2 research outputs found

    Effect of Light Intensities on Growth Performance of Tetrapleura tetraptera Seedlings Schum. (Thonn.)

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    The study assessed the effect of varying light intensities and optimum percentage of sunlight favourable for raising Tetrapleura tetraptera seedlings. The light intensity was measured through photometer. The experiment was subjected to a control without wire mesh(T1) and three other treatments (T2, T3 and T4) covered with different layers of black wire mesh with 99.5%, 75%, 49.8% and 25% light intensities respectively. Each of the treatments was replicated six times in a completely randomized design. The plant height, leaf production and stem diameter were all monitored for 12 weeks. Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) was employed and the means separated using Least Significant Difference (LSD). The results showed that the significance effect (P = \u3b10.05) was only observed in the seedlings height of Tetrapleuratetrapteraseedlings. However, the mean values obtained for all the parameters considered revealed the treatment 1(i.e. 99.8% wire mesh) was observed to be the best performing treatment. For the plant height, mean value ranged between 13.09 cm and 16.8 cm, a range from 0.22cm to 0.28mm was recorded for stem girth while the mean values between 22 and 27 were obtained for number of leaves among the treatments. It may be concluded from the study, that light intensity of 100% i.e without interference should be used for the growth and development as well as production of Tetrapleura tetraptera seedlings in the nursery