4,632 research outputs found

    On the Lagrange and Markov Dynamical Spectra for Geodesic Flows in Surfaces with Negative Curvature

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    We consider the Lagrange and the Markov dynamical spectra associated to a geodesic flow on a surface of negative curvature. We show that for a large set of real functions on the unit tangent bundle and for typical metrics with negative curvature and finite volume, both the Lagrange and the Markov dynamical spectra have non-empty interior

    Mecanismos alternativos de solución de controversias en el contrato estatal la amigable composición

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    Con este documento se pretende adentrarse mucho más en el estudio de los mecanismos alternativos de solución de controversias que puedan surgir dentro del desarrollo del contrato estatal y en especial el mecanismo denominado como la Amigable Composición de muy poca utilización entre las partes en conflicto pese a tener muchas ventajas en lo que tiene que ver con el procedimiento establecido para llevarla a cabo, efectos legales luego de su realización y la posibilidad de intervención de un tercero imparcial. Se entrara a manejar el tema desde las definiciones de cada uno de los mecanismos alternativos de solución de controversias consagrado para dirimir los conflictos que puedan surgir con ocasión de la celebración de un contrato estatal, hasta llegar a la comparación de cada uno de estos métodos con la Amigable Composición, estableciendo similitudes y diferencias para que el lector tenga los criterios suficientes para emitir una opinión en lo que tiene que ver con la mayor idoneidad de uno u otro mecanismo alternativo de solución de controversias

    A complementary covariant approach to gravito-electromagnetism

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    From a previous paper where we proposed a description of general relativity within the gravito-electromagnetic limit, we propose an alternative modified gravitational theory. As in the former version, we analyze the vector and tensor equations of motion, the gravitational continuity equation, the conservation of the energy, the energy-momentum tensor, the field tensor, and the constraints concerning these fields. The Lagrangian formulation is also exhibited as an unified and simple formulation that will be useful for future investigation

    Non-anti-hermitian Quaternionic Quantum Mechanics

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    The breakdown of Ehrenfest’s theorem imposes serious limitations on quaternionic quantum mechanics (QQM). In order to determine the conditions in which the theorem is valid, we examined the conservation of the probability density, the expectation value and the classical limit for a non-anti-hermitian formulation of QQM. The results also indicated that the non-anti-hermitian quaternionic theory is related to non-hermitian quantum mechanics, and thus the physical problems described with both of the theories should be related

    Multispectral analysis of Nuragic metallic samples (Sardinia, Italy)

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    ABSTRACT: In this investigation, a protocol combining the use of Monte Carlo simulations together with energy-dispersive X-ray fluorescence (ED-XRF) analysis was used to determine the chemical composition of a set of nine objects from a private collection, apprehended by Carabinieri and without archaeological context. The artefacts are thought to belong to the nuragic period from Sardinia, Italy. The protocol employed is a powerful and non-destructive method useful for cultural heritage applications where usually no sampling is allowed and was applied here with the objective of attesting the authenticity of the objects. The samples were simulated as multilayered structures composed of bulk material and outer corrosion layer so the patina thickness and composition could be estimated as well by the Xray Monte Carlo (XRMC) package. The method proved useful and powerful, capable of efficiently determining the composition and structure of most of the objects in a total nondestructive approach, attesting the existence of at least one fake in the set. Nevertheless, for a more throughout evaluation and a better estimation of the patina composition, the use of complementary analytical techniques has shown required

    Financial globalization : unequal blessings

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    The authors present a framework to analyze financial globalization. They argue that financial globalization needs to take into account the relation between money (particularly in its role as store of value), asset and factor price flexibility, and contractual and regulatory institutions. Countries that have the"blessed trinity"(international currency, flexible exchange rate regime, and sound contractual and regulatory environment) can integrate successfully into the world financial markets. But developing countries normally display the"unblessed trinity"(weak currency, fear of floating, and weak institutional framework). The authors define and discuss two alternative avenues (a"dollar trinity"and a"peso trinity") for developing countries to safely embrace international financial integration while the blessed trinity remains beyond reach.Economic Theory&Research,Fiscal&Monetary Policy,Banks&Banking Reform,Payment Systems&Infrastructure,Financial Intermediation,Financial Economics,Macroeconomic Management,Economic Stabilization,Economic Theory&Research,Fiscal&Monetary Policy

    Capital market development : whither Latin America ?

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    Over the past decades, many countries have implemented significant reforms to foster capital market development. Latin American countries were at the forefront of this process. The authors analyze where Latin American capital markets stand after these reforms. They find that despite the intense reform effort, capital markets in Latin America remain underdeveloped relative to markets in other regions. Furthermore, stock markets are below what can be expected, given Latin America's economic and institutional fundamentals. The authors discuss alternative ways of interpreting this evidence. They argue that it is difficult to pinpoint which policies Latin American countries should pursue to overcome their poor capital market development. Moreover, they argue that expectations about the outcome of the reform process may need to be revisited to take into account intrinsic characteristics of emerging economies. The latter may limit the scope for developing deep domestic capital markets in a context of international financial integration.Markets and Market Access,Economic Theory&Research,Access to Markets,Financial Economics,Financial Intermediation