6 research outputs found

    Images et influences du Brésil chez les anthropologues français

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    L’observation et la description par les Français de l’habitant des terres d’origine du « bois-brésil » remonte fort loin si l’on pense, entre autres, aux récits du révérend André Thevet (1550) ou à ceux de Jean de Léry (1557), tous deux réédités au cours de ce siècle. Ces Français, chrétiens et imbus des idées de la Renaissance, se trouvaient confrontés à un Autre à la fois fascinant et repoussant. Fascinant par la liberté de ses rapports à la nature sous toutes ses formes, y compris celle de..

    Imagens e influĂŞncias do Brasil entre os antropĂłlogos franceses

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    A observação e a descrição feita pelos franceses do habitante das terras de origem do «pau-brasil», se pensarmos bem, remonta a tempos longínquos, às narrativas do reverendo André Thevet (1550) ou àquelas de Jean de Léry (1557), ambas reeditadas ao longo deste século. Esses franceses, cristãos e imbuídos das idéias do Renascimento, viam-se confrontados a um Outro, ao mesmo tempo fascinante e repulsivo. Fascinante, pela liberdade de suas relações com a natureza sob todas as suas formas, inclui..

    Images réciproques du Brésil et de la France

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    Defining the risk of SARS-CoV-2 variants on immune protection.

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    The global emergence of many severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) variants jeopardizes the protective antiviral immunity induced after infection or vaccination. To address the public health threat caused by the increasing SARS-CoV-2 genomic diversity, the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases within the National Institutes of Health established the SARS-CoV-2 Assessment of Viral Evolution (SAVE) programme. This effort was designed to provide a real-time risk assessment of SARS-CoV-2 variants that could potentially affect the transmission, virulence, and resistance to infection- and vaccine-induced immunity. The SAVE programme is a critical data-generating component of the US Government SARS-CoV-2 Interagency Group to assess implications of SARS-CoV-2 variants on diagnostics, vaccines and therapeutics, and for communicating public health risk. Here we describe the coordinated approach used to identify and curate data about emerging variants, their impact on immunity and effects on vaccine protection using animal models. We report the development of reagents, methodologies, models and notable findings facilitated by this collaborative approach and identify future challenges. This programme is a template for the response to rapidly evolving pathogens with pandemic potential by monitoring viral evolution in the human population to identify variants that could reduce the effectiveness of countermeasures