1,542 research outputs found

    The relationship between wellness, emotion regulation, and relapse in adult outpatient substance abuse clients

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    Relapse prevention is a critical factor in recovery from substance abuse problems (NIDA, 2009). Treatment has been shown to influence positive recovery trajectories, yet relapse is a considerable complication both during and after treatment (Doweiko, 2002; Miller, Zweben, & Johnson, 2005). Identifying specific factors that can reduce relapse and improve the well-being of persons in recovery is a significant need. Based on the existing literature, holistic wellness and the ability to emotionally self-regulate may be powerful factors in decreasing the prevalence and severity of addiction relapse. However, to date, no research has been conducted examining a holistic model of wellness as a predictor of relapse in addictions populations. The aspects of emotion regulation and emotion management strategies that affect relapse are not well understood. The purpose of this study was to address a significant gap in the substance abuse treatment literature by exploring the relationships among wellness, emotion regulation, and relapse. Correlation analyses yielded negative correlations between wellness factors and difficulties in emotion regulation, and wellness factors and relapse. Positive correlations were found between wellness and reappraisal, difficulties in emotion regulation and suppression, and difficulties in emotion regulation and relapse. Logistic regression analyses indicated that Total Wellness, suppression, Social Self wellness, and Physical Self wellness were predictive of whether or not participants relapsed. Total Wellness, reappraisal, suppression, and difficulties in emotion regulation were predictive of total relapse days. Social Self and Physical Self wellness were related to decreased relapse days and Creative Self wellness was associated with increases in relapse days. The hypothesis which stated that difficulties in emotion regulation and emotion regulation strategies would mediate the relationship between wellness and relapse and wellness and total relapse days was not supported. Finally, Total Wellness, difficulties in emotion regulation, and emotion regulation strategies explained variance in total relapse days above and beyond variance accounted for by socio-demographic variables. Future research should further explore the relationships between wellness, emotion regulation, and relapse by examining a variety of substance use behaviors as outcomes, utilizing additional measures of emotion regulation, and incorporating longitudinal research designs

    Patterns of urban stream stability: relaxation times and the conditions of (dis)equilibrium in low-order urban watersheds

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    There is a need to understand the drivers and process mechanisms by which urban stream channels change, to include the pathways through which they evolve. Finding appropriate criteria for accurate assessment of stream adjustment in urban environments has emerged as an important, but difficult endeavor. The overall goal of this study is to determine what morphological variables, if any, achieve a new equilibrium following the disturbance caused by urbanization as well as ascertain the relaxation period associated with this adjustment. For this thesis a total of 19 channel reaches in North and South Buffalo Creek were studied in terms of several morphological characteristics, as well as the accompanying characteristics of each sub-basin these channels were within. The sub-basins were analyzed in terms of impervious cover, peak construction period, and topographic considerations. These values, both at the channel and watershed scale, were analyzed statistically to determine any predominant trends observed as a means of ascertaining the timeline between peak construction periods and channel stabilization. The overriding finding of this study was that the morphological channel value of the width/depth ratio appears to display a relaxation period of approximately 60 years, equilibrating at a value around 4.8

    A survey of the physical education, intramural, interscholastic and recreation programs for delinquent youth confined in the juvenile correction training schools in the state of North Carolina

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    The central problem in this study was to identify the status of physical education programs, intramural programs, interscholastic programs and recreation programs for delinquent youth confined in eight juvenile correction schools in North Carolina. The literature reviewed in preparation of this study included material pertaining to definitions of juvenile delinquency, history of juvenile correction institutions, causes and characteristics of juvenile delinquency, organizational structure of training schools and physical activity programs. A questionnaire was constructed to obtain facts regarding the activity programs and was distributed to each physical education instructor employed by the Board of Juvenile Corrections. All questionnaires were returned. Check lists were constructed to expedite obtaining information concerning activities, equipment and facilities used in carrying out the physical education program. Various aspects of the program at each of the training schools were observed as well as an interview utilized to obtain pertinent information

    British images of the Chinese trader; 1865-1880

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    The purpose of this thesis is to examine the evolution of British images of the Chinese trader during the years 1865 to 1880 and to determine the factors which influenced these changing concepts. A careful examination of articles and editorials from the North China Herald, personal reminiscences, government publications and other primary and secondary sources prove that British opinion of the Chinese trader changed from the acceptance of certain "myths" of Sino-British commercial alliance in 1865, to a belief in 1880 that Chinese merchants imperiled Britain's Asian trade. British images of the Chinese merchant were influenced by the complexities of Sino-British diplomacy and by the rapid commercial innovations inspired by Europe's industrial revolution. Special attention had to be paid to the unique political and cultural setting of Shanghai, a port on the central coast of China. Shanghai's prolonged commercial predominance and wealth of published materials, including the North China Herald, made it the natural selection for a focal point in this study. The North China Herald was perhaps the finest British publication in Asia and was noted for its pro-mercantile attitude, even in the face of recurrent charges of racism. No European dealt more frequently with Chinese traders than did the treaty port merchants, so the pro-mercantile Herald represents an excellent source of information about British images of native traders

    Motivic treatment in four selected early works of Anton Webern

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    It is the purpose of this study to examine four of Webern's pre-opus 1 works, noting in particular the manner in which the motives are developed and varied by the composer. The four works chosen for study are Aufblick (1903) for voice and piano, Im Sommerwind (1904), String Quartet (1905) and Quintet (1906) for piano and string quartet. The motive as an element of thematic construction and as a unifying factor is of particular importance in Webern's later style. The use of the motive in the composer's early music reveals a correlation between the styles and techniques found in the early and later works, as well as the preference for particular variation devices. Also, it was hypothesized that Webern uses the same motive, though it may be altered somewhat, in each of the four works. The motive is defined using Alden's definition: "A motive is a unitary idea of primary melodic interest, less than a phrase in extent, that recurs with modifications either of a static or an organic nature so as to become the predominating basis of a part or the whole of a composition." The specific variation devices employed by Webern in the four works were tabulated, the tables listing the frequency and location of each device


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    The researcher’s purpose in the study was to examine the predictors of the opinions, attitudes or beliefs of K-12 high and low BMI state principals from varying demographic factors by serving in the role as instructional catalyst by leading classroom teachers in addressing childhood obesity and student wellness and for increasing students’ athletic participation. The differences in obesity rates between K-12 students in the eight highest obesity states and the eight lowest obesity states causes one to pause and to rethink the roles of educators in addressing childhood obesity and student wellness. A descriptive research study was conducted utilizing survey responses from K-12 principals. The major research question addressed: What are the predictors of the opinions, attitudes or beliefs of K-12 high and low BMI state principals from varying demographic factors by serving in the role as instructional catalyst by leading classroom teachers in addressing childhood obesity and student wellness for increasing students’ athletic participation? Nearly 600 principals responded, addressing the roles and directions of principals and avoiding the problem of the “imperfect panacea.

    Promoting Active Learning in Computer Science Using Microlabs

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    Computer science education continues to grow in importance as the technology industry becomes increasingly prevalent on a global scale. In order to remain competitive, computer science education must continue to increase both the quality and quantity of graduates. In efforts to achieve such ends, the Wags system has been designed and developed to be used in conjunction with the Microlab Learning Cycle, an educational process founded in constructivist learning theory. Through continual testing and refinement, the Microlab Learning Cycle and accompanying system have been able to produce measurable improvements in student understanding and retention of important computer science concepts, while providing an active-learning classroom environment that students enjoy and find valuable

    Dinodang: The Melon Rex Myth

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    To reconcile religious doctrine with dental morphology, some young-Earth creationists claim that tyrannosaurs ate melons. The history of this concept is as entertaining as it is absurd

    Factors Influencing Consumer Purchases Of Auxiliary Items In Entertainment Venues

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    This study examines factors that contribute to an individual’s decision to make purchases inside collegiate football stadiums. Specifically, this study focuses on the relationship between industry standard elevated prices for auxiliary items, such as concessions and merchandise, and the consumers’ willingness to pay elevated rates for these items. Results are mixed, but suggest that game and environmental factors, as well as gender, contributed to higher willingness to pay. Results also indicated that consumption of alcoholic beverages before a game is very likely, and that regardless of alcohol consumption before the game, respondents were still likely to purchase alcohol once inside the stadium

    An Experimental Investigation To Determine The Effectiveness Of Remedial Measures In Correcting Typewriting Errors

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    It was the purpose of this study (1) to determine the types of individual typewriting errors; (2) to make studies of individuals to determine causes of errors; (3) to eliminate these errors by corrective measures; and (4) to evaluate the effectiveness of the corrective measures in relation to the errors at the beginning of the study to the errors at the end of the study
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