887 research outputs found

    The Public Policy Argument Against Trademark Licensee Estoppel and Naked Licensing

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    Federal courts have sometimes applied the doctrine of licensee estoppel to prohibit a trademark licensee from challenging its licensor’s rights to the licensed mark, particularly where the licensor has failed to establish and monitor quality control and the licensee contends that abandonment has occurred. This Article examines the history of licensee estoppel and those cases on which courts have and have not enforced licensee estoppel; often on the grounds that enforcing licensee estoppel would not serve the public policy of protecting consumers from deceitful practices. This Article also compares trademark licensee estoppel to patent licensee estoppel and recognize that courts have been far less willing to apply licensee estoppel in patent licensing cases although similar principles are involved. This Article concludes that the doctrine of trademark licensee estoppel should generally be abolished

    Astrachan and Easton: Fight Wikileaks Case in Court, Not in Cyberspace

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    Influence of Family Relationships on Succession Planning and Training: The Importance of Mediating Factors

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    This study models the influence of family relationships on succession variables, using a sample of 130 participants from 109 family businesses. Results suggest that the effects of family adaptability and family cohesion on succession planning and successor training are determined by the family\u27S commitment to the business and the quality of the owner-manager and successor relationship. The study finds that the influence of family relationships on administrative behavior in family businesses is not always direct, as was previously assumed, but is mediated by various factors

    The Effect of Estate Taxes on Family Business: Survey Results

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    A survey of 1,003 businesses examined the effect of estate taxes on family business behavior, including investment, employment, and strategic decisions. The results strongly suggest that estate taxes have marked effects on business behavior. These effects are more pronounced in larger firms where their potential impact is of a greater magnitude

    Venture Capitalists and Closely Held IPOs: Lessons for Family-Controlled Firms

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    This study examines how the presence of venture capitalists (VCs) in closely held IPOs relates to their performance. It also identifies other factors that are related to the performance of closely held IPOs. Closely held firms in this study had an average of 88% insider ownership before the IPO. In general, we find that closely held IPOs benefit from associations with VCs. This finding suggests that VCs\u27 outside expertise and connections are valuable assets. Because it takes time for VCs to effect changes and because beneficial changes generally occur gradually, firms contemplating IPOs must plan well in advance to maximize firm value. Family-controlled firms contemplating growth or liquidity options through the IPO, VCs, or other outside capital should consider the findings of this study because it identifies factors that are associated with more successful IPO outcomes

    The Duke Internet Programming Contest

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    On the evening of October 23, 1990, electronic mail messages started to pour into the computers at the Duke University Computer Science Department. Teams of programmers from all over the world were registering to compete in the first global (as far as the authors are aware) programming contest to be held on the Internet. During the three hour competition, modeled after the annual ACM scholastic programming contest, 60 teams from 37 institutions in 5 countries attempted to solve a set of six programming problems using C or Pascal. Their solutions were sent by electronic mail to Duke, where their programs were judged and the results returned by electronic mail. At the conclusion of the contest, 330 program submissions had been judged and 65 clarification requests were answered

    Біографія Сократа в контексті розвитку античної драми

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    Biography of Socrates is regarded as a kind of artistic text, deliberately turned philosopher to all citizens of the Athenian Polis, built in ethical and aesthetic coordinates that are relevant in the development plan of the ancient drama, its two leading genres of tragedy and Comedy. The fate of Socrates interpreted as requiring reflection in the plane of intersection of the tragic and the comic, the interrelated experiences of tragic and comic catharsis. Fear and compassion of catharsis tragic, laughter and pleasure of catharsis comedy cover the fullness of the emotional spectrum, characterizing the relationship between the individual and the human community in their movement from the past through present to future. Comic unity of people takes place in space history, the background of the established, time-tested values. Tragic overcoming fragmentation one and many – to-background values are desirable or antivalues unwanted catastrophic future, the road to which pave risky individualistic actions of the tragic hero, artistically meaningful in the tragedy, under control of the human community. The discrepancy between the tragic fate of Socrates and his image in the Comedy of Aristophanes “Clouds” shows the essence of the relationship of individual and shares in the process of artistic creation and reception. Socratic dialogue, as well as ancient tragedy and Comedy are characterized from the point of view of their role in the formation of individual literary and artistic creativity. Ahead of the author of the literary works of his contemporaries associated with the process of artistic creativity, facing in the future. This is ahead of the curve generates the contradiction between the past and the future in the space of literary works, which may be resolved by the reception and interpretation.Биография Сократа рассматривается как своеобразный художественный текст, сознательно обращенный философом ко всем гражданам афинского полиса, построенный в этических и эстетических координатах, актуальных в плане развития античной драмы, двух ее ведущих жанров – трагедии и комедии. Судьба Сократа трактуется как требующая осмысления в плоскости пересечения трагического и комического, взаимосвязанного переживания трагедийного и комедийного катарсиса. Несоответствие между трагической судьбой Сократа и его изображением в комедии Аристофана „Облака” обнаруживает сущность взаимосвязи индивидуального и общего в процессе художественного творчества и рецепции. Сократический диалог, а также античные трагедия и комедия характеризуются с точки зрения их роли в становлении индивидуального литературно-художественного творчества. Біографія Сократа розглядається як своєрідний художній текст/твір, свідомо звернений філософом до всіх громадян афінського полісу, побудований в етичних і естетичних координатах, актуальних у плані розвитку античної драми, її двох провідних жанрів – комедії та трагедії. Доля Сократа тлумачиться як така, що потребує осмислення в площині перетину трагічного й комічного, вимагає взаємодоповненого переживання трагедійного та комедійного катарсису. Невідповідність між трагічною долею Сократа і його зображенням у комедії Арістофана „Хмари” проявляє сутність взаємозв’язку індивідуального і загального в процесі художньої творчості та рецепції