21 research outputs found

    Nutrient contents and in vitro digestibility of different parts of corn plant

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    AbstractThe objective of this study was to assess the nutrient contents and in vitro true digestibility (IVTD) of parts of the corn plant. The corn used in the study was P2088, a variety that is grown widely in Turkey. It had matured and was harvested 140 days after planting. Four replicate plants were separated into nine parts, namely lower stalk, central stalk, upper stalk, corn ear stalk, corn ear shuck, kernels, corn cob, leaf, tassel, plus the entire plant. The samples were dried and ground for analysis. Nutritional values were determined in the laboratory and in vitro digestibility was assessed. Significant differences in nutrient content were observed among parts of the corn plant. The highest crude protein (CP) content was found in the leaf (12.41%), followed by the grain (12.37%). Dry matter (DM) varied from 91.25% to 96.07%. The highest ether extract (EE) was in the grain (2.84%), and the upper stalk contained the least EE (0.29%). The parts also differed in their contents of crude cellulose (CS) and crude ash (CA) (P <0.001). Most organic matter (OM) was found in the corn cup (94.27%). The highest in vitro dry matter digestibility (IVDMD) was in the kernels (79.06%) and the lowest was in the lower stalk (38.13%). In terms of in vitro true organic matter digestibility (OMD) values of the corn plant and its 9 parts, the highest values were found in the kernels and the lowest in the lower stalk.Keywords: crude nutrients, in vitro true digestibility, parts of corn plan

    Effect of arbuscular mycorrhizal inoculation on the quality and in vitro gas production of einkorn wheat straw

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    The purpose of this study was to determine the effects of arbuscular mycorrhizal (AM) inoculation on the quality of einkorn wheat straw (EWS) and in vitro gas production (GP). It was found that AM inoculation of EW seed before sowing caused significant increases in crude protein (CP), ether extract (EE), neutral detergent fibre (NDF), zinc (Zn), copper (Cu), and iron (Fe) levels of straw, and a (P <0.05) decrease in crude ash (CA), metabolizable energy (ME), and organic matter digestibility (OMD) compared with the straw of non-inoculated EW. The observed difference in the average GP among the between EWS from plants grown from inoculated seed and those from the untreated control was significant at all times between the third and 96th hour. However, when the GP kinetics of the groups was examined after 96 hours’ incubation, only the difference in the gas amount of the easily soluble fractions of feeds was significant. The GP from the slowly fermented part, the GP rate constant and the potential GP of the straws were not affected by the AM inoculation (P >0.05). Thus, inoculation of einkorn wheat with AM altered the nutritional value of the straw produced creating a roughage with decreased value for feeding ruminant livestock. Keywords: artificial rumen, fermentation kinetics, nutrient digestibilit

    Essential oil and apple pomace affect fermentation and aerobic stability of alfalfa silage

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    This study assessed the effects of the additions of an essential oil (EO), composed of ricinoleic acid, cardol, cardanol, and apple pomace, on fermentation quality and aerobic stability of alfalfa silages. The experimental treatments consisted of T1) alfalfa (control), T2) alfalfa with EO, T3) alfalfa (75%) with apple pomace (25%), T4) alfalfa (75%) with apple pomace (25%) and EO, T5) alfalfa (50%) with apple pomace (50%), T6) alfalfa (50%) with apple pomace (50%) and EO, T7) alfalfa (25%) with apple pomace (75%), and T8) alfalfa (25%) with apple pomace (75%) and EO. The addition of apple pomace decreased the silage pH compared with the control (P <0.01). Apple pomace at 25% level increased the total volatile fatty acid (iVFA) content (P <0.05). Essential oil (EO) decreased tVFA and increased dry matter (DM) content 90 days after ensiling (P <0.01). Apple pomace decreased ammonia (N-NH3), crude protein (CP), and crude ash (CA) content and increased the amounts of neutral detergent fibre (NDF) and acid detergent fibre (ADF) (P <0.01). Essential oil and apple pomace (level 75%) increased effective digestibility (P <0.05). Apple pomace decreased aerobic stability and the addition of EO increased aerobic stability (P <0.05). Thus, use of apple pomace as a source of fermentable carbohydrate and/or the addition of EO in the preparation of high-quality alfalfa silage is recommended to offset its high buffering capacity and low carbohydrate content

    Arbuscular mycorrhizae inoculation of einkorn wheat affects fatty acid, nutrient and mineral concentrations

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    The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of arbuscular mycorrhizae (AM) inoculation, which was administered to increase the quality of einkorn wheat in its fatty acid composition, quality and mineral concentration. Wheat grown from AM inoculated seed (AM+) had increased the dry matter (DM), iron (Fe), monounsaturated fatty acids (MUFA), especially oleic acid, and alpha-linolenic acid, and cis-5,-8,-11,-14, and cis-17 eicosapentaenoic acid from polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFA) (P <0.05), but decreased crude ash (CA), potassium (K), and total saturated fatty acids (UFA), especially myristic acid, palmitic acid, stearic acid and monounsaturated fatty acids, especially cis-palmitoleic acid, cis-10-heptadecenoic acid, cis-11 eicosenoic acid, erucic acid, and linoleic acid (P <0.05) compared with einkorn wheat grown from non-inoculated seed (AM-). Crude protein (CP) content ranged from 10.56% to 10.68%, and ether extract (EE) content varied between 2.03% and 2.41%, neither of which was significantly different between treatments. Significant increases were observed in UFA, and in the ratios of UFA to SFA and PUFA to SFA in AM+ compared with AM-. Keywords: mycorrhizal inoculation, nutrient composition, Triticum monococcu

    Determination of in vitro rumen digestibility and potential feed value of tiger nut varieties

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    Tiger nut (Cyperus esculentus L.), or chufa, is a plant that is found in nature and is cultivated for its edible tubers. The purpose of this study was to determine the chemical composition, nutritive value, and in vitro digestibility of three tiger nut varieties using the in vitro gas production technique. These varieties were Sarışeker (yellow), Introduction 1, and Balyumru (brown). Rumen fluid was obtained from two cannulated Holstein animals. Time-dependent in vitro gas production was monitored at 3, 6, 9, 12, 24, 48, 72, and 96 hours of incubation. The varieties differed in dry matter (DM), crude ash (CA), ether extract (EE), neutral detergent fibre (NDF), and non-fibre carbohydrate (NFC) content (P <0.05). They also differed in the instantaneous volume of gas produced and in time-dependent gas production. Balyumru produced more gas at the onset of incubation than Introduction 1 and Sarışeker. However, over time, the gas produced by digestion of Introduction 1 exceeded the other two varieties. The amounts of gas produced at each time-point were intercorrelated. It is recommended that these results should lead to further evaluation in in vivo studies. Keywords: chemical composition, energy content, in vitro gas productio

    Effect of different levels of sunflower meal and multi-enzyme complex on performance, biochemical parameters and antioxidant status of laying hens

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    This study was designed to evaluate the effects of different sunflower meal (Helianthus annus; SFM) levels and a multi-enzyme complex (Natuzyme P50) on performance, biochemical parameters and antioxidant status of laying hens. A total of 288 Hy-Line W-36 laying hens (39-wk-old) were divided into six groups with six replicates per group (eight birds per replicate) and fed one of the six experimental diets. A corn-soybean meal-based diet was formulated and used as control diet. The experimental treatments consisted of three levels of SFM (0, 10, and 20%) and two levels of multi-enzyme complex (0 and 250g/ton). The feeding trial lasted 10 weeks. The results showed that the egg production, egg weight and mass, egg specific gravity, shell strength and thickness, Haugh unit, shape index, triglyceride content, plasma glutathione peroxidase (GSH) activity, and malondialdehyde (MDA) were not influenced by dietary treatments; however, the feed consumption, yolk cholesterol, low-density lipoprotein (LDL) and high-density lipoprotein (HDL) cholesterol were significantly affected by feeding SFM compared to the control. In conclusion, the supplementation of SFM up to 20% in diet with multi-enzyme complex in laying hens did not appear to cause any adverse effects on egg production and quality as well on antioxidant status in laying hens.Keywords: Enzymes, laying hen, performance, sunflower meal, yolk cholestero