11 research outputs found

    Mechanism of complement-dependent haemolysis via the lectin pathway: role of the complement regulatory proteins

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    Mannan-binding lectin (MBL) is an acute phase protein which activates the classical complement pathway at the level of C4 and C2 via two novel serine proteases homologous to C1r and C1s. We recently reported that haemolysis via this lectin pathway requires alternative pathway amplification. The present experiments sought to establish the basis for this requirement, and hence focused on the activity and regulation of the C3 convertases. Complement activation was normalized between the lectin and classical pathways such that identical amounts of bound C4 and of haemolytically active C4,2 sites were present on the indicator cells. Under these conditions, there was markedly less haemolysis, associated with markedly less C3 and C5 deposited, via the lectin pathway than via the classical pathway, particularly when alternative pathway recruitment was blocked by depletion of factor D. Lectin pathway activation was associated with enhanced binding in the presence of MBL of complement control proteins C4bp and factor H to C4b and C3b, respectively, with decreased stability of the C3-converting enzyme C4b,2a attributable to C4bp. Immunodepletion of C4bp and/or factor H increased lectin pathway haemolysis and allowed lysis to occur in absence of the alternative pathway. Thus, the lectin pathway of humans is particularly susceptible to the regulatory effects of C4bp and factor H, due at least in part to MBL enhancement of C4bp binding to C4b and factor H binding to C3b

    Testing the Activity of Complement Convertases in Serum/Plasma for Diagnosis of C4NeF-Mediated C3 Glomerulonephritis

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    Autoantibodies termed C3-nephritic factor (C3NeF), which stabilize convertases of the alternative complement pathway, often stimulate autoinflammatory diseases. However, knowledge about analogous autoantibodies acting on the classical pathway (C4NeF) is limited to a few reports, which indicate association with kidney dysfunction, systemic lupus erythematous, and infections. C4NeF may appear independently from C3NeF, but the lack of a routine diagnostic method predisposes C4NeF for being an underestimated player in autoinflammatory episodes. We tested the activity of classical convertases directly in serum/plasma to screen samples from 13 patients with C3 glomerulopathies and identified one patient showing significantly prolonged half-life of these enzymes. Observed effect was reproduced by immunoglobulins purified from patient’s plasma and additionally confirmed on classical convertase built from purified components. Isolated immunoglobulins protected classical convertases from both spontaneous and inhibitor-driven decay but not from C4b proteolysis. The patient had a decreased serum level of C3, elevated sC5b-9, and normal concentrations of factor B and C4. Neither C3NeF nor other autoantibodies directed against alternative pathway proteins (factor H, factor B, factor I, C3, and properdin) were found. Genetic analysis showed no mutations in C3, CFB, CFH, CFI, MCP, THBD, and DGKE genes. Renal biopsy revealed a membranoproliferative pattern with intense C3 deposits. Our results underline the importance of C4NeF as an independent pathogenic factor and a need for the implementation of routine examination of classical convertase activity. Proposed method may enable robust inspection of such atypical cases