11 research outputs found


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    This study was designed: to evaluate the vocal function in the patients with supracricoid laryngectomy (SCL) compared with normal subjects; to determine the factors affecting voice (such as number of arytenoid(s) preserved and movement of larynx and tongue base); and to determine the correlations between videolaryngostroboscopy, acoustic and perceptual parameters. Ten patients who underwent SCL with cricohyoidopexy for primary laryngeal squamous cell carcinoma were included into the study. Vocal function was investigated by means or videolaryngostroboscopy. Voice quality was assessed by means of objective acoustic analysis and subjective perceptual ratings by trained raters. Aberrant, incompetent, and rough mucosal wave was observed in the anterior and superior surfaces of arytenoids(s), the inferior part of tongue base and the lateral walls of the hypopharynx. The acoustic parameters were found to be significantly different from those of normal subjects. The values of perceptual scores were approximately within 50 per cent of normal range. The number of arytenoids spared did not affect acoustic or perceptual measurements. A rough, breathy, unpleasant but intelligible and acceptable voice could be obtained after SCL with cricohyoidopexy


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    Parkinson's disease (PD) is clinically characterized by a resting tremor, bradykinesia, cogwheel phenomenon, rigidity, disorder of postural reflexes and especially changes in voice and speech. We studied 30 PD patients who were treated with dopamine and 20 normal subjects as the control group. The parameters of vocal fold edges, glottal closure, vertical levels of cords, amplitude of vibration, mucosal wave, vibratory behavior, phase symmetry, ventricular folds and movements, periodicity, arytenoids and thick mucous were evaluated by videolaryngostroboscopy. The Unified Parkinson's Disease Rating Scale was applied to the patient group. The voices of the patients were evaluated by the Dr.Speech-4 and Spectra-PRO computer programs. Maximum phonation time, fundamental frequency, amplitude and the harmonic-to-noise ratio were recorded and compared with those of the control group. The abnormal videolaryngostroboscopic findings were more frequent in the PD group (70% versus 45%; P<0.05). Voice analysis showed significant differences in the parameters such as maximum phonation time, maximum fundamental frequency, the frequency range and the harmonic-to-noise ratio. We thought that these methods and parameters yielded sufficient information for diagnosis and follow-up of vocal function in patients with PD


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    In this study we evaluated eustachian tube function in patients with chronic otitis media and compared the results with normal subjects. Two different eustachian tube function tests were applied to 60 ears of the chronic otitis media group and 146 ears of the control group. While eustachian tube dysfunction was observed in 71.7% of the chronic suppurative otitis media group, it was only seen in 34.9% of the control group

    Evaluation of voice and speech following subtotal reconstructive laryngectomy

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    Subtotal reconstructive laryngectomy (SRL) can be used to preserve voice in the treatment of selected laryngeal carcinomas. This study was designed to analyze both voice and speech results achieved after SRL in 14 male patients, aged from 48 to 73 years. Surgery was performed between 1983 and 1993. Fundamental frequencies, ranges of frequency, intensities, and intensity ranges were established using an S.I. 80 Philips AAC 600 Audio Active Comparative Language System. Five prolonged vowels and six phonetically balanced sentences were recorded on a tape positioned at a distance of 30 cm from the mouth of each patient during a 3-min recording time. The recorded material was then evaluated by a panel of ten trained listeners who were asked to consider the qualitative parameters and perceptual characteristics of voice and speech according to a scorecard modified from one devised by Voiers and Formigoni. Although a decrease was determined in Fundamental Frequency and intensity of the voice when compared to normal values, the quality and perception of speech were found to be satisfactory. The verbal message could be understood almost exactly by means of constant sonority, correct articulation and improved pneumophonic coordination. These values demonstrate that the new voice achieved after SRL is less sonorous and allows for understandable and socially acceptable speech

    Biomechanical analysis of hyoid bone displacement in videofluoroscopy: a systematic review of intervention effects

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    This systematic review explores studies using biomechanical analysis of hyoid bone displacement in videofluoroscopy of swallowing as a spatial outcome parameter to evaluate intervention effects. Two authors independently carried out the literature search using the electronic databases Embase, PubMed, and Cochrane Library. Differences in their search findings were settled by discussion. The search was limited to publications in the English, German, French, Spanish, or Dutch language. MeSH terms were used, supplemented by free-text words to identify the most recent publications. In addition, reference lists were searched by hand. Only studies using videofluoroscopy to evaluate the biomechanical effects of swallowing interventions in dysphagic subjects were included in the review. While the body of literature on measuring hyoid bone displacement in videofluoroscopy has grown, only 12 studies met the inclusion criteria. Several of the 12 studies had methodological shortcomings. In general, the conclusions could not be compared across the studies because of their heterogeneous designs and outcome measures. Overall, several intervention effect studies reported significant results. In particular, bolus modification and swallowing maneuvers showed a greater range of hyoid bone displacement. In light of this review, further research on hyoid bone displacement as a spatial variable in well-defined patient populations using well-defined videofluoroscopic protocols to measure intervention effects is recommended