68 research outputs found

    AVRDC 1984 progress report

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    xii, 480 hlm.: ill.; 27 cm

    Integration of Vegetables into Maize-Based Farming Systems in Babati: Cost-Benefit Analyses on Integrated Intercropping Systems from Demo Plots for Adaptability Testing by AVRDC

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    Project title: Research in Sustainable Intensification in the Sub-Humid Maize-Based Cropping Systems of Babati, Tanzania. Project abstract: We undertake a profitability analysis of the incremental changes in existing practices by farmers in comparison with standard farmer practices so as to enable farmers to visualize the economic benefits of the proposed technologies including vegetable-cereal intercropping and crop rotation trials for new technology adoption. Project website: http://africa-rising.netIFPRI1; Africa Risin

    A Survey on Nutrition Related Issues by AVRDC

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    AVRDC conducted a survey on nutrition related issues, which was planned jointly with ICRISAT. While AVRDC will make the detailed results available as appropriate, the following indications are important for the future development of these research activities; The survey found that women who were participating, or had participated (Year 1) in the Nutrition Field Schools had a much better understanding of mal-nutrition, as well food groups, and food requirements to avoid malnutrition. There appear to be some differences in the recipes on preparing children?s porridges between villages that had training, and those that had not, however, the study was conducted while the training was still going, and so the participants had not fully covered all the topics. The final results of this study will guide further detailed studies. Project title: Sustainable Intensification of Key Farming Systems in the Sudano-Sahelian Zone of West Africa. Project abstract: As part of the Feed the Future Initiative, the United States Agency for International Development (USAID) is supporting an innovative multi-stakeholder agricultural research program, the Africa Research in Sustainable Intensification for the Next Generation (Africa RISING). The program?s main objective is to identify and validate scalable options for the sustainable intensification of key African cereal-based farming systems to increase food production and improve the livelihoods of smallholder farmers and at the same time conserve or improve the natural resource base. Project website: http://africa-rising.netIFPRI1; Africa Risin

    A Survey on Nutrition Related Issues by AVRDC

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    AVRDC conducted a survey on nutrition related issues, which was planned jointly with ICRISAT. While AVRDC will make the detailed results available as appropriate, the following indications are important for the future development of these research activities; The survey found that women who were participating, or had participated (Year 1) in the Nutrition Field Schools had a much better understanding of mal-nutrition, as well food groups, and food requirements to avoid malnutrition. There appear to be some differences in the recipes on preparing children’s porridges between villages that had training, and those that had not, however, the study was conducted while the training was still going, and so the participants had not fully covered all the topics. The final results of this study will guide further detailed studies. About the project Project title: Sustainable Intensification of Key Farming Systems in the Sudano-Sahelian Zone of West Africa Project abstract As part of the Feed the Future Initiative, the United States Agency for International Development (USAID) is supporting an innovative multi-stakeholder agricultural research program, the Africa Research in Sustainable Intensification for the Next Generation (Africa RISING). The program’s main objective is to identify and validate scalable options for the sustainable intensification of key African cereal-based farming systems to increase food production and improve the livelihoods of smallholder farmers and at the same time conserve or improve the natural resource base. Project website: http://africa-rising.net Project start date: 01/01/2011 Project end date : 12/31/2016 </p

    Data for Cost Benefit Analysis (CBA) for Vegetable Technologies in Babati Tanzania, 2015

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    This data study contains cost-benefit analysis data for different vegetable technologies. Project title: AfricaRISING- Sustainable Intensification of Maize-Legume-Livestock Integrated Farming Systems in East and Southern Africa. Project abstract: Sustainable intensification of mixed crop livestock systems is a key pathway towards better food security, improved livelihoods, and a healthy environment. As part of the US government?s Feed the Future initiative to address hunger and food security issues in sub-Saharan Africa, the US Agency for International Development (USAID) is supporting three multi-stakeholder agricultural research projects to sustainably intensify key African farming systems. In East and Southern Africa, the project is being implemented in Tanzania and Malawi, and Zambia. In Tanzania, the project is being implemented in Babati and Kongwadistricts in Manyara region of northern Tanzania and Kiteto district in Dodoma region, central Tanzania. The action sites were selected to acknowledge agroecological differences, allow appropriate targeting of technologies and strategies, and complement the development efforts of another USAID-supported program, the Tanzania Staples Value Chain (NAFAKA) project. In Malawi, the project is being implemented in Ntechu and Dedza districts in central Malawi where maize-based productions systems are dominant. Agroecological considerations guided the identification of research action sites. The pilot site for the study will be Eastern and Lusaka provinces in Zambia. Project website: http://africa-rising.netIFPRI1; Africa Risin

    Magnitude and Determinant of Child Undernutrition in Southern Mali

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    This study contains data on indicators of nutritional status such as weight for height based on the framework of baseline assessments and methods developed for an agriculture technology-transfer project in southern Mali.IFPRI1; Africa Risin

    Intensification of Rainfed and Irrigated Vegetable Production Systems

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    This research was undertaken aiming to improve farm fied productivity and profitability in Mali. In this research, demonstration trials were implemented by farmer's communities in collaboration with the local non-government organization L?Association Malienne d?Eveil au D?veloppement Durable (AMEDD). Vegetable biodata were collected for Bougouni and Koutiala of Mali and Northern, Uppereast and Upperwest regions of Ghana. Project title: Research Program on Soil & Water Management. Project abstract: As part of the Feed the Future Initiative, the United States Agency for International Development (USAID) is supporting an innovative multi-stakeholder agricultural research program, the Africa Research in Sustainable Intensification for the Next Generation (Africa RISING). The program?s main objective is to identify and validate scalable options for the sustainable intensification of key African cereal-based farming systems to increase food production and improve the livelihoods of smallholder farmers and at the same time conserve or improve the natural resource base. Project website: http://africa-rising.netIFPRI1; Africa Risin

    Integrating Vegetables into Maize-Based Systems for Enhanced Nutrition and Income Generation: Scoping Study by AVRDC

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    We conduct a scoping study to establish determinant sociological, infrastructural, biological, and agronomic factors that currently affect vegetable production and offer scope for future vegetable production in the study area. About the project Project title: Research in Sustainable Intensification in the Sub-Humid Maize-Based Cropping Systems of Babati, Tanzania Project abstract Scoping study to assess current status and future potential, increase awareness and develop partnerships for action research, technology development, and capacity building. Project website: http://africa-rising.net</p

    Africa RISING Tanzania- Integrated Pest Management (IPM) of Vegetables

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    This study contains data on pest and disease incidence. Project title: Africa RISING. Project abstract: The aim of the Africa RISING project in Kongwa and Kiteto Districts, Tanzania is to provide a scientific basis for sustainably intensifying agricultural production in semi-arid areas of central Tanzania. The project activities are falls under 4 thematic areas that address three critical elements of sustainable intensification (SI), i.e. genetic, ecological and socio-economic intensification technologies. The scope of activities being implemented includes: packaging of new legume and cereal varieties with over 120% yield advantage, packaging and validation of integrated productivity-enhancing technologies for cereals, legumes, legume trees and soil health technologies, food safety primarily to reduce aflatoxin contamination and integration of livestock into the cropping systems. The innovation platform is used to set R4D priority in the active sites. In the 2013-2014 season, we reached out to about 1217 farmers Kongwa and Kiteto districts. In 2014 we plan to reach out to about 1500 new farmers. The project team is comprised of national partners (e.g. ARI-Hombolo, District Agricultural Officers, SUA and UDOM) and CG Partners (CIMMYT and ICRAF) under the leadership of ICRISAT. Project website: http://africa-rising.netIFPRI1; Africa Risin

    Integrating Vegetables into Maize-Based Systems for Enhanced Nutrition and Income Generation: Scoping Study by AVRDC

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    We conduct a scoping study to establish determinant sociological, infrastructural, biological, and agronomic factors that currently affect vegetable production and offer scope for future vegetable production in the study area. Project title: Research in Sustainable Intensification in the Sub-Humid Maize-Based Cropping Systems of Babati, Tanzania Project abstract: Scoping study to assess current status and future potential, increase awareness and develop partnerships for action research, technology development, and capacity building. Project website: http://africa-rising.netIFPRI1; Africa Risin
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