3 research outputs found

    The introduction of Methodism into North Carolina, 1772-1785

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    In 1772 the religious situation in the colony of North Carolina was one of neglect and tension. The Church of England had been established by law since 1715, but it provided few priests to minister to the people and failed to offer the type of services that the colonists found meaningful. There were dissenting sects in North Carolina also, and the supporters of these groups objected to paying taxes for the maintenance of a church which they did not approve of. These were the circumstances encountered by Joseph Pilmoor, the first Methodist itinerant to tour the colony. The Methodist movement that Pilmoor represented was unique. It had many of the advantages of the dissenting Protestant groups, and similarly stressed conversion, moral improvement, a called ministry, and meetings providing fellowship and emotional release. Yet, it was a reform movement within the Anglican Church, and it emphasized loyalty to that institution. As a result, some Anglican priests cooperated with the Methodist itinerants in America in the establishment of societies and circuits

    Structure Analysis

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