Within this framework, it focuses on the production of planting stock of juniper species, the significance of site-species matching, and post-planting site maintenance for successful rehabilitation

    Age-Related Changes of Some Chemical Components in the Leaves of Oriental Beech (Fagus orientalis Lipsky.)

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    Background and Purpose: This study presents the analysis of photosynthetic pigments, proline, total soluble protein, total amino acids, glucose, sucrose, total soluble sugars, total amount of phenolic compounds and flavonoids, malondialdehyde (MDA) and hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) concentration in the leaf samples collected from oriental beech trees, which are naturally spread in Kastamonu Province, Turkey, with differing ages, enzyme activities of ascorbate peroxidase (APX), catalase (CAT) and superoxide dismutase (SOD). Material and Methods: The research was carried out on oriental beech trees (Fagus orientalis L.) of different ages located at 1300 m high elevation in Ahlat Village of Kastamonu Province, Turkey. Oriental beech trees of different ages (≥25, ≥50, ≥100, ≥200 and ≥600 years-old) constituted the material of this study. In leaf samples taken from trees of different ages, photosynthetic pigments (chlorophyll a, chlorophyll b, total chlorophyll and carotenoid), proline, total soluble protein, total amino acid, glucose, sucrose, total soluble sugars, the amount of total phenolic compounds and flavonoids, MDA, H2O2 concentration, enzyme activities of APX, CAT and SOD, as well as the relationship between the total content of C, N and H elements and the tree ages were studied. Results: As a result of the research conducted, significant differences were determined in terms of chlorophyll, total phenolic compound, flavonoid, glucose, amounts of sucrose, nitrogenous compounds, proline, total soluble protein, MDA, H2O2 concentrations, and the activities of APX, CAT and SOD in the leaves of oriental beech trees with differing ages. The highest content of chlorophyll a was found to be in the youngest age group of ≥25 years. Total chlorophyll is low in young trees and high in middle-aged, old and very old trees. According to the results obtained, it was concluded that the MDA and H2O2 concentrations in the trees did not vary depending on the age of trees only, but also on the genotype, environmental conditions and metabolic activities. It was concluded that the fact that the total chlorophyll, phenolic compounds and sucrose content in oriental beech trees are high and that MDA content is low could have an influence on the long life of ≥600 years-old oriental beech trees. Conclusions: The activity of photosynthesis is related to leaf characteristics more than the age of trees